Runescape pizza!

Ask me anything about my creation

why did u make 3 of them

My parents would pronounce it as "run escape".

They're fat.

you mean american

Nope, I used thin tortillas as the base!

I love homemade pizza! I need three to feel full for the next few hours :-)

why is it a runescape pizza?

I love osrs and pizza!

were we wrong all these years?

Did your runescape pizza fake cancer?

No, did your mother?

I used to do that too, because I thought it was clever back then.

nice op

Thanks buddy

About to post this pic on /r/2007scape

>not buying from the Warrior's Guild

>no burnt shrimp
fucking gross


Do you also do armor trinming?

>being THAT low level

following the masses i see... she never faked cancer, the video 'evidence' videos on youtube actually prove that she did not fake cancer. rs players are dumb af.

I wont but those chunks are gody huge...make something interesting from RS if you are gonna pull a move like this

Why is American pizza floppy?