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Food and Cooking
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Food and Cooking #95
Food and Cooking
What's the patrician way Veeky Forums, Burger first, or fries first?
How do I stop eating shit?
How do I get into alcohol?
Finally, I can drink wine without my buddies making fun of me
Let’s be honest in this thread. What is the cringiest thing you do while eating or drinking?
I'm craving bottarga really fucking badly but do not have any available to me locally...
What's the best kind of homemade cookies? For me, it's a dark chocky chip with toffee and walnuts. So good
Make a burger too tall so you have to eat it with a knife and fork
Post your gamer fuel
What is it about food that causes snobbery and invented elitism?
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that eat innocent slaves that suffered their entire lives
Al/ck/- Alcoholism General
Holy fuck brought this necked it
Do Chinese people really eat this?
Grocery Shoplifting Thread
20 dollaroos for a sandwich
I'm a simple man, I enjoyed pasta carbonara, but I couldn't stomach the gluten in the pasta
Ashamed of being Spanish
Creates a food abortion mash-up out of twenty different kinds of oversugared candies
Is this the Evangelion of food?
Restaurant calls it an "appetizer"
What's your usual breakfast?
Are scrambled eggs the best food?
Itt: things your parents do when cooking that irritates you
What can a college student like me cook with a rice cooker if i want to save money and at the same time go on a diet?
Why do salads at all fast food places in the US come with gigantic dressing packets?
Which is the best frozen pizza?
Favorite soda pop? This is mine. I feel one's favorite soda says a lot about their heart and soul
Immense sugar cravings
I'm spending way too much money of food
I want to become Vegan but dont care enough about animals or health benefits of being a Vegan to do it on my own...
How do I get food?
Would you eat your cow bro?
Is this America's most pretentious restaurant?
I'm trying to quit drinking; will switching from beer to Bang's root beer help?
Rate dinner
What's your favorite flavor of ramen and why is it Roast Chicken?
Drinking ANYTHING but water
Eternal /tea/ thread
Rate my dinner
Dont do cocaine
Warning signs you are at a shit tier restaurant
Is being a barista a respected career in the food business?
I just came into a very very large supply of Xanthan gum, what should I do with it?
What do you top your waffles or pancakes with?
What is your largest personal fast food order?
Hey Veeky Forums how'd I do tonight?
Have you ever fought with a manager or anyone else with a food related matter? This happened today
McDonald's Rolls Out Successor to Dollar Menu
ITT: Post restaurants that show you you're in bad part of town
Why did this cost me $5?
Day 2 of Keto. How am I doing? Please share other recipes...
The secret is to mix a little wasabi with your soy sauce before you dip your sushi into it
Would you download dinner if you could?
Wierd stuff
How can orientals eat this?
Here you are...
Boba tea
ITT post stuff you like unironically that anons will then shit on you for liking
Cashier at a place knows my name
ITT Non-Memeware
What kind of beer actually tastes good?
What are your favorite steamed hams?
The most punchable face in history
What does Veeky Forums think of frozen microwave dinners?
Ice Cream
How do you stop american food "culture" wiping out your indigenous cuisine?
I just ate a mango for the first time today, I can't fucking believe what I've been missing out on
Steak and Chips
Hello welcome to Dunkin Donuts, what’ll it be sir?
Burger vs. Sandwich
Pasta Carbonara
ITT: Triggers to let you know you need to go shopping
Are coffee capsules a meme?
What does Veeky Forums think about this?
Times you hurt yourself while cooking
Which food combinations do you like that no one else seems to enjoy?
Ruin a food or drink in one letter
Why is whale meat taboo and controversial? What does it taste like?
What should I do with all these chanterelles I found, user? probably like 4-5 lbs
If I only eat fruits and vegetables for a year will I lose weight?
Asian here, thank you US for your this potato salad invention...
Sleepover at my friends house in fourth grade
What can I add to jazz up my egg nog and give it a bit of pizazz?
Hey Veeky Forums, i've never had sushi, but i'm going to a sushi place in a few days with some friends...
Why is apple soda basically unheard of? You'd think with apple juice being so common so would apple soda...
People who eat pizza with a fork and a knife: terrible people, or MOST terrible people?
Guilty pleasure food
Euroblob here, quick question
Are there certain foods that if you're not brought up with them or don't eat them before a certain age...
Let's talk about cheese
Fuck yeah
Be me
He eats at restaurants
I never want to hear non-Americans speak ill of American quisine again
Meat Alternatives that actually taste good
Some one left this on my doorstep .What should I do with it?
For me it's general tsos
Microwave burritos
Work in a restaurant as a Garde Manger cook
Dinner, Veeky Forums. You?
Help me, Veeky Forums
Why not eat at Red Robin tonight?
Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches are the worst food product money can buy
Anti vegan bread
Which one is the best
Is this the board for 25+ people who turned normies?
*a pinch of cayenne*
Is anyone doing better fast food on a national scale lately than Arby's...
What should I make for my grandfatgers birthday? Would homemade pate be a stupid gift...
Listen faggots, Im a culinary school graduate, I can bake bread thats so tasty it would blow your fucking cocks off
Do onions belong on pizza or burgers? Or is it retarded?
I've seen a few cooking videos where the chef uses little serving dishes like these and puts them directly in the oven...
My mom's "french" bf made this
Is this tasty? I'm not American
How can I make my chicken at home taste like theirs?? how do they do it
Going to Wendys for lunch, rolls decide what I should order, under $10
Enter a bar
Cognac is the nicest spirit, so why isn't it more common?
So I just discovered a nearby grocery carries duck legs, wings, heads, and gizzards...
Am I the only one who genuinely dislikes cake icing? I think it tastes gross
What spices are a staple in Indian cuisine?
Why do people eat Oreos and not Hydrox
A&w root beer is the best root beer of all time
I made black pepper infused vodka because I like black pepper but I have no idea what to do with it besides make Bloody...
Rate mayonnaise as a condiment
Chinese takeout
So I'm getting married soon and I was thinking of having the cake be red velvet but I don't know...
So someone left a bunch of steaks at me house and they won’t be coming back to get them...
How to cook steak in pan
Post your favorite food ITT, the number one food or meal that brings you the most pleasure to eat
ITT: Crack
How come when I fry eggs it smells up the kitchen like somebody took a rancid shit and didn't flush...
This once obscure food was a taste sensation made popular by rad dudes and dudettes, you can eat it at movie theaters...
Ate a jar of pickles and some ramen
Don't be like dave. fuck dave
Listen faggots, Im a culinary school graduate, I can bake bread thats so tasty it would blow your fucking cocks off
Tfw i couldn't complete 24 nugs
My sister turned me on to using lard instead of butter about a year ago. I use pic related...
ITT: Foods you refuse to eat
Making Alcohol out of Blood
Let the flavors fuck
Chicken Tenders
Why do anglosphere countries eat such huge breakfasts compared to other western countries?
What’s the best cola?
Just had my first sip of whiskey, the subtly on fire feeling is rather pleasant. Just a bit on the rocks right now...
How do I develop a taste for vegetables on burgers? Or just vegetables in general...
How does Veeky Forums feel about London Broil?
Name a better pickle
Just gonna grab a fry real quick bro
Mayonnaise is shit
Drinking boxed wine
If you could have a bag that contained an infinite, never expiring personal supply of one raw ingredient...
I sometimes wonder what it's like to not be a texture autist
Rice cooker recipes
Ask Veeky Forums for hot sauce recommendation
Fake cheese or fake meat?
Tfw too dumb to grocery shop
People with Faux-CD are annoying
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread (QTDDTOT)
What's the orange liquid cheese of your country
A perfect meal that he can't have
I'm a teacher with a decent salary for my age (serious job security and benefits...
What's your favorite cereal, Veeky Forums?
Keto Recipes/Ingredients?
Make way for the kind of candy
Am I the only one who could eat this shit for every single meal
I have about 40lb of guava that I've picked from my guava tree out in my backyard. Besides eating them...
You're at a restaurant. Your server sets this bowl of soup down in front of you, stating that it is free with the meal
Why are you still eating those knock offs? Hydrox tastes much better and cheaper
Veeky Forums humour
What's Veeky Forums's opinion of this? Its very soft, will it work for sammies?
Why haven't you tried Wendy's new "S'AWESOME SAUCE," damn you!?
Skinny guy wants to get fat
Bone Broth
Guac is extra
Thoughs on little caesar pizza?
Why do people eat Oreos and not Hydrox
I whisked eggs last night to scramble them to make a Steak n Egg Quesadilla for my bf for lunch today...
Does Philips airfryer worth the money?
Midwest food
What nearly tasteless vegetables can i eat with decent health benefits
No hiss
Why did Burger King choose to not bring back it's black whopper for Halloween this year?
How does one into plating? Any good resources to check out?
How does your boyfriend (or husband if you're old) feel about your skill in the kitchen?
Go to Veeky Forums
I didn't want to shell out for delivery, so I went to a Little Caesars last night and holy shit what a weird experience...
Fuck kebab. Why does so many people prefer kebab over gyros, judging by the number of kebab stands over the gyros ones...
Summoning all vegans:
Why is it that only Americans hate on fine dining...
I bought way too much liver pate...
Thoughts on these guys?
Broke lads food
Start drinking coffee at work
Literally the most important thing in your fridge
What the fuck is a knob of butter?
Thoughts on this home made McDonalds beef burger no pickle?
FuHghr mEe iDgis dr MhgChigkgeN, vRrhe besdh gfAsd foOdh SAhGHwiJ
I’m moving away next year for college, and I’m really excited...
I've been really getting into sub sandwiches recently. I get a big loaf of bread...
Why does a Chicago hot dog have relish and a pickle wedge?
Fuck it, i'm winging it
What did you bring to the potluck, user?
Is it safe/sanitary to eat random chilis from a public table?
What are some foods/drinks that instantly make you like a person less when you see them consuming them?
Why does "kid food" consist of chicken tenders, fries, chicken nuggets and tater tots...
How the fuck do I cook this?
Anyone else not a big fan of runny egg? Whenever I see it added to food i'm immediately turned off
Fast food workers deserve $15 an ho-
Just made a fresh batch of Kimchi, waiting about 5 days for it to ferment...
Is it actually good food?
Hot chocolate
Eating rice with chopstix
What do you all get at Olive Garden? Everything is good it's tough to choose
Be me
Chiken Brest
Thoughts on getting my cast iron skillet polished?
What's this guys?
The Fat Scot's Disgusting Fried Cookalong
Picky Eater
Tea time
Eat taco bell
What is the best beer and why is it King Cobra?
Neighbours complaining about my cooking
Why do people eat Oreos and not Hydrox
I only know one other person who likes prickly pears
X with Rice?
The Pizza Section of the Grocery Store
Do Americans really eat this...
Control f
God tier Raman
Al/ck/ - Alcoholism General
Find a SINGLE flaw
Red Wine General
What are some good dishes to cook when you're both young and not too talented in the kitchen
Describe your perfect pizza in as little or much detail as you like
Arby's venison sandwich. I've lost control of my life
What's the best type of bagel?
Beginner whiskeys
I eat at McDonalds only for their szechuan sauce
Llo ck, Truck Driver here
How did you slice cheese before the invention of the cheese slicer?
Is red meat healthy?
Do you hate yōkan, Veeky Forums? I don't, so I decided to find out if you don't agree with me
I want to make baked potatoes for the first time, how do I not fuck it up?
Ketchup on pizza
Rate my breakfast
Found this on /int/. How does it make you feel?
What are some foods that represent being completely unqualified and too stupid for your job?
Who was in the wrong?
Order food at the counter
Whats the best food for recovering after a binge?
My family is growing suspicious of my very low body weight and periodic binge eating. This is a problem...
Why do some restaurants give celery and carrots with buffalo wings?
Why the FUCK does a hamburger cost $7 here
Foods that scared you as a kid
Rank national cuisines
Pineapple on Pizza
Eating dinner at eating desk
Carnists BTFO
Would you eat at a Wu-Tang Clan-themed restaurant?
Do any of these "breastaurants" actually have good food?
German beer is absolutely overrated. This was awful, along with Franziskaner
Homemade tendies
When he makes that pasta dish you love from scratch
Recommend me a hot sauce please
Tfw cook rarely but constantly looking at expensive, high-end kitchen tools
How do you rate my lunch?
Disturbing food dishes/items/arrangements
Last meal edition
Why are you such a disgusting fatbody?
I just put cheese into a bechamel and this is the result...
Post infuriating cooking tutorials
Going to prison
Only been here for 2 days and I concluded Veeky Forums is comprised of 3 groups of people:
Foods you were looking for to taste and dissapointed you
/ S I P / G E N E R A L: Comfy weekend edition
I've never had fish before, let alone cooked it. What's the best dish to start with?
How dare you Veeky Forums. How dare you ask for water with lemon
Webm thread
Despite Hydrox being the superior cookie, its rip-off brand Oreo managed to beat it on the market...
Chef john mentioned binging with babish in his new video
Keto thread? Keto thread
Why is salt so amazing?
What's your favorite fast food chain?
I'll have a slice of pizza
Why do people eat Oreos and not Hydrox
Patrician: SEAR-up
Comfort Food
Food Porn Thread
German friend again here... are donuts typically at all American morning meetings...
Hi Veeky Forums
I went to see 'The Founder' at my local Netflix and was blown out of my seat by the incredible story of a man and his...
What's your favorite crunch?
What are some things i can do with cabbage?
Steak time motherfuckers
Green sleeves plays
Explain why sushi cost so much
What's your go-to breakfast?
Greek food
Most Popular Chain by State
This is absolutely exquisite Midwest cuisine
Top Fruit
Let the flavors divorce
ITT: we compile a complete list of pleb-filter foods...
Coffee thread
Order a pizza
Who here loves lasagna?
If you dont cook for yourself you are a cuck
Muh Tacos
You get free food for a month from any restaurant but you have to fuck a Loli and everyone will know you did it...
Is this the most overrated place to eat ck?
Just found a can of this. Anyone ever had it? Is it good?
Should I try this memefryer or should I just stick to the good 'ole oil deep fryer?
What's supposed to be so great about these? They don't taste like much except a light vinegar...
Favorite Cookie?
Anyone here ever tried top notch caviar? what is it like? is it true what they say...
Feeder General
I want to get my friend a nice expensive mustard for his upcoming birthday, what do you recommend?
Best fall snacks
Thoughts on celery?
ITT: share cocktail recipes you invented
KO sardines
Just out bacon on the cast iron. AMA
Favourite whisky?
Ivy rule 34
Do you eat breakfast or are you a fucking faggot?
Ham is disgusting
Why does this exist?
Have you cooked your own cocaine yet?
User's cookalong thread shout out to patti-user I love you
Guys what the fuck kind of pumpkin is this and why does it have armored scales...
Post limited edition/discontinued foods or drinks you miss
Cheapest meal, right here
I had a jaw operation six weeks ago and haven't been able to chew food up until now. What should I eat?
How do I achieve perfect mouthfeel in my sandwich build?
Huh, never knew he was a drug addict just a few years before he got on TV. Who would have thunk it?
Veeky Forums what did I do wrong?
It's fucking bullshit Oreo is LITERALLY a knockoff brand of Hydrox cookies...
Quality food is cheaper than ever. Why do people persist in eating fastfood and overpriced restaurants?
What is for favorite dessert Veeky Forums? for me its flan
Going shopping in a bit. What should i make for dinner tonight?
LOL anyone else know this feel?
What are some regular "white people" foods?
Beer General
5 am snack, sleepyposting
Eggs & Bacon is a fucking retarded breakfast. You're eating a meal consisting entirely of protein...
This knife costs $510 because it's from Shigefusa, which has been memed into "perfect knife" by weebs
Two topping pizza thread
Be me
Al/ck/ General
When will he die?
What's the angriest you've ever been at a customer?
Who was in the wrong here?
Just moved to a small town and the only fast food beyond pizzahut/tacobell is arbys. Havent been in years
Decided to a try a Big Mac for the first time. This thing is disgusting. Tastes rubbery...
Anyone else wish they'd fill these with actually peanut butter instead of the sugary bullshit thats inside em?
Rate my cast iron pizza bich fuck u madar yar
Is it retarded to pour franks red hot sauce in the buttermilk your marinating your chicken in?
What are some good ways to make a protein shake taste good without making it too unhealthy?
Fast Food Workers
Allergic to peanuts
ITT: Beverages that ain't the best, but are perfectly fine for a comfy night in
Remember her, Veeky Forums?
ITT: cult classic food and drinks
The Pork Chop Question
/RBG/ red bull general
Gonna make some bolognese and i want this shit to be good. What are your opinions on the ingredients? Red or white...
/cpg/- Crock Pot General
Which one would YOU trust, Veeky Forums?
Welcome to Chick-Fil-A, user! What can we get you today?
Only register open is staffed by cute girl
Whiskey recommendations
Shot the moose on the motherfuckin hed. Four days since it was shot. 3 days it was left hangin to tenderize...
Natural contraception/abortion methods
Why do people eat Oreos and not Hydrox
Dickey's BBQ Pit
What are some other uses for whatever this pizzabox thing is?...
Chinese food
Anybody have a good recipe for pancakes as fluffy as these?
Is it wrong to pass off fast food as your own in a restaurant?
Have you ever got hyped for certain food and thought it will taste great but in the end it turned out to be complete...
Fun cake design thread
Pork > beef
That guy who reheats the pasta with tomato sauce in the microwave
Grocery store pet peeves
If you're not in the USA KFC is a delicious, nutritious meal
Is Five Guys a meme? Quite honestly I find them pretty alright, but they are definitely on the pricy side...
How revolting
Three in the morning and I'm craving some Frito pie
What's the best liquor to put in a flask if you're going to be walking around all day?
WEBM Thread
So what can I make with this?
Call for the sommelier
*gives you brain freeze*
I need help /b/
Baked Potato Perfection
I currently and have been having at least one serve of meat in my meal everyday...
Imminent divorce thread
How the fuck do I make the icing for these fuckers? I'm not interested in the dry ass flavorless 'cookies'...
Has Veeky Forums ever eaten dog meat (boshintang in Korea for example)?
When does a dish stop being authentic?
/K A L E B O Y S/
What are some easy, and cheap, to make meals that use only 3 ingredients or less?
Recent Purchases
Okay Veeky Forums what the fuck are these?
Almond Milk
How do you keep a good diet? I just keep giving in
Food Rate Thread
ITT: I drink beer while making cheeseburgers for dinner
You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't own an Wa Gyuto (chef knife with traditional Japanese handle)
Chili on cheetos is great too
Spicelet reporting in. tell me what i need to get to change my ways
What does Veeky Forums think of this guy?
ITT: Shit that annoys you
Grocery Outlet
Can cook well
I'm gonna nuke this cookie dough
What are some dishes that will *WITHOUT A DOUBT* get you laid?
How can Australians ever come back from this?
Do waitresses and hostesses really fall for chefs bigly?
It's 11:15 pm and all stores are closed
What's your tipping practice Veeky Forums?
I fucking love pop but what do I do if its making me fat
Describe the perfect sandwich
Hello Fresh
Favorite type of sausage?
The next big thing
Booze or tea?
In US on business (from Germany). they said I MUST try some of your bottled water before I leave...
My birthday is coming up and my mom wants to stock my kitchen. She just bought me a microwave, last one broke...
Confused By Certain Vegan Arguments
Hey guys I'm a Waffle House cook and my store is totally dead
Why, why the fuck do people like Oreos which is literally a knockoff of Hydrox better?
Do people unironically eat this garbage without hating themselves?
All music produced by Steve1989
When was the last time that you ate a whole pizza in one sitting?
Almond "milk"
Cook dish for the first time
/CTG/ Chicken Tendies General
Putting oil in the pasta water
Post snacks or foods that make you angry due to their format or how they're meant to be eaten
Do you cook for your pets?
Why am I unable to make mayonnaise?
I need to eat more salad, what are some good salad dressings?
Why is discussion about food always the comfiest discussion?
Does anyone have the rick and morties sejwan recipe?
MOD Pizza
Favourite food youtubers?
Has anyone had a more pronounced influence on American cooking as Jack Scalfani...
What's the best way to prepare shrimp that doesn't involve it being served cold
What is your favorite chili recipe?
What do you put in your 'cha?
Non American here, how good is your fast food exactly?
Are you gonna get one Veeky Forums?
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Today im going to show you how to make my famous breakfast burritos
See a nigger
Al/ck/holism General
What's the best way to consume whiskey?
Southern food isn't goo-
He doesnt clean as he cooks
I am not asking for diet foods, or diet ideas, but I am wondering what I can try to replace these things with
Tell me about Japanese food
ITT: Shitty food that you like
British here, thanks US for making this. I eat this practically every day since I discovered this marvelous sandwich
Coworkers are making fun of my lunch again
Sausage McMuffin
What does Veeky Forums think of fast food?
*Falls into your boiling oil*
Food Service Employee AMA's
/tbg/ - taco bell general
Day old pasta
Claims he can cook
What do you guys think of kerosene? Apparently a little bit of this stuff is good for you...
I found this at the america aisle and don't get the hype, can a burger or two explain
Can anyone explain what this meme is about?
I live up in the northeast and one of these just opened up 10 minutes from my house...
How do you pronounce this beer name?
Hello American friends
Steel Cut Oats
ITT: We rate others subway order and make judgments about their personality
How do you feel about ultra-high end custom chef knives?
Would you eat this?
Ok Veeky Forums name better vodka
Any of you faggots tried these yet?
What's the verdi/ck/t?
What's your favorite thing to get 'extra' of? I like to get extra mayo and onions
What did they mean by this?
Halloween Candy
Rate my 14 year old cookware
This is probably not Veeky Forums material but it is food related so bear with me. for the past two weeks...
Foods you've never tried, but want to
/ S I P / G E N E R A L
I'm about to cook a curry, am I missing any ingredients?
Arab "desserts",more like 1 cup of oil and 12 spoons of sugar per 1 person
Why isn't caffeine addiction looked down upon?
What's Veeky Forums's favourite method of brewing coffee?
Have you made any dishes from this show? What are your thoughts on the culinary creativity featured in it...
Hi co/ck/s
Has a bad food experience ever ruined a particular food for you...
Anyone else have this meal? A tube steak on white bread
White people are fucking dumbasses and can't cook
For me, it's the classic american grilled cheese
How does my meat pie look so far???
Just finished my eighth McDonald's cheeseburger this week
Anyone got some recipes for this?
Why do step dads always love grilling steak or hamburgers. there never done properly either
Is it true hot water freezes faster
How does my cheesy pasta look u co/cks/
How do you deal with ordering anxiety?
Drunk food
Al/ck/ - Alcoholism General
I'm sorry, but it's just not that good
Why is mid-century American cuisine so shameful? When did American food actually get good?
Does anyone else have a fear of processed wood?
God dammit, why can't I give this shit up? I keep trying to buy local brand hot sauces instead...
I paid $3000 for Szechuan sauce off eBay and even though McDonalds are bringing it back in greater quantities...
Does Veeky Forums like muffins?
ITT: images that look oddly appetizing
If you've ever eaten at this place, please tell the circumstances of your visit
Ginger hate thread
Meals you must consume at least once while you're still on the planet
What's your dinner for tonight?
Orders pizza for the fifth time this week
Do you say care-uh-mel or car-mel?
Is there a more high quality grocery store chain than Trader Joe's...
Stop eating gluten free
FInal Solution to the Public school's lunch question?
"gross, i don't like pickles"
What's the best light snacking salt?
Is farm to table a meme? What are the advantages?
Do you think prime rib burgers are stupid? Why destroy an expensive steak when chuck works just fine?
Every. Sunday. Every fucking Sunday, my dad makes English muffins and corn beef hash...
What is the worst experience you've had at a McDonald's?
If you ordered spicy pork ramen, and you got this, what would be your reaction?
I want to work at McDonald's to earn money while studying. Probably as a cashier...
In a few hours I have to drink 4 5 Oz bottles of Tabasco sauce in 15 minutes (for a bet)...
What does a Senzu bean taste like?
Is there a better root beer than Barq's? I think not
An efficient alternative to coffee
Food greentexts new and old
For me, it's the Jumanji can
Webm Thread
What's the worst meal you've ever been served at someone's house?
What is your favorite sushi, Veeky Forums? Mine is spicy tuna roll
Got groceries today and my son wantet to get some mussels
How many oysters is too many oysters?
Who else here wants to eat an Eldridge horror?
What is your preferred type of breakfast, Veeky Forums?
New cooker here, I have some knife questions
You have 10 seconds to name a food that has good mouthfeel
Why don't they cooks more?
Are there any good orange cake recipes?
How THE FUCK do I take my rice game to a whole new level???
ITT gross confessions that you can't tell anyone because if you did they would probably kill you
What is your favorite fruit? Mine are Bananas
Food Abominations
Your last meal
Favorite cookie recipes?
Describe the perfect burg, Veeky Forums
Who was in the wrong here?
What's your favorite fast food order? The one that satisfies you the most? For me, it's
Dad is always bringing home candy and snack foods
Who here bakes sourdough bread?
/sip sunday/
For me it is the ball, the partitions nugget
Do you brits eat savory scones with your low or high teas? What do you put on them...
Favorite fried food thread
Rate my double mcchicken
Damn really makes you think
Working in kitchen and love towards food is the only reason i haven't killed myself yet...
I love this stuff
Jeez, that tastes pretty good!
How do you feel about chicken thighs? They seem underrated to me. Everyone either wants legs, wings, or breast
OK Veeky Forums I have been getting fat over the 2-3 last years and I want to change my eating routine
Kikkoman is the best soy sauce
What's so special about Irish butter?
Best food generation?
Fuck me
Can we have a barbecue thread?
What are some secrets to Warren Buffet's diet to staying healthy...
What was the dumbest mistake you made while cooking?
Let's settle this debate once and for all
Domino's is sh-
For me
He puts his beer in the fridge
How come rye bread is not sold outside northern europe? i mean, they can be grown mostly anywhere...
Are Chinese restaurant owners all secret assassins?
Breakfast foods
Black garlic
Olive oil, in
These fucking things. I'm a massive hypochondriac, and so lately, after eating a lot more sushi than usual...
Chicken Pot Pie
Can someone give me a recap of how MPW went from being the best chef on the world...
Why do hipsters pretend to like limes?
So I saw these shits at an international grocery store, but they were $2.50 a can...
Is it bad to eat cucumbers before bed?
ITT: Weird Things you do
Tfw dubai pizza hut is the greatest thing ever
Tfw want to buy a non-stain resistant carbon steel knife
Eat apple for the first time in years
I dare Veeky Forums to refute this
Dude, what's the deal with the Chuck E. Cheese ad blitzkrieg lately? I went for decades without seeing an ad for them...
How come there is no decaf chocolate?
"be ur own chef xD haha"
Everything but the.... vs Half Baked
He owns a unitasker
Do you prefer white chocolate or dark chocolate Veeky Forums?
Al/ck/ Alcoholism General
ITT: Underrated food combinations
Itt: underrated regional cuisine
How much would you pay for this?
Walking down the street
This is burger. ok
Anyone else make their own hot sauce/condiments?
Join me for dinner?
I've got a tonne of this dirt cheap 96% alcohol. Figure I could make some kind of home-brew tincture: any ideas?
This is the shelf where I keep my soap
The McFish - worth the risk?
Has your belief system ever been compromised by your eating habits?
Crispy pepperoni
What is the best/your favorite Canadian whiskey?
Are there any farmed fish that aren't garbage quality either nutritionally, ethically, or culinarily?
How to into bagels
I impulse bought some pork brains since I thought it sounded pretty cool. So what do I do with them?
What are things that ruin your mood when you try to cook in someone else's kitchen?
Just let the flavors marry
Dominos is sh-
For me, it has to be Pringles, the most overrated fucking chip available...
What's for dinner
Make way for the G.O.A.T. cracker
What cigars/cigarettes does Veeky Forums smoke?
Recently got a job at Aldi and tomorrow is my first day. I've never worked in a grocery store before, any tips ceekay?
I just bought 6 duck eggs. Anything special I can do with them or do I just eat them like chicken eggs?
Food Snobs
I'm feeling like I should go on a voluntary food consumption hiatus. If I do, for how long should I abstain?
Just a little sodium chloride!
I've never before cooked or even ate baked potatoes and i want to give them a try
HALP!!! Someone in the office keeps eating my lunch. What should I do, Veeky Forums? This shit keeps happening
Stout/porter/beer general
Food Trucks
Hey look at me theres a fucking animal on my counter
At work last Friday...
What if potatoes didn't have skin and you could eat them instantly instead of having to peel them and wait for the...
Bought some cubes steaks
How do they do it guys...
Is there such a thing as too much garlic, Veeky Forums?
You're not eating mass market brand name foods produced by multinational food conglomerates, right Veeky Forums?
What’s the worst fast food and why is it little caesars?
What do you usually order in starbucks?
Cheap meats thread
Americanized ethnic foods that do it better
What’s your favourite McDonalds sandwich? For me it’s the cheeseburger and mcchicken
*carbonexts your path*
What's your opinion of licorice?
Why is healthy food so disgusting?
Open a large bag of chips
Bro! you need to eat fruit to be healthy bro!
Panasonic SR-DF101
What the fuck were they thinking?
Is there a more overrated dessert than brownies? I think not
Al/ck/ - Alcoholism General
Alright Veeky Forums, pitch me your Ben and Jerry's flavor
PSA: Cheddar Cheese is a Bongistan invention...
Is an oven roasted chicken from subway a healthy option? I don't add cheese or any sauce to it
Has anyone tried this soy-free soy sauce?
Ways to save money that aren't "live entirely off rice, beans and chicken"
What side dish should i cook for my husband to take to work?
My friend called my way of eating nuggets autistic
Heading to McDonalds. What am I ordering?
Other than chocolates, does alchohol have a place in cooking?
Go to local manzarello friar for dank cheese sticks
I recently realized pooping is literally the only joy in my life besides eating...
Latin American Food
You can never eat Hershey products again
What's for breakfast Veeky Forums?
Greetings Veeky Forums i'm not sure where should i post it so i decided to make a thread. bear with me
I know you faggots would have loved to be a housewife during the time of the 1930's to 1950's...
Dinotendies' youtube channel
How do I make a good curry?
Hey whats for dinner tonight guys?
I'm about to head to the store. Rec me snacks. No straight up candy pls
British food is ba-
Celebrity chefs are people just like you and m
Claim your cookfu before someone else does!
Do white people really do this?
What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you in the kitchen?
Post Bad Candies
Eating food that someone you love has cooked for you
Are there any YouTube cooks that are worth watching? I occasionally watch binging with babish...
They're nature's candy!
I've grown tired of the meme. The Mcchicken is excellent. But let's be real with one another for awhile...
Haven't been to mcdicks in ages
That smell that food gets right before it goes bad that's just a more intense version of what it normally smells like
Why don't you own a Mauviel copper frying pan?
Pizza Hut is sh-
Which does Veeky Forums prefer?
Know this latina girl
ITT: Food legends from your family
Do any of you have an eating disorder?
How do I prepare these Veeky Forums? I have plenty of spices, olive oil, vegetable oil, cornmeal, AP flour...
What's up with all of these South and Southeast Asian cooking channels that have been popping up?
Beer Thread? Beer Thread
Give me your favorite sushi
Arby's venison burger
Somebody explain this stuff to me. According to their website, it’s cheaper and easier than traditional food...
Use lots of butter. lots of butter
Veeky Forums I caught my cooking partner and GF cheating so I dumped her
What’s the deal with lemon pepper wings?
What beer do you drink while playing Vidya?
Restaurant Stories Thread
Why does cake and frosting look so much better in animations than real life? It looks so much more tasty
Which culture/ethnicity/country has the best cuisine?
When Restaurants Go Political
What does Veeky Forums think of this fat Jew?
Thoughts on Arby's? Interesting to me that they invented this style of burger...
Face it...
What would you add to this, Veeky Forums?
Go to supermarket
Post the worst beer in your country here so we can avoid those beer we have Sarajevsko,mass produced lager...
How does Yum! Brand stay in business? Their food is outclassed by literally anyone else
Any ideas for easy, low calorie snacks that can fit in a lunchbox? Bonus points for protein
Why are dogfags so easily triggered?
Veeky Forums webm thread
I bought a pumpkin for the first time in my life...
More than 12 million people eat the Colonel's freshly cooked chicken every single day
Milk alternatives
Whats your personal "I put that shit on everything"?
What is the best boxed pancake mix?
Drink a chocolate milkshake and eat some donuts
Does anyone else like to go into starbucks and order a ghetto latte?
ITT: meals/drink where a little thing can change everything
Your honest opinion on pierogi??
Ill start! Mine is chocolate milk!
Is this the best instant ramen?
Heide >> Albanese >>> Carebears >>>> Trolli >>>>> generic gas station bears...
Let's all forget that stupid Rick and Morty meme sauce. Reptar bars are finally coming out...
New hottest pepper in the world
Was your mom a good cook?
Give me challenging italian dishes/recipes to attempt
What is the best light beer and why is it Busch?
What's the Best food generations?
What is a food youll never eat again and why?
Help me buy a knife
"Next in line please!"
God Tier Poor People Food
Which sandwich would you rather have, Veeky Forums?
Onion are shit
I started eatong sardines, taste good
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
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/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
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Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
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