Remember her, Veeky Forums?

Remember her, Veeky Forums?

Yeah, it's the chick who eats her own weight in lettuce every day. And also bananas with the peel on.
Why did you make a thread about her?

Yeah what about her?

Found the pic in my reaction folder, looked her up and found her site
>The Freelee & Gary Yourofsky Controversy: Death to Non-Vegans & Human Hating?
>Vegan Winter Food Haul [On My Bike!] + Why I Don’t Talk About What I Eat
My favorite
>Can Doctors Be Trusted for Nutritional Guidance? | Gary Yourofsky
>Health Benefits of Eating Banana PEELS!

She's in her 20's and looks like she had an extended trip with stay to Auschwitz
What happened?
How long will she likely live?

She doesn't wear makeup and probably doesn't use a lot of other modern day beauty products like most women

>Why I Don’t Talk About What I Eat
>this is an article on her website about what she eats

I was hoping you were gonna say she finally died of malnutrition.

wont be long

shoo shoo gains goblin

Why are so many jews mentally ill?

probably because most of it comes from animal products. say what you will about her mental illness, but you gotta respect that amount of discipline.

Do you think she make the poor pupper eat vegan too?

why is there edit cuts every two seconds?

they're called jump cuts

I'm 35 and I don't look half as haggard as this chick. Her lifestyle is definitely not doing her any favours in the looks department.

>Death to Non-Vegans & Human Hating?
>when people whos entire ideology and personal identity revolves around being too sensitive to kill animals think they could manage to win any sort of armed conflict
top lel

Post a pic


i didn't ask what they were called. i asked why.

no offence

>She's in her 20's and looks like she had an extended trip with stay to Auschwitz
i thought she's in her 40's/50's, vegans not even once

You look like a fucking cave man

But I don't eat like one.