Ashamed of being Spanish

What do you think about "spanish" gin tonic or what we call despectively salad gin tonic?
It's disgusting how this shit, that it's useless because putting some spices and herbs isn't going to do shit to a cold drink have made ordering a simple cheap gin good tonic water impossible anywhere. I used to order them for cheap, and now they give you the preparing show and charge you a kidney.

only fags drink gin tee bee aych

or the brits
i understand it's considered a faggy drink because most tonic water brands are sugar water with a drop of quinine, and there's a lot of faggy sweetened gins, but c'mon man, it's a valid bitter appetizer cocktail

No? I dunno about where you live but in the UP of Michigan only the most hardened drunks drink gin. They're not fags, and they'll probably stab you if you call them that. If I had a dollar for every bum I've seen getting arrested with a bottle of Ol' Bumpy in his hand I'd have $4

Campari tonic is the new gin tonic

Campari is too sweet and sticky for my taste, tho.
I heard rumors beverage companies are pushing whiskey ginger ale as the next trendy cocktail.

They're called 'bucks' and they've been around since the 70s.

>t. whiskey redditor
go apply some more beard oil you dike

does Veeky Forums like fortified wines? I drink some vermouths with orange peel on ice

when I say next trendy cocktail I mean cocktail that almost nobody likes but drinks because cooler people does it
the same reason why people who obviously don't like pure gin tonic are perverting the cocktail with obscene amounts of sugar

That looks fantastic OP, I'll drink it if you're too much of a fussy manchild to enjoy fruits and herbs.

what part of "putting that in a cold drink won't do shit" didn't you understand?
Some people got their heads out of their asses and started using cut fruit, that gives some flavour. A fucking dried cardamom seed does nothing.
Enjoy your 10$ salad looking drinks

The orange peel, cukes, and fresh herbs do give flavour as does the specialty gins and fancy ass tonic waters. I thought they went well with the Barcelona heat when I visited a few years back.

Fuck that lefty separatist place now though.

No fun allowed with you I guess

I think you're the first person I've ever heard say that Campari is too sweet.

Britbong here, I was in your country recently and you folks seem obsessed with G&T what's the deal with that?

p.s. the draught version of this is god-tier

>reddit is whisky
No, fuck you, they don't get to claim whisky. Not even whiskey. I've been trying to find some good brandy or sherry, but apparently most people here don't touch the stuff, so I'm going to have to buy online and deal with racketeering shipping booze laws.

>it's so fun to spend 10x as much on a drink because of decoration
Not even him but you "UGH GOD NO FUN ALLOWED" morons are the most annoying of anyone

The Kentucky Mule uses bourbon instead of vodka. The future has passed you by.

They claimed peaty scotch

Kentucky Mule uses ginger beer, not ginger ale. Also whiskey and ginger ale isn't exactly new

could be worse.

They can like it all they want. That doesn't mean it belongs to them or it is bad by association. It's not the fault of the scotch.

Spanish gin and tonics are the best. Good gin, good tonic, good garnishes, and always big and super cold.

Literally perfect for the literal hell that summer in Spain can be.

Nothing about that is bad except the burger, how in any sensible way are you supposed to drink/eat that with a burger on it?

Sliders are small enough to fit on a skewer, whether that's sensible is another matter

>utting some spices and herbs isn't going to do shit to a cold drink
If you can smell it as you drink, it is doing something to the flavour.