Why is healthy food so disgusting?

Why is healthy food so disgusting?

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it's not the food that's disgusting, it's you.

I wouldn't call that "healthy" by my standards. It appears to be coated in oil.


stop numbing your taste buds with MSG, salt and semen and maybe you'll be able to taste the flavours of real food.

It's not binary. There's better and worse. Brown rice is now something to avoid in favor of other whole grains for those who give a fuck.

It's because you eat shit. Your tastes are partially based on your gut bacteria, and if you've willingly farmed shit hungry gut bacteria, you will crave shit.

Probably because you're a sheltered little child.

I can help, though. Don't eat for 3 days, then try something "healthy", and you'll love it.

>oil is bad

Nice meme. I bet you don't eat eggs either because you're concerned about your cholesterol.

That looks tasty as fuck

What's wrong with these people. Is it not bad enough that vegans can't use dairy, but now they're saying don't use oil either?
>frying things in water
Fuuuuuuuuck me

B..but semen is soo good though.

There is literally nothing wrong with the cooking method more commonly known as poaching.


Because you're a fat, uneducated tard who was raised on fat, unhealthy garbage food. You need to completely retrain your palate, but you won't because you're too lazy.

because they have too much water and barely no fat thus bland. Always season or add shit to it, eating vegetables plain is like eating wet paper

These two go hand in hand, and are on point. It's basically what I came here to say.

>substituting meat for synthetic vegetarian option
That's why it's disgusting.

Tofu is pretty good tho

>Why is healthy food so disgusting?
Because you're awful at cooking

Because you weren't raised correctly.

why does every vegan look/talk like a faggot?

>Healthy food

You can only choose one.

sausage salvages that dish

You shut your whore mouth and eat plain oats and boiled potatoes for three months straight before you can have a single fucking word about what is and isn't disgusting.

>he's not on a keto diet
Just kys and save yourself the misery of your pathetic life

That dish looks tasty AF sort it out mate

Ohhhh boyyy

>msg and salt
salt doesnt add any namegative health benefits unless you use too much, same for MSG you dumb retard
salt will acually make any shitty potatoe and veggie dish taste way better than it would normally

I dont believe this guy can be anything but a troll, its too fucking retarded

>greentexting misinformation
ohhh boyyy
read a book you mongoloid

That looks delicious you fat retarded fuck

People who look sickly and frail shouldn't be giving out health advice, except to say "dont do what I do".

No. Life's too short for tofu.

Make mapo tofu sometime. Its really good.


Yeah, I'll just sit down and enjoy a lovely poached steak.

The Asians know how to make Tofu Tasty.

What? Are you serious? Lol
Vegetables are God tier food, especially bell peppers. I eat them raw, especially red ones. Green peppers are a little too sweet for my taste, so the red ones are tippity-toppest of top tier for raw vegetables.

Stop deep-frying everything you fat fuck. It's just slow suicide.

Your first mistake was eating any carbs at all user, your second mistake was cooking it. Raw meat is fucking beast and tastes best to boot
Go Raw or Go Home

I love how he has a beard to try and hide his gaunt face. Vegans are fucking disgusting looking.

Because you suck at cooking.

It isnt. Your tastebuds are retards.

>meat is bad for you

Considering most commercial sausage is made with the fatiest parts I would wager that it is not good for you. Delicious yes but not healthy.

Complaining about meat but not the potatoes

Fat is not unhealthy. Eating too much fat is unhealthy.
Why is this so hars to understand? Go eat a 100% fat free diet and tell me how it worked out when youre dead.

Why is his beard lighter than his hair?

I have dark brown hair but my facial hair has some red in it.
Youll understand when you become a man.

>bell peppers
I don't see the disgusting part.

Tofu is good when its not trying to pretend it is meat.

the red peppers are raw


>Peppers are chared
>Clearly have softer more prange tone due to them being cooked

thankyou for your expertise Veeky Forums

the shittiness of OP's bait is the disgusting part

How do I de-activate my taste buds?

>my facial hair has some red in it

and probably some semen, as well

Because every step you take to be "healthy" means discarding whatever thing you thought was "unhealthy" in the first place, until you're eating uncooked kale all day.

Healthy food can be super tasty, but it's still gunna fucking use butter and fats and salt and meat and shit.

Because your body isn't used to processing unprocessed foods

Let me teach you a saying in my family that my grandmother always taught us

'beauty is the eye of the bee holder"

The genes for hair color aren't the same all over the body it seems. It's not too uncommon for someone to have a red beard but a different hair color. I have different shades of blond/red/brown hair on different body parts.

Guts and a curling iron.

what a manlet lmao

Literally the best part about waking up early on a cruise

Not disgusting to me.

Im sure this has been said in this thread, but its because you dont know how to cook.
fat and salt can be incredibly addictive, if you eat processed garbage all of your life a fucking vegetable might give your digestive system/brain a culture shock.
Best advice? learn how to incorporate healthy foods into your garbage diet.