I bought a pumpkin for the first time in my life...

I bought a pumpkin for the first time in my life, and I thought I could just eat it raw (I expected it to resemble a melon) but actually it's pretty bad raw. It's hard and barely has any flavor (is this what all pumpkins taste like?)

What should I do with my pumpkin? I'm pretty sure i have to bake it and turn it into a puree first, but then what would you suggest? soup, pie, something else? thanks.

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>I bought a pumpkin

Congrats, you got memed.

Pumpkin soup is really easy. Just peel it, boil it in some chicken or vegetable broth add cream and blend it

Spice and bake seeds
Mash up guts into puree with sugar and make pie filling
Or use guts in a soup.

Mix into bechamel and use for lasagna

roast in butter and herbs, rosemary and thyme is alright.

Try these scones, just add butter to a hot one and you will pretty much orgasm guaranteed.

if you don't have self raising flower, add 4 teaspoons of baking powder to 2 cups of regular flour.

>pumpkin soup

>pumpkins are memes now
Pumpkins and pumpkin seeds are versatile as fuck. Just because you have such waning masculinity that just hearing the word pumpkin conjures up visions of valley girls and pumpkin spice lattes, doesn't make it a meme food.

By the way, your girl is in a dalliance with your neighbor.

>your girl is in a dalliance with your neighbor.
I am sure he already knows; don't further arouse him

Get a butternut squash next time.

pie or jam

>I thought I could just eat it raw (I expected it to resemble a melon)

It's a fucking gourd you retard

remove stem, remove seeds, cut a hole in the side of it, make sure the hole goes through to the central cavity, fuck it, fill it up with sperm, roast it, drop it out your window onto trick or treaters

Check out Alton Brown's pumpkin pie recipe, it's really good

Depending on variety, it can make surprisingly good tempura.


Unripe green pumpkins can be eaten like a melon, but have the flavor of summer squash and can be cooked in related recipes. Uses for fully ripe pumpkins vary according to species and cultivar. I grow Dickinson Field pumpkin (Curcurbita moschata). They are the same squash used in Libby's "pumpkin" puree. They are best used for pie and baked goods. Other cultivars and species of pumpkin are better for things like roasting, soups, stews, dehydrating, and even frying & tempura. Knowing what cultivar of pumpkin you have goes a long way to know the best way to prepare it. Some cultivars are super hard to cut up (like most Jack-o-lantern cultivars) while others, like Dickinson are really easy to cut up.

I pressure can mine. Here's yesterday's batch of canned pumpkin. Each quart jar can make 2 pumpkin pies. There's enough here for nearly 100 pies.

For turning your pumpkin into puree, the best method is to chop it up into cubes like those in these jars. You'll need to cut off the thin hard skin and remove the stringing interior too. Then boil them until they are soft enough to mash. Use whatever method you want to mash them up and whatever pumpkin pie recipe online to make pies.

Pumpkin's the best.
I like chopping it up and caramelising it with heaps of sugar to eat as a side to antipasti, or just in general. Caramelised pumpkin is the shit.

I guess you can also make soup, gnocchi (with brown butter and sage would be nice), basically just treat it like butternut squash.

>not liking fresh raw punkin
grow up
reported for underage

Cool pic.

I have always read that Libbys users end up winning the pie contests vs fresh pumpkin users. I am assuming that canning changes the sugars, or it is about the thickness/lack of wateriness of their final product that gives the pie the ultimate texture that doesn't sog out a crust.

Yes, canning does change the flavor. However, the cultivar of pumpkin/squash plays a huge role in flavor. If the contestants are not using the same cultivar then it won't matter.