White people are fucking dumbasses and can't cook

White people are fucking dumbasses and can't cook.

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>White people cant cook
No one cooks better than Italians.

French, Italian, American Southern, Spanish, Texan and Cajun people would like to have a word with you.

White people can't season their food, but black people can't season their food because they don't have any, or they just buy garbage junkfood/fastfood

Shut the fuck up big lipped nigger

Black people have an average IQ which is sub-80

>kool aid powder is a spice

>can't handle bants
>resorts to low hanging fruit

Italians aren't white.


grape soda aint seasoning

shyteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we wuz chefs n shet

da white bois took all our michelin stars




white people are so fragile


hahahahaha faggot

Me: I will make a statement about your race

White people: If I make a reasonable response, will you blow it out of proportion and say that it is the same as calling you the N word?

Me: yes.

Fuck off, nigger.
You're lucky we've been generous enough to feed your dumb ass people for the last 100 years because they can't grow shit due to the stupid niggers eating the seeds we send them.

So are starving african children

Name one uniquely black food dish that is iconic all over the world.

Feel free to crawl back to your clay hut and make your mud cakes, savage.



Black man: fuck yeah black power, power to muh people
>omg he's so brave, what an amazing man

White man: fuck yeah white power
>omg what a racist, fucking white people oppressing the black man

I really don't understand this meme. Like, I could see maybe getting the no-spice banter from Hispanic or Asian people, but as far as I know, black people don't really eat that much differently from white people.

Isn't soul food pretty much exactly the same as white Southern food?

What am I missing here?

Serious question, what do black people mean when they talk about "seasoning"?

Something like this?

Niggers eat spicy cajun-style food more than whities because they all live in southern swamp shitholes where the only way to eat the meat available is to coat it in cayenne pepper.
So when they're presented with something that isn't a literal poison to the senses, they think it's unseasoned.
Hence, "white people aint season shyeeeeiiit"

Black pepper and Frank's Hot Sauce.

There are a lot of black people where I live (Memphis), but our most famous food is BBQ which is exactly the same whether it's white or black people making it.

My last girlfriend would make unseasoned chicken and call it cooking. Smh it's not white people (see Italians and Spaniards), it's white Americans. It's so bad I almost feel sad for em.

All indo-eurocoons are sand niggers, including both of you retards.

>it's white Americans
Come down to the South and try to chat that nonsense, nigger.

if white people cant cook, then why are all of the most notorious chefs in the world white males?

what did he mean by this?

I don't care who's making it, if the BBQ you eat is the identical between establishments you're eating some bad fucking BBQ

lawry's and bacon grease are the fundamentals of soul food

>bad BBQ

White people do not use washcloths.

>Soul food is the only kind of cooking that exists.
Dropping a red pill here.
Soul Food is the PC term for "African American cuisine"

for more information on African American slave food (Soul Food) that BlackTwitter prides itself on as the only medium of cooking, please read this article

Almost all of that is also eaten by whites in the South.

*coughs loudly*
Want to try again?

Try what again? I'm white from the South and I grew up eating almost all of that "soul food."

This is because there is a mass population of African Americans in the South. You eat "Soul Food" aka "African American Cuisine" because its so predominant in the community.

It's like going to Guam and saying "I eat Pacific food, Pacific food is the only type of cooking there is, white people can't cook"

It's an illogical fallacy.

He's saying soul food comes from whites in the south teaching them to cook as the whites ate like that long before and still after that

You realize the blacks were slaves, right? They ate whatever the whites fed them.

White people made Southern food what it is for the most part.

Give the niggers credit for chitterlings and sorghum syrup, I guess.

So African Americans are appropriating white culture and claiming that only they know how to cook.

"I made this for you."
"I made this."

>if the BBQ you eat is the identical between establishments you're eating some bad fucking BBQ
Learn to read you stupid shithead

Yeah, but we're benevolent when it comes to our culture. We want everyone to enjoy it.

I never said it was identical between establishments, kiddo.

Perhaps you ought to take your own advice.