Is this the most overrated place to eat ck?
Is this the most overrated place to eat ck?
Other urls found in this thread:
>fries taste like shit
>cajun fries unedible
>burgers are a sloppy mess
this place used to remind me of mcdonalds when i was a kid
but better
now i only eat there when i hate myself, just like mcdonalds.
doesn't exist in ohio so i haven't eaten there, but those fries look like fucking garbage and the burger is poorly constructed
Any Chinese restaurant. Shit is bland and filled with sodium.
Thai food and Japanese food is good though
it's not good, it's miles better than mcdonalds, but it's still no where close to fuddruckers or burger 21 or the counter. Fudds is the best of the 3 goats mentioned, get the fuck out of here with your in and out because it doesn't even compare.
>coworker talking about five guys
>tell him the food is bland
>stops talking to me and avoids me whenever he can
Overrated, a bit. Overpriced, absolutely. Do I still like it? Yeah, maybe once every year or two.
Are we only talking about restaurants, or can we talk about stores too? Because I think Trader Joes is overrated as fuck.
It's fine just extremely greasy. I would say it's rated about right
>Everytime I roll by the ones in my town, there are at least a hundred cars. I decided to go a few months back after at least a decade before I last tried it.
Bland af, making it "animal style" didn't do shit as far as improving the taste. I would rather have had a marginally better big mac.
I don't know why I greentexted that part
>Panera Bread
>Dude it's CLEAN and REAL food
I am absolutely convinced that people who are in awe over Panera are kids who had yuppie moms that never cooked.
From experience it's usually people who can't cook and aren't used to good food that likes this place.
>best fast food burgers
>best fast food fries
>dank milkshakes
really, what's not to like here?
Agreeing with this. In-N-Out is trash
>free peanuts
good. it keeps out the faggots with peanut allergies
By far. Fudruckers beats the shit out of them for a """"gourmet""""" burger.
>A donut store that sells frozen donuts and uses its coffee as the main selling point
>Somehow makes the absolute worst coffee on earth
McDonalds coffee is better than this
Fucking this. Their coffee is so fucking bad, even starbucks is better.
the thing that gets me is they put in the cream/sugar for you and always do way too much
also just a rant, einsteins bagels used to have great drip brew coffee and is changing to caribou which is much worse and i'm mildly upset since there is one a few blocks from me and I used to go just for coffee
I don’t eat there because I hate abu touching my food.
Seriously, why are they all owned by Indians?
I tried it once back when there was all that controversy over lgbt stuff. Thought it was really overrated and bland. I got the deluxe chicken sandwich. It was like they forgot to add spices, and there was like some lettuce and tomato for double the price of the standard. The waffle fries were totally unsalted. I dunno if it was just a fluke or a bunch of idiots overrating it because they're against faggotry but I've never been back and I don't get the hype.
Definitely. Burger is only slightly better than Wendy's and costs a fuckton more.
2/3 I agree. Fries are decent.
>I got the deluxe chicken sandwich
and there's your problem
Tim hortons sucks. Their sausage biscuits are bland. McDonald’s has better breakfast
What should I have gotten
I miss living near a Fuddruckers
It vastly varies per burger joint. The in-n-out nearby my house is fucking amazing -- the food isn't special, but it's the highest quality cheap "fast food" burger you can get -- while the one by the freeway entry ramp in my town tastes terrible. I imagine it has to do with the amount of seasoning they use, but either way it's a good place overall.
I would get a double double with no sauce and just place devil spit on it.
I didn't even realize Chick-fil-a had lettuce and tomatoes.
This. It's like the fast food of choice for fat people on a diet. Empty calories without flavor.
>implying any restaurant could possibly be more overrated than in n out
At least it hasn't aligned itself with a national identity like Tim Hortons.
This x4
the normal chicken sandwich
It's a really shitty, acidic cup of coffee. Even back when I never really drank coffee, I could tell it was a piss poor cup. No idea how this fucking place is in business. Their donuts suck. Their food sucks. Their coffee sucks. Just a trash, often ghetto-looking establishment all around.
My whole life I heard about how in-n-out was God's gift to mankind. I finally went to the west coast to find out that it is just a cheap, mediocre burger with a bun to meat ratio of 80:20. Animal style is a huge meme too.
You’re one stupid fuck. Seriously you dumb, backwoods, nigger swine. Fuck yourself
is over that way you racist fuck, get off of my civilized cooking forum
Did I offend you, califag? The entire country secretly wishes you'd sink into the Pacific.
Yeah, I'm not really a fan
confirmed for zero taste buds.
>this is a good thing
>chinese food is bland and full of sodium
>japanese food is good though
I think you got those confused
Racism and cuisine go together like lamb and tuna fish though
maybe. me and my friends go there occasionally. the food is usually good, but super overpriced for what it is.
My friend's also talked about in-n-out in the same manner you described and it was a let down when we rolled through cali. It was a great time over all roadtrippin' with friends but the food itself was not horrible, just so mediocre. We hit it up on another instance and the same.
When they asked, I just told them it was nothing special (we ordered the same, double double, well done fries which were basically regular fries anywhere else) and they just looked at me, I said "you asked my opinion" and we agreed to disagree. I wasn't going to be a complete killjoy. They were heavy smokers, of all sorts (I only did bud on occasion), and their taste buds were probably nuked. That and I think they just wanted to feel "in" ordering from the "secret menu".
This. I know at least 3 in-n-outs in my city and the burgers taste different at each one.
I just had it for the first time the other day.
The burgers are pretty good, a bit greasy, but pretty tasty. Fries are okay. Overall nothing amazing but better than Mickey Ds or BK
yeah people who smoke can't taste as well as people who don't. they're probably blown away because all the food they're used to is shit and in n out seasons their stuff, at least a little
It definitely exists in ohio.. I've eaten at a bunch of them in ohio. Must just not be in your area
Mother brought me over some the other day.
Everything was subpar.
The fries were worse than burger king's, which is impressive seeing how burger king fries are somehow worse than frozen fries.
The burger was nothing remotely special. I could get the same thing from a gas station deli.
>which is impressive seeing how burger king fries are somehow worse than frozen fries.
Did they change them? I haven't been to BK in roughly 3 years, since before they got rid of the Chicken Fries the first time, but their fries were always the best part of the meal.
Heh, those guys I mentioned were huge cup noodle fiends and every food they ate not processed had to have an ass ton of seasoning.
One of them put Tabasco on a fucking apple, one of the few instances of him eating something unprocessed.
Now I like me some hot sauce and they introduced me to Tapatio on popcorn which I have on occasion to this day but anyways I don't hate in-n-out, save for the long lines. It's just the burger version of taco bell with a 'secret menu' and fewer locations.
You get like 12 fries in a large order, thick cut and somewhat dry. They are filling, granted. But they are a chore to eat and they have no flavour.
I do not remember how they used to be.
yeah i feel ya man. my dad is a heavy smoker and doesn't season shit
>some jarred sauce
>puts in raw meat and cooks it in the sauce
>oil in the pasta water and over cooks the pasta until mushy
>hates it al dente because it's apparently "undercooked"
>his spaghetti is literally soup its so watery
>doesn't drain the fat from the meat and leaves it in the sauce
>>hates it al dente because it's apparently "undercooked"
I absolutely hate people who say this. My dad says this too but he doesn't actually cook. He was just grown on overcooked pasta and sees anything not boiled for 15 minutes as too raw.
yeah my entire family is the same way
>try to give my dad pointers
>gets mad because he's a man child and i havent lived as long as he has
Its only overrated in the midwest and west coast where they are playing fast and loose with the pricing. They're charging nearly 10 bucks for the double patty burger in Chicago.
Single patty plus fries to share with a friend is 10 on the best coast and a double patty is actually a decent choice for a decent single person work lunch.
>Getting this butthurt over elementary use of the word nigger
Get off MY cooking forum you redditor tourist
>Go there
>Get their fries
>Don't ask well done
>Are kind of well done but meh
>Go there next time
>Ask for well done
>They're somehow less well done than when I didn't even ask for well done, and are gross
>t. former Masshole
There were better donuts and coffee around but they just got my business because it was cheaper than starbucks and their locations were fucking everywhere
Burgers are not bad but the price is ridiculous
I had the opposite experience with the fries, mountains of salt
No matter how many threads you start the answer will always be yes.
>allergic to peanuts
It really is.
the food is alright, but i like the fountain drink machines they have lol
ITT: I can't believe the fast food I bought didn't blow me away
Ask someone who works at five guys anything
I for one think our food is pretty good but I get it for free so whatever
absolutely awful taste
cajun fries are pretty trash though
you should be avoided, contrarian
>empty calories
this meme needs to die
>Food without any substantial nutritional value
>Not empty
Five Guys isn't fast food dumbass, it's a sit down restaurant
>duoyyyyeh this literal intake will not effect your TDEE
fucking idiot
>Wikipedia as your source
But hey Wikipedia said it so it must be true rite guys?
It has in Boston
Wikipedia generally has footnoted sources which you can verify.
>friend convinces me to go to five guys because "they make the best burgers"
>he's in his "bulking" phase
>he orders a burger with 5 patties, no vegetables
>"need them macros bro"
>we get out food, go sit down
>he looks in the bag, his burger only has 2 patties in it
>other 3 patties wrapped in paper by themselves, just dumped in the bag
>"what the fuck"
>he goes to complain
>they make excuses "we can't make a burger that big!"
>friend protests, they eventually give him another burger with only 3 patties
>friend accepts but is still pissed
I watched as he ate ALL of the food, a wet fatty slop of mostly meat falling through his hands and over his face. Was barely recognizable as a burger anymore. Needless to say I was disgusted and barely kept my own burger down, which was very mediocre. Never going back to 5 guys
Food is good, but the portion size doesn't justify the inflated prices.
damn bro, I'm bulking too but I'd never eat a 5 patties burger, let alone order that in 5 guys.
btw, how much did that gargantuan burger cost?
so you are gay and friends with an autist?
When this guy bulks, he bulks. He'll eat an entire tub of ice cream like it's one of those mini yogurt cups
No and yes.
that would make a funny anecdote whe your children eventually ask you how you meet their weird fat and weird uncle
at best it's fast casual which is still not sit down
This, I live within minutes of two of them. It's probably still one of the better fast food burgers but it's embarrassing whenever a Californian acts super smug about it in threads.
There are great burger joints throughout the entire nation. It's fucking Burgerland.
>Wikipedia has thousands of college to professor level researchers constantly looking up and verifying everything they put on their site
>Ever believed the "wiki lies" meme
I don't even understand the rationale behind this backwards joke; what could you think makes something true? Words can't be true? Stop fucking speaking, please, you're a disgrace to humanity
It really depends on the article to be honest.
>go to Five Guys
>get double cheesburger with several toppings, fries, and a Coke
>"that will be $20"
That's highly different from saying "heh you shouldn't believe wikipedia"
I'll let you in on a little secret. Next time, instead of ordering the coke, wink at your cashier and ask for a "cup for water." He'll know what you mean. Then when you get the cup, instead of filling it in the usual manner, look for a tiny lever UNDERNEATH the soda labels. You'll know you've found it because it says "WATER" on it. Fill your cup from that instead. Not only will you have saved money, but you'll have taken your first step away from corn syrup chugging degeneracy.
What's the point of eating a greasy burger and fries if I'm not washing it down with a Coke? I mean, you might as well indulge more at that point.
You're citing wikipedia. You're not backing out of this. It has always been a dumbass move. It's like citing a youtube video because a person with a degree is talking. You have no idea what those persons motives are.
>Motives are what make something true or false