This is the shelf where I keep my soap

This is the shelf where I keep my soap.

... wait a minute

Rip. OP I know that struggle

Yup, nothing but soap on that shelf.

I don't understand.



check em

ive seen elf on a shelf but...

cilantro on a... countro?

Is that motor oil on the left?


what do you brew?

I see what you did there.......but I love cilantro.
I also approve of the Dr. Bronner soap. Love that stuff.

Post your sink

I also need an explanation

To some people, myself sadly included, cilantro tastes like soap.

Pic related

Have a pumpkin beer just bottled yesterday for conditioning, doing a gose next. Last one was a milk stout.
Building a still this week, gonna do some gin and other botanicals/fruit infusions

...have you heard of herb on a curb

Death to mutants.

Mutation is why we exist, be thankful

This is me, in fact



hell yes

This is the shelf where I keep my soap.


I was fucking eating.


top kek

More pics please

What are the q tips for?