Be me

>be me
>be diagnosed T2 diabetic
>go on keto
>lose a bunch of weight
>shake off the beetus
>go out for sushi for lunch
>completely pig out
>all that rice gonna burn you up, boy
>feel dizzy and headachey
>get home
>take blood glucose at 2hrs

So how was your day, Veeky Forums?

be mindful of your weight and don't get the beetus again

Thanks, no worries, I'm down plenty and still doing keto. Normally I'd just do sashimi but they (conveyor belt sushi place) weren't putting any out at lunch today.


Make sure you drink plenty of fluids or else you're going to get kidneystones.

>people willing admit that they eat akin to swine

How vulgar.

>be me
>be diagnosed T1 diabetic
>Have to listen to lardasses like OP whine/brag
>Get told 'Oh, you're not fat enough to have diabetes!'
>Get offered unsolicited low carb/low fat tips from fatties
>First and only diabetes meeting thing I went to was full of whales who smelled like pancakes complaining about their diets
Eat shit OP

>Eat shit OP
He probably scarfed McDonalds so shit isn't far off.

Damn I'm sorry, I have a T1 friend and it sounds awful as fuck. I once saw him having a diabetic seizure because he fucked up.

My mom is T2 and is and always has been skinny as a rail, so I guess if I don't watch out I have that to look forward to.

>be diagnosed T1 diabetic
>born 100 years too early for implantable insulin pumps to be invented
>born 50 years too early for regular insulin pumps to not cost as much as a fucking car
>born at just the right time to survive off of $25 bottles of dog insulin from Wal-Mart
I'm glad your day went well, I guess.

Sorry man, I lashed out somewhat pointlessly at someone who didn't really deserve it. It sucks but being a cunt to people who have it slightly better isn't really going to help.

Jesus fucking Christ, so America basically just lets T1s rot? That's horrible, here's hoping things don't get even worse.

Nice. You basically want to avoid two cheat days in a row, but occasional ones won't really affect your insulin resistance. You still need to maintain yourself so it doesn't come back.

I'm a type 1, too. Lashing out at type 2's really is counterproductive. One of the things I like about them starting to realize how crappy eating so much sugar and refined carbs is is it's starting to push restaurants towards having more things I can order. Also, the sheer numbers of them bring more attention to us and how assraped we get financially.

Yes, pretty much. In the US, type 1's are a huge cash cow for big pharma. OTC insulins generally cost 2-3 times as much as OTC in every other developed country, and "medical insurance" hits us really hard. I've paid over half a million dollars so far in my life for the exact same treatment and medication I would have gotten anywhere else in the world for $200k uninsured in cash. That's a house. That's a private university degree, or a small business startup. It's fucked up here. Send help.

>be 19 years old and about to join militarry
>trained my whole life for it
>was going to fly helicopters
>day before physical
>big the fuckout on junkfood the whole nine yards
>go to physical
>they take blood sugar
>diagnosed as T1 diabtetic
>cant join militarry
>what happened to the militarry user, you pussy out?
it hurts so god dam much

I'm not diabetic but it always made me sad how there are people that could've avoided getting the beetus but still fuck up anyway. They had a fucking choice unlike people with T1.

Protip. You can "go on keto" simply by neglecting your shots!

This probably a stupid question, but are you really diabetic or was the high blood sugar just from all the junk food?

Huh, it's almost the opposite here from what I've heard, type 1s actually COST the government a fair amount because the diabetes service scheme gets us really good deals.

The downside, ironically enough, is that it's type 2s who are left in the dirt. They don't get discounts on test-strips anymore, and they virtually never get prescribed insulin even when they pretty obviously need it.

As awful as that is, think of how much worse it would've been if you'd managed to sign up and had been training for years only to get diagnosed then.

I think pretty much every T1 in the thread would've been there, it's not fun.

I know. I used to work in endocrinology actually and about half my patients were cases like that. I did not envy a single one of them.

DKA is the best weight loss diet ever invented by human physiology. Sadly, this is extremely tempting to teenage girls with type 1. Skinny as fuck, but dead by 20.

Not him, but it's not possible to have a blood glucose level that high without T1 or full blown T2. Normal people top out at around 150 mg/dL. You know that feeling after you ate an entire bowl of mashed potatoes and half a pie at Thanksgiving? That's what 150 feels like. Over 500 mg/dL feels like you just ran a marathon 10 feet underwater when you have the flu.

yeah that's how i came to rationalize it, i may have ven finsihed basic, but best case scenario was, in for like 2 months after basic and then it catches up to me
i remember just kind of being in denial of it for like a week, ended up in a mental hospital cause of it, not a lot of fun

Luckily for them, they can often manage or reverse the negative symptoms their disease with diet and exercise. I find the lack of decent patient education appalling for type 2's everywhere. Type 1's in the US get treated like piggy banks, and type 2's get treated like hypochondriac octogenarians. Throw some pills at 'em and Mooove along. Don't forget to eat your grains, fatty.

>have diabetic seizure
>lol now you can't drive for half a year

good things you don't need a car for anything in north america, h-heh

Nah, the kickoff for my whole diabeetus mess was when I went in to see a quack about why I was in screaming agony from my right kidney. That was BEFORE I went on keto. I sort of assume the stone was related to the beetus, but maybe not, dunno.

Since keto, no kidney stones, no problems. inb4 "but yuh cholesterol!" No, my cholesterol numbers have improved significantly too.

>avoid two cheat days in a row
Yeah, salad today, might thaw out a steak too. I took it for a joke, but I guess I can understand why a T1 might feel bitter toward T2s.

Always hated McD's. More of a Wendy's slave. I want the little redheaded slut to sit on my face.

Sympathies, man. They keep saying they're close to a stem-cell cure for it, though. They can turn stem cells into islet cells now, they just have to figure out how to protect them from the autoimmune problem that destroys them.

At 400, I was misplacing entire days because all that glucose basically shuts off your brain. I can't imagine what 600 would be like.

We did get a few who admitted they missed their shots on purpose so they wouldn't gain weight. This was like a decade ago. I doubt the problem has diminished since.