Can someone who has never been depressed truly appreciate most literature?

Can someone who has never been depressed truly appreciate most literature?

Depression is a uniquely modern notion so you will have to define your terms

No it takes at least one attempt at suicide before you understand anything of any importance. I mean Nabokov tried killing himself 64 times while writing just one scene in Lolita. Sorry, you had to learn it this way user.

>Nabokov tried killing himself 64 times
What a failure of a human being, not even able to kill himself

Fetishization of depression is pathetic
You aren't depressed because you're a so-deep romantic more in-touch with your emotions than all the other sheeple in the world
Get this /r9k/ garbage out of here

Stop romanticizing depression

see a therapist

No. I've been fucking depressed for some time and I can barely find the power to read something. And I used to read 2 books a week on average.

Of course you can. Also, most people who claim to be depressed are just sad. They are not clinically depressed nor on medications.

depression is just feeling sad for a couple of days.

it's normal to feel sad, but if you feel sad and you happen to be a pussy then you call it depression and get sympathy and free drugs and eventually kill yourself

Depression is having a demon inside you that must be driven out by prayer and sit-ups.

Indeed, it is a false claim of a loss of sanity. In truth, depression is a reasonable answer to the constant lies you are surrounded with.
>Live in hell
>Hear that your life is in heaven
The way out is to stop caring what they say.

>it's normal to feel sad
Next thing you are saing that suffering and dying is normal too.

well yes, there is nothing more normal than dying because everyone dies, and everyone suffers.


can you point me to the life of someone who has never suffered or died?

So slavery is normal because humanity practised it for thousands of years on billions of people? Fashism is normal cause a lot of germans believed in it? Wars are normal? Killing is normal? Fags are normal? Jews are normal? Ateism is normal? Religion is normal? Normal is normal? Is is normal?

normal is by definition a social construct. so yes things you don't like have been and can be normalized.

its all relative to the group of people and the timeframe my dude


You're probably just sad. If you had true depression yo wouldn't want to do anything. Let alone read

yes. Why is this even a question? Anybody can appreciate literature, it's not some sort of secret club for people like (you)

Yes, depression is a clinical condition that affects concentration and can lead to faulty judgement, if anything it can make you misunderstand literature.

Are you actually retarded enough to sit there and argue with that user that dying is not a normal thing all humans do by just bringing up bad things people do and saying they should not be normal?
Are you twelve?

Being a sentimental person is different from teenage angst.

Depression may make you relate to some literature more, but it doesn't make you appreciate it more. Stop romanticising depression, it fucking sucks.

I remember, when I was 16, I read in The Count of Monte Cristo, that only the people in the most desperate situations can really understand the prayers they utter.

I don't know happy person who loves to read. I don't know about conclusions.

It's sad that contrarianism has finally put an end to the depression is normal for everyone who isn't normal meme.

>normies hop on the mental illness awareness train

There's a difference between mental illness awareness and trying to cash in on them.

>Angsty teens aren't angsty teens anymore
>got informed on certain issues

I don't think it matters. The point is """depression""" has reached public awareness and resultantly Veeky Forums is biting back.

>implying this site's userbase is fixed

It matters when the issue is doing something wrong. If anything, being contrarian would be saying that depression doesn't exist or something like that.

how does it feel to be so edgy and so stupid at the same time?


>tried killing himself 64 times
if i fail suicide more than twice i'd fucking kill myself