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Literature #95
I've become obsessed with Schopenhauer and he's the only writer I can relate to and read...
Why is God such a dick in the Old Testament?
Well, Veeky Forums?
Is this book worth reading ?
Is anyone else writing a book about the downfall of western civilization?
How exactly do so many Stirnerites espouse anti-capitalist views?
Book hauls
General Citique
David Lynch adaptation when?
Why do people constantly quote Bukowski like he's some sort of messiah?
Who is the literary equivalent?
Writing styles ranked
Plebeian confessions thread...
Multilinguals and Non-English speakers BTFO
Will I go crazy if I read his book on synchronicity?
Why this board is mentally and cultural and IQ unable to have a proper discussion to define what constitutes good...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Start doing Meme Peterson's Self Authoring program
Why is postmodernism the new boogeyman when postmodernism was dead by the 90s?
He honestly thinks reading the Iliad and the Odyssey in English is the same as reading in Homeric Greek
The Pale King
What are you reading this summer?
What comes after the Romans?
What does Veeky Forums think of RationalWiki?
Best poems ever
Who is the Greatest Conservative Intellectual?
Should I do it, Veeky Forums?
Fascist general /fas/
Better than Infinite Jest
Is Nick Land the Nietzsche of our times? Why do only we appreciate him, Veeky Forums?
Predictions for how this book will be
What are some subversive books I can gift to friends' kids without raising the suspicions of their parents...
I just finished the savage detectives and it was a magnificent experience. probably the greatest novel i ever read...
How the FUCK did thia young man write some of the greatest lines of poetry ever put to paper at such a young age AS...
If you're all so literate then tell me what The Truth is in your opinion and narrow it down to something understandable...
Blood Meridian
*drops mic*
/bible/ thread
I've given up attempting to write my feelings, to express myself. I want to die...
I am a philosophy student, will get my degree next year (maybe). I suffer from depression and social anxiety...
What's Veeky Forums's preferred drink of choice when writing? Lets be honest, no one reads while drunk...
Define "literature"
I-I'm not crying
Recommend me a pretentious author aside from DFW who likes to make sure that his reader knows how smart and cultured...
Are the people who are paid the least doing the work that is closest to God?
Reading the Inferno, and the prose is God-tier:
What sort of story would you write about a space girl?
Is Veeky Forums genuinely anti DFW now?
Discuss this authors work
Book recommendation
Post the first book you've finished this year
Meta thread, lit is infected edition
Who (if any) do you think is right here? Explain why
Delusional islamophobe manchild or genius satirist?
Can anyone else not stand DFW's smug moralist writing style?
Brave New World
Is philosophy useless?
Post yfw you realize this is water
What does Veeky Forums think of abridged books?
How do you feel about the four great classics of Chinese literature (Water Margin, Three Kingdoms...
The writing is trash and is for children. This we know
Be good author
Could INFJ be the most Veeky Forums Myers-Briggs type?
Used Bookstores
Where do I start with his work?
Have you gotten over your red pill trauma yet? I mean red pill as in non political social stuff...
Is Buddhism the religion of the last man?
Most autistic self-help books
Mfw americans are monolingual and read translations of european books
Veeky Forums BTFO
Anyone ever read Lovejoy's Great Chain of Being?
Hey Veeky Forums, how do I know that I'm actually alive? Sometimes I think I may not be
What was the last 'excellent' book you read?
I visited David Foster Wallace's house in Claremont...
Why exactly did Orwell write Animal Farm?
Hamlet is considered the best work of literature ever written
Publish a single virtually unknown book in your 30+ years of academia
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What the hell is ethnic Kierkegaardianism? I can't understand anything this dip writes
80 pages in, I hate it wtf am I reading?
What Veeky Forums have to say about Celine? Are his writings any good?
If you met John Green, what would you ask him?
So these are fucking good books
Lines from books that hit you right in the feels
What was the first chapter book you loved as a kid?
I did horribly in school, but I still like to think of myself as somewhat intellectual, if not a vibrant individual...
Any books on the rise of islamic terror in Europe?
Is Rand worth reading or is Objectivism just a meme?
What do i have to read to get smarter?
My mom and dad always make fun of me for my interest in literature and philosophy...
We will not be silenced
Start with the Romans/Greeks discussion thread
Is he Veeky Forums?
Tfw you finally realize that women are not attracted to intelligence
Reading Don Quixote
I hate this dingus. All you peterson fans just do it because he rustles people's Jimmies right? His book is awful
One of the worst things I've ever heard
Isn't this guy's work implicitly atheist...
Why do women love YA so much?
How did you increase your reading speed?
Politics/economics starter pack
Would jordan peterson be as popular if he weren't handsome?
Can Libertarians even read?
Why is it so much easier for a female author to write a male character, than vice versa...
As a male I have noticed that I lack a vocabulary for certain feminine things, and I wish to correct it
Danielewski (House of Leaves) is currently in the midst of writing 27 consecutive 880 page books about a...
"A real artist respects the silence, which serves as the foundation of all creativity." What did he mean by this?
The sophists were right all along
Bookzz is gone lads. Where are people supposed to pirate now?
What are your thoughts on him, Veeky Forums?
Do you think there's an essential human nature that's not produced by historical and social development?
Does anyone hear write super short stories or poetry?
What did you think about this?
What would Sartre think of the current political climate?
ITT: post funny Veeky Forums related comics
Tfw to books
Greatest work of cyber punk ficiton
Charles Bukowski
Thoughts on this masterpiece?
What did he mean by this?
Noam Chomskys office
Wormverse thread
I still miss it Veeky Forums
Just recently starting to see that some traditions of magic/sorcery are a bit more profound than the typical mumbo...
Worm Web Serial Thread
Who's that one author that just immediately connected to you on an extremely deep spiritual level...
Vargas Llosa is the GOAT South American writer
Is modern Greek worth learning?
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson’s 10 Step Guide to Clearer Thinking Through Essay Writing
Helen Vendler
Veeky Forums and its pseudo menace
Sincerely question. How do we purge the English department?
Itt: meme books
Does Veeky Forums read a daily newspaper? If so, which?
This is a real book
Finally red pic related
Why dont more millenials read books?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Mfw logic and reason make it abundantly clear that the soul is just a fairy tale
Tfw sophocles wrote over 120 plays
Help me decide what to read next boys
How do we know what parts were edited by his sister and which not?
Snarky first-person narrator
Who has read this book? do you realize how much places like Veeky Forums are destroying our brains?
What do I need to read/know before reading the Iliad?
Struggling Writers General
Where do you buy your books?
Hi lit i'm having something of a faith crisis right now...
Just started pic related. Not as hard so far as I was warned. I have a few questions tho
Historical fiction is the thinking man's genre of choice. Prove me wrong
At which point in your life did you realize they were right about everything?
Where do you download books from, Veeky Forums?
I know this board hates poetry but it's time for you guys to get some semblance of patricianhood beat into you...
Which translation of the Iliad and the Odyssey should one read?
Shadow had done three years in prison. He was big enough...
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread
ITT: Post your mental disorder and get book recommendations that fit you
Name one major poet over the entire western canon that wasn't at least bilingual
Defensive Intellectual Prose and Lacan
I'm reading Plato and while its really good, holy shit Socrates was such a faggot
Kant vs einstein
Read the savage detectives and I realized spending money on books is a meme...
This is probably the most appropriate board to ask this question on...
What am I in for
Veeky Forums, does anyone have any experience ghostwriting essays for students?
How does one reconcile the OT with the NT? How do Christians view/use the OT in their theology...
"Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale." ㅡ Hans Christen Andersen
Where Did This 180 on Islam Come From?
What are some good books or short stories about alcoholism?
What do the scenes look like in your imagination?
Anyone here read this? Is it any good?
Are light novels Veeky Forums?
I've yet to see a thread like this on Veeky Forums so lets try it
Why are you opposed to socialism?
What are some books that are genuinely funny?
More like this
Let's see
It's kind of hard to respect writers who were rich and had this much free time
ITT: god-tier poetry
Looking to find a way to reunite the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church...
What version of the bible is best?
Why is Beowulf basically compulsory for undergrads?
New Book From Lord Of The Rings Author Published 100 Years After It Was Written
Book of the New Sun
File types for kindle
Friendly reminder that if you are not good at chess, you are objectively a pleb
I really liked Hunger by this guy, but where to go from here? Is there a chart?
Rate my haul /leet/
2017 Reading Challenge
Jacobite magazine short-story contest
You think the lack of black authors is why not a lot of black people read?
This is being hailed as one of the best debut novels in recent decades
The recognitions
ITT: Masterpieces only
When will Veeky Forums become a vegan board?
Do you think he smoked weed? Also general Veeky Forums stoner hangout thread, keep it Veeky Forums-related
Rank these
I'm a notorious cynic with regard to the internet...
Is art something that can be taught/learned?
Holy shit
"Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?"
Novels Where Love Doesn't Work Out
Name ONE (1) talented young writer who isn't an MFA graduate
Friendly reminder that English is the greatest language of all time. Get over it translationfags and nonAnglofags...
I unironically believe that JK Rowling created the best university ever produced in literature in her Harry Potter...
What are some worthwhile Dutch books...
Spanish language literature
Who else here /reallyfuckingsmart/?
What were the first words of Veeky Forums?
Wyd lit?
What are some books about being a mediocre failure who will never achieve his dreams
Fucked Up Hospital Lit
Can someone give me the cliffnotes of Stirner?
Why is this book held to such high acclaim?
I like to drink beer and read in my living room. Is there any one better than Bukowski to read and drink heavily to...
Why are there so few books where characters actually have to work...
New Tolkien Novel
Write whats on your mind
He reads fiction
What do you guys think holden did with his life after he got out of the mental hospital
Can you recommend a good book about a wizard, or multiple wizards?
I need recommendations for the best translation from Russian to English
Serious question:
What would he think about white men today?
I can't do it. It's just too damn boring
Shakespeare Grammar?
Comic is an often overlooked yet perfectly valid medium still at a very early stage of development
How did you do in high school?
GRRM death preparation
What's the most disappointing book you've ever read?
This is the best living writer
Reading the Bible but the not the sequel
Does anyone else find the absolute irony that with the rate of Christianity dropping in the mainstream people are...
Want to read
Is this book good for learning about the history of Christianity?
Have you considered a Nom De Plume?
Fucking Camus was such a normie retard. If he was ugly he wouldn't have written half the garbage he wrote...
What do you know about Portuguese (from Portugal, not Portuguese Language) Literature?
Who are some writers that are effectively nu-male poison?
Why should I read books instead of playing videogames all day?
Why do the majority of booktubers have more chromosomes than I've had hot dinners?
Why isn't he held in higher esteem...
Holy shit. I didn't think it would be this good. Does it have to be read it Arabic and out-loud...
Just finished studying pic related and On certainty...
Is Infinity Jest hard to read?
He has less talent than both Rupi and Savannah yet he's never bitched about on here. Why?
Carl Schmitt
Tell me about that story you haven't been writing. What's stopping you from putting pen to paper?
Hi. 'Anyone here subscribe to either de Botton's School of Life, or Alex Kierkegaard's Orgy of the Will?
Hello Veeky Forums. Pleb asking here
Where to start with this guy?
Why do all you non-INF/INTJs even bother trying to compete with us...
So which one of you retards actually thinks the divine comedy is a good book...
Copy of Aniara
ITT: Shittiest book you read and why you feel that way...
I'm half way through this beast. What does Veeky Forums think of this door-stopper?
What are some Veeky Forums-core movies?
What is genre fiction?
My FIRST poetry thread
Why do people like this book so much?
Okay Veeky Forums, what is the definition of the term "covfefe??"
Veeky Forumserary pet peeves thread
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Machine-Written Books
Whats wrong with e-readers?
Is anybody interested in reading my manifesto in PDF form?
What did Nietzsche think about black people? Did he ever mention them?
Give me a Veeky Forums approved snapchat name
Give me your fanciest analysis of this tweet
I just accepted a scholarship to do a Masters of English Literature
Reposting for those who missed it last time
Who are your favorite nihilist writers, Veeky Forums?
Literature about nature
Can't stop reading and re-reading Shakespeare
Jordan Peterson pre-requisite reading
Does anyone here actually know how to use a semicolon
I'm going on a coffee date with a cutie into lit, how do I win her heart?
Are there any books yet that make sense of our current time? millenials, social media, sjws, alt right...
Post your favorite prayer and we rate each other on their patricianhood
So why isn't the unexamined life worth living?
Where exactly with the Greeks should I start?
Are all humans equal?
The Rape of Maggie Marie
Dialogue is so awkward in novels with all the "he said, she said" repeated throughout...
Tfw published fiction and criticism
Thoughts on Raymond Carver?
He will die in your lifetime
What is the American equivalent of the Lord of the Rings?
Does it deserve the hype, or is it over rated?
Look what I have :)
Can we have an art/paintings thread?
Is this supposed to be funny? I just started today and am only on chapter 7...
Who are the best reactionaries to read? I'd prefer nonfiction. Mishima, Evolva, etc. didn't do much for me...
B-bloomlets btfo
Jewish-dominated intellectual movements to develop radical critiques of gentile culture that are compatible with the...
Attracting women
Goodreads choice awards
ITT: Books that will put you on a government list if you bought them
Le current year
Which Bible is the most scholarly?
My parents are buying my 8 year old niece this book...
Any other CS( or STEM) students who wish they studied the humanities and had the talent to become a great writer ?
I keep seeing the word "Psuedointellectual" being thrown around...
Does anybody else feel like Pessoa's "Book of Disquiet" is the end game of literature?
How many pages would you say you read a day on average?
Who are the best writers that barely ever left their house?
ITT: Poems you love that are small enough to fit in the comment field
May I give it a try? Is it that good?
How do I become a great writer like Paul Schrader?
Want to be a writer
Searle or Derrida? Was the Algerian simply an obscurantist?
Are you writing something niggers?
Be me
Hey Veeky Forums what do you think of my high school literature?
Why did he think that ancient Greece was the pinnacle of civilization? What made it so good and worth striving for?
How does this make you feel?
What do you study in philosophy when you want to study the method of reasoning itself? Is that outside of philosophy?
Which is the comfiest season to read? I think for me it's fall or winter
Do I have to be a pervert to be a good writer?
Critique thread?
Why being somewhat handsome and a sports guy isn't that much of a meme to be a writer like being mentally ill and an...
He had no dick, right?
Why aren't white print books more popular? I find white print on dark pages much easier on my shitty eyes
Born incredibly wealthy with patrician parents in one of the greatest intellectual/cultural periods in German history...
It's 4am. Read my shit, will post 2nd page
"Culture isn't dead."
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Books that changed your life and you can't get them out of your head
Books that lonely, lost, young men should read?
Which should I read first?
Is it cringy to post your poetry on facebook?
What DOES fiction do?
The Trivium
Do you finish books even if you find them boring? What if they're highly praised "classic" books?
Red Pilled Authors
Can anyone recommend books on insanity and schizophrenia?
Harold Bloom on the Mormon Breakthrough
How many books have you read Veeky Forums?
Anyone else worried that they might actually be cursed by genetically low IQ and are only "good" at reading because of...
Why don't we take education reform seriously...
Infinite Jest prep?
Twenty-four pages in. When does it get good?
Veeky Forums charts thread. I'll start
Umm... WHY should I talk to you if I have hundreds of better looking options on my phone?
What is required leftist reading?
What are your thoughts on my book shelf, anons
What is the most enjoyable book you've read?
What are some "life-changing" /epic books. not talking about fiction
You're walking along the muggy, hot St...
Torah/Pentateuch Reading Group Week 1
Beginning literature for non-readers
You have 5 hours to give a good reason to be a moral person
What was the purpose of every 4th chapter being about cetology? Was I missing something during reading?
How do I into Buddhism? I don't like nihilism anymore Veeky Forums
Where to start with pic related?
You only have enough time to read around 7000 books in your lifetime
I'm halfway through Fagle's translation of the Odyssey
Can any linguists identify this language?
It seems Queen Laurie Penny has written another three books since she was last here. One in particular...
In your best prose describe this angel sent from heaven
Tell me your bad writing habits
In your best prose, write what's on your mind
What Constitutes "Happy Living"?
Is Brave New World the most adequate prediction of our present?
Has Stirner actually changed your behaviour in everyday life or do you guys just shitpost about him?
Intellectualism & autism
How do you do read books when there's no achievements at all in them? I'm serious...
Psychic spies from China try to steal your mind's elation
English Teacher Stories
Perché non l'hai ancora letto, user?
Hi Veeky Forums, math student here...
In your best prose describe how long this cat is
Manly Richards: A Story of Americock
I'm looking for a concise book about communism, the ideas of Marx or modern communists...
Favorite book of the bible
Why are women looked down upon by agents while white men are praised...
Veeky Forums unequivocally BTFO
Was Adolf Hitler an 'Overman' or Ubermensch Veeky Forums?
Mfw you realize that reading the translation of Odissey and the Iliad instead of the original is like kissing the cheek...
Thirty seconds to write something. Doesn't matter if it makes sense, make it short
He thinks he's Veeky Forums
The Bible
So when are we going to get together and track this mother fucker down
Memes aide, is she actually a good author?
Why are all the men in Herman Hesse's books so sensitive? Seems a bit unrealistic
Can't debate without wanting to cry
The Shadow of the Torturer is hands down, the worst fantasy book i read in last 2 years, and i read some crappy stuff
Japanese Lit General
Can someone here who has studied Freud or Jung please analyse this dream I had last night?
You're a serial killer and leave behind poems on the corpse
Thoughts on my B&N haul?
What are some books that are entire puzzles in their own, on par with Ulysses and Infinite Jest?
Do you have to be a drug addict or mentally diseased to write great Veeky Forums?
Come listen with me Veeky Forums fam
What advanced reading techniques are you aware of? Pic related
"the future of literanture is large focus on the representation of minorities in literature"
Why the fuck are chinese web novels suddenly so popular
What have you written?
ITT: Shakespeare's best lines
What is with the E-Reader hate on Veeky Forums?
Daily reminder that if you're not fluent in at least three languages you are a literary pleb and should consider suicide
Top 100 Ebook Download
ITT: great writers present their material to a creative writing class and we're the other students critiquing him
Guys im freaking out my parents found my 400 page long manifesto about achieving a perfect white ethnostate i can hear...
Books to learn about Canadian culture
Please tell me this the Harry Potter franchise will be forgotten in a decade, I can't stand this shit anymore...
Which language has more untranslatable texts: German or French? And what about Latin...
Why do we hate him again?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Martin quits writing Winds of Winter because GoT spoiled major plot points
Suicide notes
ITT: most Veeky Forums dictators
Fuck I'm wasting my stupid fucking life Jesus fuck
Hero or villain?
I've been reading some Soft porn books, basically copies of 50 shades of grey...
Anyone into Japanese 20th century stories? Rec and discuss
So...uh...we gonna make a litchan or what?
I'll be dropping LSD in the woods tonight. What ideas/concepts should I contemplate, Veeky Forums?
She is working on a novel
Who are some essentially covert gnostic authors?
Colleges worth going to?
Got any recommendations for some science fiction short novels that directly or indirectly portray philosophies like...
Bible Reading Group
Who's the Karl Marx of philosophy?
For the sake of the discussion, let's suppose that morality is not a spook. Then tell me...
Help choosing a monologue
Tfw only intelligent and educated enough to realize how ignorant I am
In your best prose, describe this webm
Why is this so awesome?
Just got this
Book has the N-word in it
I'm writing a book on Chris Chan
Freud, Marx...
Has anyone else read this?
Once I'm done with Plato and Aristotle, where do I go next for Western philosophy
What are YOU reading, Veeky Forums?
Bookshelf thread!
Is the KJV actually worth reading through in its entirety?
Essential Jewcore?
Itt: post your current state in life and get recommendations
I'm going to be backpacking India for 2 months starting in October when the monsoon season ends...
How do you begin reading books instead of keeping them on the shelf...
Drugs and lit
What's the philosophy for being a dick to people?
Veeky Forums acts all pretentious and superior, looking down on those who read genre fiction and YA novels
Is reading this a waste of my valuable time if I am an atheist?
Pleb tier popular authors
Who else here is tired of how politics inevitably shits on every beautiful and graceful thing this world has to offer?
Book about countless billions being sent to a place of eternal torment...
What is some of the all-time greatest children's literature?
Living on my own in London
Why is modern literature so self-concerned?
Who do you think is the greatest stylist in the English language? And post an example!
Tfw since I started getting more into philosophy fiction seems like boring children books
Be honest, you just shit on him because you don't understand Jung and you've never read his works
Hello Veeky Forums
Enough pussyfooting, I'm ready to read. New Jerusalem or King James? Or maybe another translation? Why?
Reads Foucault once
Should there be a lit for non-fiction books only?
Let's talk about this chart
Was William Blake schizophrenic?
I want to read about body cultism...
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 58, and post the third sentence...
I somehow want to write something before I kill myself, but I am at a point where it seems useless to do anything...
Writes a play so brazenly antisemitic that 400 years later people think it's a critique of antisemitism
Is that fat mother fucker GRRM ever going to finish ASOIAF series
Alright niggers is the bible a good book? I think religion is evil and avoid it. But if the bible is good I'll read it...
Read more of the brothers Karamazov
So I've started reading "History of Peloponnesian War" by Thucydides. Superb book so far, really well written...
Veeky Forums meta
Is there a book that discusses the beauty of teenage girls and man's relation to it?
I know "Stuffed in the Fridge" is more of a comics thing...
If you had the chance to meet one author in all of history, who would it be?
Am I the only one who thinks its amazing how the right wing has utterly co-opted the analytical tools of the Marxists?
What are the best ghost story and weird fiction authors?
First person or third person?
I have no words
I'm know nothing
Any more philosophy websites like this?
What are some books where i first have to read the Bible to fully understand them?
New top 100
Chart Thread
Is marijuana weed the key to good writing? When I use it, all my descriptions become superior
Just got this
Is it easy to read La Divina commedia se l'italiano non è la sua lingua materna?
Veeky Forums Confessions
Can we stop the elitist anti-translation memes...
Odysseus vs Beowulf: Death Battle
How do you keep your place in books?
Is this the ultimate meme trilogy?
Tfw I only see novels as entertainment but mountains and mountains of pseuds claim otherwise
Holy Shit
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Reading Demons by Dostoevsky
We are slowly approaching the halfway mark, what have you read so far this year...
Can I have the quick rundown on this Kantbot character?
Name me some books that you would liketo read but don't feel prepared yet
Write your suicide note
Local bookstore installed pleb detectors
Howdy, Veeky Forums. I see Journey to the End of the Night mentioned a lot in threads here...
Why do you read?
How or will mira gonzalez respond to rupi Kaur totally BTFO of her in the poetry game...
/lits top 100 books written after 1990! Polling starts today! Each user can vote for 5 different books...
Why don't YOU have an aversion to failure, Veeky Forums?
Wew, lads. This heat is too much for me
ITT: we imagine sequels for Shakespeare's plays
Lads we gotta let go of this reading the classics bullshit. Everyone knows what classic books are good...
*blocks your path*
Meanwhile, in Bizarro Veeky Forums
As was his wont
Economic man himself has given away to the psychological man of our times – the final product of bourgeois...
Are these writers and intellectuals right?
Take a break
Complete Works of Shakespeare
So what did you retards think of this?
What am I supposed to make of this?
Critique thread! Any German Anons willing to give this excerpt a quick read and tell me how to improve it?
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Why are all of his characters so autistic?
What is the most Veeky Forums genre of fiction and why is it historical fiction?
On The Creation of Niggers
Girl / nu male raises their hand in class
The real idiot is the person who bought this shit book, the greater idiot is the one who actualy slugged through it
What do you think of the pleb vs. patrician spectrum? Does it actually exist or is it just Veeky Forums elitism?
Veeky Forums's Top 100 books voting thread #2
Books for stupid morons
Finish the thought Veeky Forums
1. age
Would you let DFW teach you?
ITT: male gaze novelists
Is this practical knowledge or just a meme?
Holy fuck nobody ever told me how long this book is
What book should I read if I want to understand the women's mind?
Yo, Veeky Forumsizens, I have an idea
Anybody else wanna talk about mieville's stuff?
Literally the greatest author of all time
So how the fuck do I read his obtuse and needlessly elaborate philosophy...
Why do people generally assume that life has an instrinsic meaning?
Pets in literature
Reading and comprehending the Greeks
Without the kingdom of heaven, or other such theological endgame, to where, or what...
What did famous and extremely on topic author JK Rowling mean by this?
Want to write a novel
Can someone help me read about Christianity?
Who will be the great defender of literature and literature studies when Bloom is gone?
What is the worst book you've ever read, and why?
What is Shakespeare's most superior tragedy?
Stop being a Christian
Why aren't you a vegetarian?
What is your opinion on the most important philosophical mind of our time?
This is Pynchon's greatest novel, why haven't you read it yet?
What is your opinion on the most important philosophical mind of our time?
The Crying of Lot 49
What philosophical works explore the themes found in serial experiments lain?
When did communism become a meme again in the U.S.?
Do I really have to "start with the Greeks?"
Who's the most cultured writer that makes sure his (or "her" [lel]) reader knows how smart and educated he is?
Tfw my entire life...
What are some of Veeky Forums's pet peeves about books?
Best Music Books?
This guy is wasting his time in politics. His battle against SJWs and the liberal Canadian government is already lost
Has anyone read a work of literature in a foreign language?
What's the Twin Peaks of literature?
What book fucked you up the most, Veeky Forums? Be honest
Is Candide an Epicurean book?
Why is the largest majority of intellectuals atheist?
Educate yourself libshits
When did you grow out of hating STEM?
Writing prompt: your suicide letter
Have you enjoyed any novels published in the 2010s?
Is anyone else sad the way that art and literature seems to be progressing...
Stoner Thread
Do you guys do any drugs (relative low dose) while reading? Alcohol and Caffeine included
The Divine Comedy
Try to read a book
Anyone here reads latin american literature? like Vargas Llosa or Gabriel García Márquez??
Tfw you fell for the smartphone meme and it has obliterated your reading time
Any of you know any sites that discuss literature?
Thoughts on Joshua Cohen?
ITT: books that turn you from child to man
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Is there required reading before Shakespeare?
Ambient albums to listen to while reading?
Is this worth reading?
Creative writing?
Has Stefanty's "Leaves" surpassed Rael's "The Tiger"?
What does Veeky Forums think of Dave Rubin?
I'm so tired of being alone and trapped in a backward third world country where everyone is so dumb and shallow
Antinatalism is nihilistic
Read for a day
Which are the essential books of the Bible to start a deep study on the Christian conceptions of Evil and the...
Shoudn't Andromeda be black?
Reminder that this is the only epic fantasy series worth reading. Bayaz is the best and should win
Is it really that bad of a book?
Picked up a copy of pic related at the school store used for a few bucks. My question is...
Lovecraft Newfag Here
Looking for the best translation of the iliad, please help me Veeky Forums
I just finished this. What should I do next?
It is feeling ultra reddit in here
ITT: Plots to stories you're too lazy to write yourself
**puts big pool of water in your path**
He reads e-books
Is there a postmodernism chart?
So I'm getting older, can't enjoy a lot of hobbies I grew up with
I've got a final revision of the religious texts chart I made. I tried to take all criticisms into account...
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread. Repent your literary sins and maybe you won't be such a pleb
For you, who are the most intelligent philosophers?
Read for 30 min
ITT: write a single-line poem
Is suicide always a sign of philosophical weakness?
If you were a father who had to pick out a book for your teenage boy to read, which would it be?
Post-structualism is final philosophy, it perfectly
Veeky Forums's top 100 books for 2017. Voting thread - day 1
Is it autistic to use Shakespearean English in this day and age?
What's the best translation of the I Ching?
Is The Art of War considered literature...
When the fuck did we get a new top 100? What is this?
What are some good Veeky Forums tattoos?
Why does Veeky Forums hate Kafka?
What are you reading?
Most Veeky Forums historical figures??
Hows that poem/short story/novel coming Veeky Forums?
The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic...
I understand English way better than my own native language
I am bored all the time and i am tired of living. nothing feels new or exciting...
You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it...
What is the most depressing book you've ever read?
Have you ever had the urge to write an epistolary novel...
Does Veeky Forums know of any decent literature written by blind people, especially people who were blind from birth?
Why did women have sex with Bukowski?
I have a question of morals for you, Veeky Forums
Authors and Journalists who are personal heroes for you
Self Help
Why doesn't reddit like out top 100 charts?
I have discovered why women like this book so much
Personal God Tier poets?
Veeky Forums 2017 top 100 poll results!
Go to British museum
What are some good books about damaged father/son relationships?
Veeky Forums, why do you guys still read books, when graphic novels are better in every way? Think about it
Are there any merits to pseudo-intellectualism?
He likes george orwell
Recent purchases thread? rate if you feel like it
Veeky Forums I need some advice and I'm not joking
Continental philosophy
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Was Artemis Fowl popular in the US?
New Murakami
Read about fucking white male authors who wrote amazing literature while under harsh oppression: decades of forced...
What writing software do you use?
people are summer funnin' outside
Anybody plan on reading this?
Where do I start with this edgy boy?
Is it still possible to write something so controversial it will be banned?
Why can't Veeky Forums just make their own website? Why do we have to be here?
What are the essential Shakespeare plays and which plays can I safely skip?
Recommend me some right wing philosophers
What do you think is the place of romance and sex in serious novels...
This is pretty good
Controversial government law passes
Love books
What's your favorite word Veeky Forums?
Should we learn Latin first or Greek first?
Why is sincerity so often contrasted with irony? Surely they are not mutually exclusive terms
Atlas Shrugged
What are some books to stop me from wanting to be a girl?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Two Hundred Years Together
Is there anything inherently wrong in writing Pulp?
Re-write this poem in the style of an author (prose or poetry) and others guess who you were going for
How picky are you about your book covers?
Any good homophobic literature besides the bible and other religious texts?
Japanese literature
So this is nowhere near as good as everyone led me to believe
Whomst is the James Joyce of women's literature?
I like this guy, but it was't quite what I was looking for
ITT: Painfully underrrated authors
Anyone read pic related? Seen him mentioned a few times on here, don't know a lot about him...
So, who do you guys write like?
Are these the pinnacle of genius writting? Specially the handsome motherfucker on the right
Is this a good introduction to literature?
The only way a woman can be a good writer is if she is ugly and/or a lesbian
If you're tired of shitty /pol/ posting, Veeky Forums-tier "humanities," and shower thoughts masquerading as /phil/...
What are some books in which women receive the punish they deserve for being sluts?
Never forget that I love you, son
Do you think Rupi Kaur is aware of the fact that an actual 6 year old is outperforming her in poetry...
Why was Yeats so into the occult and magic and /x/ stuff?
Are there any good books critiquing capitalism that were written in this day and age...
Who are the beachiest writers?
How could one man have been so based?
Why do white authors write better black characters than black authors?
How is the fighting agaisnt crippling nihilism going, Veeky Forums?
What are the essential works on boipussy?
Inspiration thread. Share your pieces of art in order to inspire others to write
What are some books about having no direction in life
How the HELL do you go from this
What is the best existential philosophical work?
Stories about distant lands and dark castles
Tfw yet ANOTHER philosophy factory just closed down in my area
Alright Veeky Forums, give us an interesting essay prompt
Why is this book so popular in Japan? It's the second highest selling novel of all time there
Reddit is unironically better than 4chin now
The Wealth of Nations
Why does he trigger Veeky Forumsards so much?
Patrician Veeky Forums timetable critique thread
Go to Veeky Forums
Goodreads thread? Add me up
Ideas for a short story
Why is STEM bashed so much here on Veeky Forums?
What is a work that describes the ideal female?
Tfw you've been misinterpreted and made into a meme that nobody takes seriously
Why hasn't a woman ever written a masterpiece yet?
What are the most discussed philosophical issues in literature? asking for a friend
Is greentext literature?
Why does Veeky Forums hate Jordan Peterson...
W2c wife who buys you mythology and cues the tape in the vcr for when you get home late at night and everyone's already...
Write what's on your mind
What are your thoughts on the Artemis Fowl series...
This years Nebula Award for Best Science Fiction Novel winner
Any books on the dangers of democracy?
ITT greentext your plot of your novel
Eckhart Tolle
Requesting literature and poetry that feels like being held and told in a whisper that everything will be okay and it...
What podcasts does Veeky Forums like?
Stop reading/watching news
"read these depressing books user it'll make you less depressed"
Come here from /pol/ to start shit and shill for nationalism, anti-jew memes, and right-wing stuff in general...
I've been flirting with Moby Dick and Anna Karenina for the past couple days. Which one should i commit to?
Veeky Forums channels
Should we read books written by Jews?
Historical Jesus
Let's get a Haiku thread on a roll. Been a while Veeky Forums...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
1. Your MBTI
Where is today's underground art movement and how do i join it
What did Tolkien mean by this?
Contenders for the greatest books of all time
Who are your Top 5 Supreme Literary Geniuses
"I've seen proof, black on white, that Herr Dr...
Anyone else genuinely wish they were dumber?
What books of the Old Testament should I read?
Why do people like this book. I found it really boring, just male centred nonsense
Edmund Burke
Book of Job
Women of Veeky Forums, do you have any preferences when it comes to the Veeky Forums lifestyle of men?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games