Are these writers and intellectuals right?

Are these writers and intellectuals right?

I'm really baffled because Veeky Forums recommends many of these men regularly. Kant's quote sticks out, I wonder what his definition of 'genuis' was??

Other urls found in this thread:, JEWISH CHAUVINISM AND HOLOCAUST REVIVAL.mp3

All wise men throughout the course of history have hated the jews. The problem is that jews cannot personally or collectively as a group accept that this hatred stems from their own defective nature and destructive behavior, so they try to pass it off as a defect in others through the use of the term 'antisemitism,' when in fact it is completely natural to dislike jews.

Contemporary politics and religion: every person with a voice feels the need to comment on them, but few feel the need to justify their views.
The politics of religion then makes fools of even the most thoughtful minds.

>/pol/ threads

"it aint easy being rich and privileged, look what these people from a past society once said about people who come from the same religious background as me!!! its a shoah!!!"

The H.G Wells quote apparently went straight over this author's head

I was reading a famous jews facebook posts and one of them said "it never ceases to amaze me how complicit we are as israelis in our own destruction"

I really made me think

jews haven't really produced much art of merit. what you generally get is self deprecating Woody Allen style "anxiety as profundity". it's why jews are so prevalent in modern art fields but irrelevant in rigorously analyzed classic literature. notice how the writer doesn't offer a legitimate rebuttal. just arrogance mixed with a victim complex to distract from the arrogance.

Nice sound bite, but you haven't given any reason to take it seriously.

Just out of curiosity, what would you consider a reason to take something seriously?

>muh switcharoo

Not user but nice deflection bro.

The genius statement can disproven if you include people with minor Jewish background, more so generically than ethnically, who would identify as Christian German rather than Jewish for example.

Everyone hated Jews until the holocaust, and now people are starting to hate them again. Their behavior causes it read any of those quotes and if you want a good history of anti-semetism and what caused it read culture of critique.

What's the switcharoo? Asking him what his reply meant?

What is it about Jews that's so easy to hate? Why are they so despised the world over? The author of your passage calls anti-Semitism 'a disease of the soul'. But that's not how people work, people surely aren't born hating Jews, but learn to hate them. What about Jews makes them so despicable? Can anyone who is not an anti-Semite answer this, please?

Why would you specify non antisemites? Wouldn't antisemites be best situated to answer your question?

They are involved in their culture, which is different from the Islamic and Christian one, and for centuries they had no central power, no stable institution in their defense, which means that they're the perfect scapegoat for any sort of societal hate: attention can be diverted on the shadyness of some of its partecipants, when needed. Who cares if most Jews are at best middle-class with no saying in any sort of special interest? Dumb people will still want them to go in ruin cause of Soros and the Rothchilds.

Antisemitism on Veeky Forums did not just pop out of existence: it has taken 3 years of raids by stormtards to turn it nazi. This is not a fault of the Jewish community, rather a sign of how gullible the general population is.

>Kafka is "anxiety as prodoundity"
>he thinks Jews are artistically worthless because no Jewish author managed to enter the canon in those years in which Jews were confined to ghettos
>he still does not regard the Ancient Testament as one of the aesthetic and moral foundations of the Western canon

>What is it about Jews that's so easy to hate? Why are they so despised the world over?

They are the most racist and racially supremacist people that have ever existed and that ever will exist.

Because they lie and scheme to obtain positions of power, which, once obtained, they mobilize against the host, who they see as subhuman cattle, or "goyim." Then, when those people rise up against them and try to remove them, they lash out and make excuses to absolve themselves of blame like did. Basically, they think they have been "chosen" to rule over others and have a murderous lust for power people of reasonable mind cannot fathom.


Israelis claim nationhood, this is everything the rootless cosmopolitan jew stands against. You think Soros or any liberal new elite cares if israel collapses overnight?

If you want an extensive exposition of Jewish claims and refutations of their claims since WWII you need to read this, it's one of the few academic monographs on the subjects but it's critical of fascism so it might trigger the /pol/tards

audio version I made (289.0M fyi):, JEWISH CHAUVINISM AND HOLOCAUST REVIVAL.mp3

> This account begins with a brief overview of the rise and fall of fascism between 1918 and 1945, as well as the casualties of world war 2 and in its aftermath. It is suggested that charges of anti-Semitism are now made against whoever does not support Jewish demands sufficiently. Such is exemplified by the charges against a wide array of individuals and institutions as well as the resurrection of accounts of the Holocaust over the past forty years. It is suggested that these endeavors approach witch hunting and are not primarily about righting past injustices but are rather a mechanism to garner support for current Jewish and Israeli interests. The final portions deal with Israeli arms production and sales, its invasion and occupation of Lebanon during the 1980s and the drawn out repression of the Palestinian Intifada.

So your argument is "jews are evil because of these stereotypes"? By the way you could make the same argument for the US, yet I never see anyone call for the genocide of Americans (thanks God, that would be stupid).

>All wise men throughout the course of history have hated the jews.
Goethe loved the Jews.

Are you all 14 or something? Even for Veeky Forums idiocy, this is fucking insane. Christians have used Jews as their scapegoat to push agendas for centuries, so it's hardly surprising that many people raised in Christian society among racists think poorly of Jews, but the list of great Jewish writers and thinkers is immense. It's far beyond any bullshit or bothering to argue this crap: the modern world simply wouldn't exist without Jewish people. Go read a book and stop listening to your drunken uncles and Kant.