Edmund Burke

What is your opinion on this based Irishman's aesthetic philosophy?


Ishmael didn't care for him so neither can I.

You plebs don't even appreciate an aesthetic philosophy grounded in empirical psychology. What a shame.

Philosophy? More like fapfapfapfapfap

I didn't even know he wrote aesthetic philosophy so I imagine its pretty garbage

His political theory is shit. Only of worth to anyone comitted to the most craven form of nationalism that aims towards personal mediocrity at the expense of civilization.


>I didn't even know he wrote aesthetic philosophy so I imagine its pretty garbage

t. triggered Jacobin

the og cuckservative

Robbespiere's only mistake was that he didn't go far enough

my retinas have cuts after reading this post from the edginess.

>aesthetic philosophy is garbage
you guys really need to fuck off of this board.

fuck off with your ideology; reactionaries are vermin not people

How can you not understand his very simple sentence?

It is way too early-romantic and basic to make me cry like a bitch when imagining the Sublime. Schelling and Kant had more terminology to work with, so I theirs are better.
He is actually an extremely liberal nationalist. Supported almost all new liberations of his time. France was already a liberated independent country, so they needn't do their revolution according to him.

I understood it perfectly well. I know that he means that it must not be worth reading since he hasn't heard of it before. I also know that, between the lines, he seems to hold aesthetics in low regard, bud.

>It is way too early-romantic and basic to make me cry like a bitch when imagining the Sublime.
Right, but it's important to remember what most of the art of the time was like (Tiepolo, Fragonard, Watteau, etc.), Burke and his generation of aesthetic theorists paved the way
for the acceptance of artists who would have been too "out there" for the enlightenment conception of painting such as Füssli and Blake. It's unfair to say that either is better than the other because the conception of what art was capable had changed. Pic related is an inkwash from 1778 by Füssli on the same themes as Burke's Enquiry.

Why did you even bother trying to refute something you didn't read? You admit you didn't read his aesthetic theories and you judging by the fact that you don't know what you're talking about it's a safe bet that you haven't read his political writings.

He went far enough that he executed enough of his former supports that the remaining ones banded together and killed him.

>remaining ones

See, not far enough

Have a (you) and a satirical print of Robespierre executing the executioner after everyone in France has been executed.

His political theory is pretty sound actually, but I'm assuming you haven't read that either.