What is the best edition of the Bible for literary purposes? Hardback preferred,
The Bible
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There's an overwhelming amount of explanatory notes and critical essays in this one.
you didn't read it.
the commentary only goes up to genesis and exodus. a shame really. but it really does need a multi-volume edition for more comprehensive coverage.
>overwhelming amount of explanatory notes and critical essays
>the commentary only goes up to genesis and exodus
wtf lit
>surprised lit doesn't read the books they shill
You only have yourself to blame.
Northrop Fry for more in depth analysis, words of power and the code are good ones to accompany the The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha
>Hardback preferred
Man, it's cumbersome enough as a paperback.
this is false. I own the Norton King James Bible and can confirm that the notes extend throughout every book. I don't know what this guy is talking about.
Oxford NRSV Annotated Bible is the only way to read the Holy Bible. This book is also available in hardcover. KJV is blasphemy.
When you think 'bible & literature'...its the King James Version. Its Shakespearean in its beauty.
They all tell the same thing. Pretty words don't interest me much, the deepest beauty of art lies in it's expression of faith. I prefer newer and straightforward versions like NABRE.
Only plebs want a hardcover bible. Leatherbound is the best way to go.
that's bullshit
Go to a church and ask the priest after the service. Don't forget to talk to him about what his favourite book is and why.
Why can't obtaining a book be an experience? You are not really going to get one from amazon are you?
nigger the priest is part of a specific church, he's not just generally christian
if he's a catholic he will recommend a catholic bible and so on
also, let's be honest, a priest will be a pleb 9/10 times
This. As a patrician, acquiring a book from a store and posting about it on Veeky Forums is at times far superior to reading the book itself.
You couldn't back up that opinion with a single legitimate point
Then go to all the denominations and read the book that was given to you by the priest/nun/baker/clerk/wej you liked the best, who gave you the most compelling reason to read their favourite book in the bible of the bible that they gave you.
You would rather take the word of strangers on /lil/ - a board known for it's hypocrisy with regards to reading and recommending, over the word of a person or people who study the text all day everyday.
Go out and have an experience, you will appreciate the bible more.
That's just fucking stupid
No one, including you, has ever done something that contrived and autistic
A bible with:
-annotated passages including every verse before they were written out in the NIV,
-Has alternate definition for greek and Hebrew word variations
-includes b-side books such as dead sea scrolls, apocrypha, pseudipigrapha, etc.
Interpretation should be up to the reader don't you think? What other books are a-notated like that? "What Einstein was REALLY saying was..." No, you never see that in anything other then religious text and I don't get that...
That's true they knocked on my door and i let them in.
>What other books are a-notated like that?
Philosophy, Law and Political texts, I'm actually pretty sure nearly all of humanities does this.
Douay–Rheims or New American are the only correct answers
the right answers
>an updated version of the KJV to modernise the spelling (no 'thee' and 'thou') and update select passages for which newly discovered, more ancient and thus authentic manuscripts now exist
>refuses to update "patriarchal" language on grounds that doing so is unfaithful to the original texts
>the most scholarly accurate translation in english by far
>the most literal translation in english by far
>available in cheap leather-bound versions that last a lifetime
>everyone forgets about it
>Those covers
The OP one looks nice
>Oxford world classics cover
>Not solid color hardcover or leather back
It's nice if you want to look like a cuck.
>reading the bible
>not looking like a cuck
>t. edgy teen atheist
The ruler in this photo has probably been used to measure someone's dick. Amen.
Why the fuck would you read an outdated translation of the vulgate? It's full of bizarre readings that aren't in the original sources.
Wrong, but I only read the Tanakh :^)
>leather back
>pretty words don't interest me much
get the fuck out
Douay–Rheims is the ultimate contrarian choice. It is clunky as fuck and makes very little sense, and is ultimately a translation of a translation.
For sheer literary and historical significance, KJV should be any native English speaker's go to translation.
Because there's a minority of "traditional" Catholics that like to LARP that they're in the Middle Ages. Since they don't know Latin the Douay-Rheims is about as close as they can get.
Douay–Rheims is the Matthew of bible translations, regal and majestic.