Do people only shill this hack because he's a communist? I know Veeky Forums is full of butthurt nu-male lefties who are still mad about /pol/ being a better board, but surely you could shill someone like Chomsky instead?
If you want someone who isn't an ideologue who denies the suffering of tens of millions under communist tyranny, listen to Jordan Peterson.
John Lewis
I thought zizek was more of a neo humanist. He is well read in psychoanalysis and uses his experiences living under communism and capitalism to really say that any ideology is really a big fucking joke ment to subjugate the population.
He seems more of a reaction to the "postive" psychology movement than anything. But t high ats probably my own ideological bias to see everything in psychological terms.
Brody Morales
Holy shit how is peterson even lit? Isnt he just some shitposter that graduated to being a youtube faggot.
Ryan Cox
Regardless of his politics Zizek is a charismatic, engaging SNIFF speaker. He's SNIFF hardly a hack. I don't have a problem with Peterson but the tone of your post is one reason he gets backlash here.
Liam Reed
>Jordan Peterson
Josiah Torres
Levi Moore
>Do people only shill this hack because he's a communist?
no, it's mainly because he used to be an entertaining speaker
James Ortiz
Žižek's "communism" is meaningless, he doesn't have any political program at all and seems to mainly advocate reforms which even liberals would support. You read him as a continental philosopher, not the next Marx - he says himself that his life's work has been about Lacan and Hegel.
Jordan Morgan
>I know Veeky Forums is full of butthurt nu-male lefties
First day here?
Cameron Morales
>tfw you will never fuck JBP's solid 3/10 wife in front of him while he cries
Aaron Kelly
>jordan peterson >weak womanly voice >paid in patreon by lots of retards who post "bucko" in reddit and /pol/ >never involved in politics >also in many shitty "fashwave" unironic pics >believes Gulag Archipielago is a historic document
>Zizek >alpha man voice >all of his wives were beautiful and/or models >travels around the world >actually was in politics and opposed Slovenia's independece >writes lots of articles and books in a serious way unlike Peterson >doesn't take himself in a serious way during lectures unlike Peterson
Guess which one has more nu-male supporters, assuming "nu-male" is a word for non-masculine men.
Also you probably haven't read Peterson and instead rely on his ebin memes like "clean your room".
Ryder Anderson
I don't think ameritards really have the cultural context to understand Zizek calling himself a communist. He's not a communist in the sense you're thinking. And, 'like any good Marxist', he reiterates his feeling that capitalism is the greatest economic system ever devised, that has improved living standards around the world immensely. His point is actually that, whether we accept it or not, capitalist societies are reaching a crisis point, and that it is divorcing itself from democracy (as evidenced by capitalist countries like Singapore and China that readily absurd capitalism without accepting democracy). He feels Fukuyama's vision is coming true, with the unfortunate footnote that democracy and capitalism don't go hand in hand.
In fact, Zizek says in almost every talk he does that communism is over. Caput. He doesn't see any value in trying to resurrect it. He just thinks so-called democratic-capitalism is going to go the same way. The great tragedy Zizek foretells is we have not devised any equivalent 21st century system to replace these two ideologies.
If anything I think Chomsky is a bigger shill, because Chomsky actually will try to justify the deaths attributed to communism and Maoism. Chomsky tries to obfuscate leftist horrors, while arguing for prescriptive anarcho-communist ideologies as the way forward. Zizek plays lip-service to the idea of being a stalinist, but it never really comes through in his writing.
Basically, OP, stop believing in the boogeyman idea of communism, and furthermore, understand that a middle-aged Slovenian is going to have a very different cultural context for that word than you. Lol.
Colton Torres
Actually, he says in almost every talk that 20th century communism is over, but we need a new communism for the current year. As he doesn't have anything substantial to contribute to political theory, this isn't a big revelation, there are numerous communist currents that divorce themselves from MLism. In fact, politics is where Žižek is least interesting, and I find it strange that he should be so influential for that instead of his philosophy and attempt to revive dialectical materialism.
Daniel Long
>Zizek says in almost every talk he does that communism is over. >"Let us be realists and demand the impossible: communism."
What did he mean by this?
Owen Sanchez
Peterson and Zizek are both interesting to me.
Julian Peterson
But none of his writing reflects the form of communism OP is envisaging. If anything, this 'new communism' just becomes Zizek's phrase for an indeterminate new ideology that will allow us to imagine a future not bound to what appears to be a seemingly inevitable, neoliberalist decline. I would make the proposal that Zizek only uses the phrase due to his own cultural background, and that this use of communism has little to do with the kind of hard-line Stalinism conjured in the imagination of people like Peterson
Brayden Ramirez
Well sure, it's pure ignorance to portray Žižek as someone who is not critical of the USSR. He's actually a huge critic of it, and doesn't even accept the dreams that things would have gotten better if only Trotsky was at the top instead, and all that shit. Also, Yugoslavian market-socialism is quite a different beast from USSR economy, but he was still a dissident there. As an ex-Yugoslav myself I sympathise with his position because there is a large amount of literature here from Marxists who opposed the regime and advocated a faithful implementation of its constitutional goals.
Christopher Bell
It's funny how Peterson's fans like to call everyone else cucks but they are pathetic enough to pay $100 for a fucking half-hour skype call with him.
My only consolation when I see he's making $40k a month on Pateron is that he has to suffer through the awkward calls with these autsists, if you've seen one on YouTube he clearly hates it.
Nathaniel Martin
>Sort yourself out and clean your room with this one weird trick! Only $100 per half-hour
Brayden Smith
zizek is a character in a houellebecq novel - an ugly man who pretends to be profound to get laid
Jaxson Anderson
This. Chomsky is a charlatan, Zizek is cool and OP is a faggot.
Leo Rodriguez
he's one of the few remaining hardcore dialecticians.