Alright Veeky Forums, give us an interesting essay prompt

Alright Veeky Forums, give us an interesting essay prompt.

"Why I am a faggot"

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."

Start writing or you're a pleb

Hitler did nothing wrong, the holocaust never happened but it should happen again

If I wanted to write essays, should I start a blog? How long should they be?

A business man walks into a laundry mat, pulls his pants down and begins pissing in a dryer. How does this affect diversity?

"What are the consequences of peace?"

Hamlets oedipus complex projected onto claudius makes him a weak little bitch

Why Nausicaa is the purest waifu in literature.

every single notable writer was a homosexual

Why worship of the Hebrew god is heresy onto Shakespeare

The world situation and how it has come to this ?

There is magic in the world, the placebo effect on roids. Those dumb enough to believe things easily are the grand wizards, while people that are great with puzzles and complex ideas create lies for the wizards to believe for money ect. If the wizard doesn't have enough magic to perform then it doesn't work and relies it is a lie, thus never able to try it again, knowing it was a lie, but possibly something similar. People gain more magic potential with age.
>gullible, uneducated people become grand wizards
>witty people become fantasy writers mixed with truth to help wizards
EX: witty tells gullible that once a nail is hit all the way into wood, the tip splits inside the wood into 3 to give it better grip. Gullible person believes this, and as he hits the nail with final blow magic is used subconsciously to split the nail.

An elderly man, trapped in his father's basement since a child has been feeding him lies his whole life, even after death he left a craftily worded book on the current state of the world and what he needs to do as the only possible savior of the world. He has finally turned 70, and as the instructions state, it is time to head out on his journey.

A tree swaying in the eyes of a coder.

> Those dumb enough to believe things easily are the grand wizards
This statement has now cursed your world for you.

The internet killed clever post-modern authors and their gay, pseud reliance on esoteric references to seem intelligent and/or unique.

>projecting: the post

thats the point

if they are gullible wouldn't it be pretty easy to explain to them, or show them that what they are doing doesn't make sense and that they were infact lied to, thus ending the particular magic they are using? seems complex, but I think also gives it enough outs to come up with a lot of different and cool solutions to a problem

Describe your earliest memory as vividly as possible.

"Are traps gay?"

I was watching my dad build a jungle gym. I chewed on his screwdriver