What is the American equivalent of the Lord of the Rings?

What is the American equivalent of the Lord of the Rings?

Henry Putter

A song of ice and fire


Do you even think before you post?

Anthologies of Conan tales, the Cthulhu Mythos, or The Dark Tower come to mind.

Still, Tolkien is Tolkien, there is no one like him.

Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court certainly inspired the original time travel plot for the Lost Road and the first draft of the fall of Numenor.

Maybe the Wheel of Time comes the closest in terms of being a 'high fantasy archetype' establisher, but it's not really 'like Tolkien'. Nothing else is like Tolkien: many could ape his writing style, but none could ape his charm.


A Song of Ice and Fire.
The Dark Tower had potential.

The Earthsea series

"The Mayor of the Square."

Mayor drew up a shady but binding legal document giving him dictatorial powers. He lost it during a court battle a few years prior, and is trying to find it ever since. A small town boy finds it and seeks to have in annulled by bringing it to Washington. Boy and his plucky sidekicks trek across America, and are harassed on the way by the mayors goons. Square refers to a town square where proclamations are made.

You've probably never heard of it.



The Dark Tower was specifically designed to be an American fiction epic influenced directly by Tolkien's work.

And yet it was nowhere near the quality. To imply that coked-out aging Stephan King has anywhere near the literary and linguistic prowess of Tolkien is laughable.
And least Earthsea and BotNS are good.

The works of James Branch Cabell or Le Guin's Earthsea or Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun.

The Wheel of Time


because they're both swordshit?

Long and hard.

Came here to post this.

Dune is trash tho

I came here expecting this as a first post. I was not dissapointed user. I see you already got shit for it so I don't need to post any further. And pic related is the correct and sad answer.