How could one man have been so based?

How could one man have been so based?

Also Jung thread. What of him have you read? Your thoughts? Thoughts regarding Jung in general?

Jung man, there's no need to feel down.
I said, Jung man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, Jung man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy.

Tfw read von Franz because Jung is too complicated.

I have never actually read Jung, but his influence is so obviously smeared all over Zizek, Deleuze, etc. that I might actually give it a try. Heck, he even influenced Pauli's interpretation of non-causality (I'm a physicist). So any recommendations on where do I start?

Start with The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, then move onto Aion, then onto whatever interests you. If you find The Archetypes too difficult, start with Man and His Symbols instead. End with his autobiography.

Man and his symbols was basically written by her


I was in the pews of a church, sitting on the floor with some people I used to know from school. A girl named Fay was sitting opposite me and I remember really wanting to tell her so many things but I couldn't because others would overhear, there was also another girl who was a few years older than me at the time and she was further away.
There was more to the dream but I can't remember, I'm starting to get these every other night though just random fragments all mashed together is Freud even worth reading?

I don't really see much hidden meaning in them, another one was 2 youths came to my house at night rapped on my window and performed some sort of sacrifice, took rats out of a box and killed them then threw a brick at my window.
I walked out and I saw one of them was weaker than the other so I hit him with a hammer that appeared in my hand, his friend ran off and I spoke out loud "they'll be back in a month" like I was in a film or something.

>is Freud even worth reading?
I found Civilization and its Discontents a very good, short introduction to Freud, and one of the best things I've read on the topic of happiness, or the lack thereof.

any jungians wanna try to analyze a dream i had a couple of nights ago? i have bad dream recall but this one was pretty vivid and has stuck with me

i was in class, though it was unclear whether it was high school or college. an unseen teacher gave us an assignment to bathe with a fellow classmate and i was paired with a pretty girl. next thing i know, we're in my bathroom. it feels germane to point out the interior of the bathroom is comprised of glaringly white tiles and porcelain. she was already in the tub, so i undressed, but before joining her urinated into the (also glaringly white) toilet. upon submerging into the tub i realized she wasn't naked, but was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, one with a laced opening on the sides that slightly exposed her skin. staring into her, she seemed angelic. flowing blonde hair, a radiant but delicate smile, unblemished skin. i asked if she would kiss me, to which she politely declined and stated that she was a lesbian. i wasn't upset, but took comfort in having my nude body in her gaze.

i've read enough jung to know that he'd consider her my anima, but where do i go from there?

What does Veeky Forums think of professional psychoanalysts?

Will reading about psychoanalysis drive me crazy or make therapy ineffective?

cool dream. you feel unworthy of women.

Analyze this bad boy from the night before.

In my dream I had an aquarium. Among many adult fish I noticed some fry being hunted down and swallowed by the larger fish. Quickly, I caught the tiny fish in my net and proceeded to relocate them into a different aquarium.
Moments after I released them, a huge albino python, that could barely fit in the tank, started eating them. The picture of its twisted body writhing inside murky waters had been on my mind all day.

I think that's where I woke up.

you feel unsettled by the ruthlessness of nature. you fear you might be prey.

I wasn't thinking about nature in ages, but it's a cool interpretation.

The most intelligent and in my opinion correct psychoanalysts come from the object-relations school of psychoanalysis. I would at least in the beginning stay away from the more orthodox Freudian theory as it is ridiculously axiomatic. Read Freud by all means, but understand that a lot of what he has written is a documentation of his own psychopathologies which he arbitrarily considered to be universalities.

Freud himself said the following about his pupils: "the goody-goodys are no good, and the naughty ones go away".

Reading about psychoanalysis will probably not make therapy ineffective for you, it might even help. It really depends.

I read Jung's part of Man and His Symbols and it was alright, nothing super interesting but it was pretty cool in some ways. What books of his should I read to be super interested? I'm into gnostic and esoteric stuff so I want to learn about his contributions to that.

it could be a metaphor, you might have anxiety about a human hierarchy

you try to save the small fish from the larger fish, you want to intervene in the natural game of predator and prey, prevent suffering, but you fail, the reality of hierarchy and inevitability of suffering reasserts itself with the python.

it may not be nature that unsettles you specifically, but alpha/beta, dominance/submission, predator/prey - these dynamics. you wish everyone could just get along, you wish for egalitarianism, you wish to "fix" this situation - saving the little fish from the big ones - but it doesn't seem possible.

That's pretty good. Well done.

>I remember really wanting to tell her so many things
Find out what that might be.

>where do i go from there?
The anima is not some waifu that would remove her panties at your beck and call.

Look for your anima to give you tips concerning the other sex, you may picture it just like girls like to keep a gay friend within reach.

Everything is so spotlessly clean, you sound obsessed with cleanliness - indeed it's one trait obsessive types have.

Just pull a Ricoeur/Habermas and think of it of a very speculative, deep hermeneutics, even though Freud had an unquestionably highly scientistic attitute about his work, throughout his life.

>you try to save the small fish from the larger fish, you want to intervene in the natural game of predator and prey, prevent suffering, but you fail, the reality of hierarchy and inevitability of suffering reasserts itself with the python.
I was about to post the same exact thing.

To go full Jung: the serpent is that very same piece of shit cunt that doomed mankind in Genesis. And as Heidegger said best: "Only a God can save us." You're welcome.

Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. The last part should be his interpretation of this super complex dream a woman told him, but do read what's before it.

Psychology and Alchemy, Alchemical Studies, and Mysterium Coniunctionis.

> think of it of a very speculative, deep hermeneutics

but what if I read and it doesn't help? what if I read about it and I feel invalidated as a person? I already don't believe in free will so if I find something that predicts permanent misery for me then I don't know what I would do. I'm terrified that I'm delusional or missing something fundamental to being human and I don't know what to do. If I don't look into it then I'll always wonder but if i look into and feel permanently relegated to insane human trash I don't know how I would go on.

or in short: what if I believe it and hate myself even more because of it? even if i don't believe it then I'm afraid because I'm running out of things that could help. I am holding out hope that it will seem true and give me some kind of assurance that I'm not doomed to a life of permanent misery

>diagnosed Joyce with schizophrenia cause he was too much of a pleb to understand Ulysses

Would an account that such misery is a collective experience and embedded in our lives help? If yes, you could try Civilization and its Discontents. If you don't believe in free will then don't blame yourself.

it's not entirely about blame although i am worried about how i would feel if i found out i was an awful person at my core. there's also a fear that I am incapable of happiness, that i am a fundamentally unhappy person. so no that wouldn't help, if everyone was miserable that would be worse. it's not that i feel singled out in misery but that i feel misery that is the problem, more often than i don't. i know everyone is sad sometimes but i don't want to be alive because i'm miserable most of the time

>how i would feel if i found out i was an awful person at my core.
We're all animals pretending to be domesticated, we're hypocrites and full of shit and lust. There's a malevolent /b/-tard in all of us.

Jung had a radically different view concerning schizophrenia compared to the one prevailing today. Jung himself had a so-called psychotic breakdown.

I guess i wouldn't feel as bad if that was the case personally but that just gives rise to a new problem that I can't trust anyone. it also doesn't address my main concern that I'm a fundamentally miserable person in for a very bad life, what would you recommend for that?

>Civilization and its Discontents

I've always thought the idea of dream interpretation was strange because I almost never remember my dreams.

They're very easy to forget, certainly. But some images really strike people and get them to ponder over their meaning. The worst dreams can thus haunt you even during the day.

but if it's just saying that "misery is a collective experience and embedded in our lives" then i don't think it'll help. will it make me not worry that my life has been majority unpleasant and seems it will continue that way? if it just says that thats common then i don't see how others being miserable can help. I appreciate your help and i feel like i'm losing my mind right now. psychology in general terrifies me but i am so sick of being miserable day in and day out. in a way it'd be preferable if i did truly lose every last bit of hope because then i'd be able to end it all but i'm worried about getting right up to the line but never being able to end it

Something about his younger self was intimidating. I wouldn't want him as my psychologist.

>but if it's just saying
No. There's the super-ego to make the naked ape appear civilized enough for some form of meaningful interaction, including building the city around you. The price is that our desires get suppressed. Then again the 21th century here isn't as repressive as those before

sounds about right lol

>Look for your anima to give you tips concerning the other sex, you may picture it just like girls like to keep a gay friend within reach.
but what tips are there in my dream? or is the tip simply that my anima has tips and i should stay tuned for them to arrive?

>Everything is so spotlessly clean, you sound obsessed with cleanliness - indeed it's one trait obsessive types have.
i'm mildly anxious about my hygiene but i took the resplendent white as a signifier for something heavenly.

so is the proposed solution to better express our repressed desires? what if I'm pretty sure I do that already? I found this thread in the midst of freaking out with no where else to turn and i appreciate you tolerating my probably very annoying questions. I'm seriously considering reading it but I'm just worried I'm not stable enough to handle it.

start with burning your diploma

I'll give my Freudian two cents. ESL, so excuse my odd syntax.

I'm assuming that you were not sexually active on your adolescence.

The ambientation of your dream seems to be a form of demonstrating your sexual frustration in HS or college. You unconsciously rationalize your lack of motivation for finding a partner by fixating on the only place where you could have been sexually initiated (HS/College) and relieving your anguish. The unclear professor is a way of removing your responsibility for finding a girlfriend and placing it on external agents.

The spotless bathroom seems to indicate obsession with cleanliness and a form of saying that thi is an ideal, "utopic" sexual situation. The girl is still wearing a swimsuit to symbolize that she isn't disposed to have sex with you, and the lesbianism is another form of displacement of your responsibility in the form of a "biological" excuse.

In summa, your dream work is an unconscious rationalization of your own apathy towards relationships despite your anguish for a cuddling gf.

he doesn't look like michael fassbender wtf

>is the tip simply that my anima has tips and i should stay tuned for them to arrive?
Yes, carpe diem

>i'm mildly anxious about my hygiene but i took the resplendent white as a signifier for something heavenly
There can be no anxiety in Heaven

>so is the proposed solution to better express our repressed desires?
Freud says we really can't, not completely at least, and that's why we're unhappy.

Daily reminder there's literally no such thing as archtypes or the collective subconscious

I think is on the right track, but I disagree that the anxiety is about specifically *human* hierarchy, and instead is an anxiety about the existence of hierarchy in general. the inter-species violence is essential here: user sees the smaller fish being eaten by larger ones, and assumes that the issue is an inequality between the fish, but when he tries to resolve this issue, *another* species, the snake, comes out of nowhere to enforce this inequality even more ferociously. along jungian lines, I would like to point out three important symbolizations of the snake: the serpent in Eden, Ouroboros, and the demiurge of Gnosticism. all three are metaphysical symbols that represent in part the disastrous indifference that nature (and larger metaphysical structures) have toward man. In Eden, the serpent goes against God's perfectly constructed world to take advantage of man's appetite for power, which throws the entire universe out of balance and ironically makes man more powerless than ever before. Ouroboros brings up the image of insatiable hunger that is often associated with the snake and uses this to illustrate the nature of the universe: nothing can be created without destruction, the universe goes nowhere, the fuel of the universe is self-destruction. these associations are also present in the Gnostic demiurge, which adapted the Ouroboros from ancient Egypt. A lion head with a snake's body, the demiurge created the universe but is either malignantly careless or outright hostile to its existence. The universe it created does everything in its power to separate us from ascending into the One, where our earthly evil nature will fall away and we can be pure.

Considering the symbolic nature of the snake, I find that your anxiety is in the unpredictable and omnipotent nature of the universe itself. It is highly telling that you did not mention the snake at first: you thought your efforts would save the fish, but it was proved to be in vain by a much more powerful force lying in wait. What this symbolizes goes beyond language but would normally be described as "the absurdity of the universe" or some such (if you know Lacan he would describe the snake as the "big other" that threatens your very ability to classify and understand the world). all in all, quite Lovecraftian

Applied to yourself and society, the message of your dream is as such: even if you were given all the help you hope for, and society were perfectly "equal" according to every standard you could think of now, this would only allow for an even more monstrous force to arise and overcome you. You might think the problems you have now are the result of inequalities between man, but in fact, this inequality is only the symptom of a greater one that comes from the very fabric of existence itself.

Cringing at this post

>500 words rambling about the associations of snakes and doesn't mention dicks once

This is your brain on Jung

That's not Lacan's view of the phallus

Irrelevant. A thing is a phallic symbol if its longer than its wide

That's not Lacan's view of the phallus

[citation needed]

The Signification of the Phallus

Thank you.
Now how does this negate the phallic association of snakes?

The snake is phallic because of self-renewal, it has nothing to do with any superficial resemblance with dicks

Horseshit it doesn't. People don't even remember the sheding aspect of snakes outside tertiary considerations. They're big long langers just like your Daddy's and you don't want to admit it

>There can be no anxiety in Heaven
well i wasn't anxious in my dream

i've always had more fun with jung but this strikes me as closer to the truth

Read the assignment-giving teacher as your shadow, the cleanliness of your bathroom in terms of Jungian 'compensation' (i'm no Jungian, but i've read him perhaps overmuch)-- the tub girl is of course your anima, and you are to obey her or this dream phase your in will be shattered.
The shadow is the dark side of your Conscious self or ego-- that yours is didactic probably means youre a 'feeling' person, and prefer dishabille or chaos to cleanliness and order. This is bodied forth in the pristineness of the bathroom which can be read directly as a message to you from the overlords of your unconscious, and it's loud and clear. It is Clean your shit up! (in all phases of your life). Were the bathroom filthy, the message wd have been the reverse, tone it down a little, don't be so obsessed with cleanliness, etc.
And of course your anima's helping you as she's known to do- by being clothed, and declining the kiss (to decline her offered kiss, or intercourse is one of the worse moves you can make in a dream).

You are in the process of being worked on, outlook positive. Your being pleased at your own appearance before her shows a willingness to continue despite whatever vanity's involved. Youre in an upbuilding phase, but have a ways to go.

can sum1 analyze this dreem?

i fucked an old french teacher then whipped her creampie with a wet towel.

>influence is so obviously smeared all over Zizek, Deleuze

How the fuck?

>as your shadow
>your anima
>dream phase
>dark side

Fucking tripe

Oh, i agree. But i have read Jung and that approximates a Jungian reading.

lacan is better

Never read Jung again, retard.

>It is Clean your shit up!
something i feel i need to do

>And of course your anima's helping you as she's known to do- by being clothed, and declining the kiss
can you elaborate on how that helps?

>You are in the process of being worked on,

>outlook positive
it oscillates

>Your being pleased at your own appearance before her shows a willingness to continue despite whatever vanity's involved.
might not have been totally clear but i wasn't necessarily pleased with my own appearance. the pleasure i took in her viewing me felt distinctly exhibitionistic.

i very much appreciate these analyses btw, thanx anons

Fuck (you) bitch- Jung was a fucking con artist whose 'artistry' is thoroughly dated. His modern disciples complete and utter schlock.

>ignore the guy pointing out you're an autistic virgin
>fascinated in the bullshit

This is why horoscopes are popular

Oh look, dumbass..

I do hope that everybody here understands that Jung would find the idea of arbitrarily "interpreting" a stranger's dream utterly ridiculous. According to the man himself you would need a collection of, perhaps, one hundred written down dreams to find certain patterns.

>tfw constantly dream about going back to school

i literally said his interpretation was closest to the truth you immense tard.

How do I into psychology, should I start with Jung?

true but it's still pretty fun to have others try to decode my dreams. i don't take it as gospel but it's liable to be both entertaining and moderately insightful.

Definitely not, not that I dislike Jung. Just get a textbook, it will cover a very broad ground. Kalat is good, not sure what edition they are on now, although Kalat is a little heavy on the physiological/ brain-and-CNS branch of psychology.

Her kiss wd approve, her offering her body wd suggest the consumation of some phase or 'stage' of your development. To reject at these moments would mean starting over the fulfillment process of your need to attain whatever it is you need to attain and continue feelings of oscillation. The dream suggests youre on an upswing however.
What's being exhibited in your bold presentation of body? Your naked psyche. Youre playing the game. That's good.
To be clear I'm just nickle-and-diming based on reading about 5 yrs ago-- the 3 Alchemy books, Archetypes, Aion, Structure\Dynamics, Red Book, bks on Eastern and Western religion. I'm NOT a Jungian.

Comfy thread.

I had a schizo experience once or twice or maybe thrice.

Happened at a funny time in my life. I was majoring in philosophy with a minor in psychology at a university.

I was actually reading Freud and Lacan and Jung and Adler and Von franz and Edinger and Fink and Zizek and Klein and Foucault and Deleuze and Guatarri.

Idk. I was also frying my brain on acid every day back then.

Anyway, I think the real turning point was when I finished reading Carroll and Dukes and Crowley and Spare and moved onto Grant. That's more a reference for the /x/ boards tho.

Anyway, I think I may have gotten obsessed with sexual metaphysics. I was young and still going through a lot of growing up in regards to relation. I was a late bloomer and didn't meet girls till college. Anyway, the Typhonian Trilogy put some weird tantric ideas in my head. Mixed with some heretical christian ideas in my head. Thought I had a moment of "gnosis". Or maybe "theoria".

It was quite odd. I can't remember if I was meditating when it happened. I had been taking some yoga classes at the time as well. But I think it was more like a moment of satori. Sudden enlightenment. Break through. Break down. Delusion.

I think reading Land and Negarestani might have contributed as well. At least as far as cyberpunk paranoia was concerned.

But really it was a return to Plato that accounted for my insanity. I began to take his myths literally. I fancied myself some sort of neoplatonic sage.

Anyway. I started with mania and proceeded to insomnia, malnutrition, homelessness, and hallucinations. I was on a spirit quest. And I was off the grid.

Things got crazier and crazier. I felt immense guilt for my heresy. Eventually they went out of control. I thought I had caused an apocalypse. I thought I was God. I thought my adventures were bothering no one.

Until I got picked up by cops one night and told I had a missing persons report.

That was my safety net calling. Mother's astral umbilical cord.

Got treated. Got clean. Got dirty again. Got clean again. Got treated again.

Still needa finish my degree.

But at least now I got my artist grant. That sweet sweet government disability money.

Anyway, where was I going with this? Oh ya. Jung started me out on the mystic path. Introduced me to perennialism. Inspired my psychedelic journeys.

Anyway, I have a lot of recurring dreams. Usually I am trying to do something and the dream glitches. Like I put something in my pocket and lose it. Or I "close my eyes" and enter a second dream. Or I have another dream where I am back in school and failing all my classes. And one where I am in grad school and being recruited by the government. And sometimes (don't judge me) I dream I meet a goddess and I try flirting and she refuses my advances and I force her into the act. What does it all meme?

Snakes are feminine symbols.

Don't often respond to intuited pasta BUT what it means to me, user, is that this young woman completely out-Moreaus Gustav, some thoroughly interesting shit!
Otherwise I think your idea as to what it memes wd be better than anything I cd pretend to come up with.

Not pasta. You referring to the pic?

I suppose I do have my own ideas as to what it memes. No one has to interpret anything, I was just trying to play along with the thread.

Thanks for the (you)

What modern Jungians are there aside from Peterson? Is Peterson the best?

Yes the pic. Watched the work in progress and the hands brought Anglified Joanne at the expense of Dutch or German Johann to mind. My mistake. That's an odd spelling-- Flemish?
Dusty dirty dreamy bright and involved the pic is lovely.
Youre welcome. Thanks for the washed one!

I'm an oneironaut

Modern Man in Search for a Soul is the most important book written in the last 100 years. I get fucking goosebumps just typing the book title and remembering everything it taught me. Fuck every pseud out there, Carl Jung was the 2nd coming of Nietzsche.

his writings on the negroes and the negro-spirit in America was a good laugh. Very much along the lines of Evola.

Hell even Gramsci said much the same thing too.

i like jung but i think assagioli's psychosynthesis is much more remarkable

tl,dr love is the answer

They're a feminine penis

Macron pls go

lol is this satire?

I was really interested in Atom and Archetype, in which we see letters between Jung and Pauli (the famous physicist) discussing possible links between the non-locality of QM and shared subconcious.

Remember these two retards tried to find out if the occult and UFOs were real too. Deluded suburban hicks

Must suck being this retarded.

Jung is very fun. Not very useful for psychology, but for the arts it has enjoyable application.

You have obviously not read the Collected Works of C. G. Jung. If you had, you would never be able to say that he is not useful for psychology.

I wanna stay forever jung

i guess i wasn't ready for that..


I saw a similar post in a Deleuze thread... are you for real?

p good post, don't know why those 2 people pounced on it

but that guy is right, where's the penis?

What I took away from that is more that causality is a guiding principle for the physical interactions, while synchronicity (operates on meaning/value) is a guiding principle for the psychic or mental realm. Just think about it, your mind alone can break causality by transporting yourself into the past or even imagining possible futures (which can actually occur). I suppose you could explain that through retrocausality if you believe spacetime is an illusion.

dont get me to talk about dicks. IM NOT GAY!!!!

I guess I write like pasta. But ya I tend to retell my stories. I should post less if people are noticing.

Perhaps you are reluctant to grow up and assume full control of your life. Schools, universities and other protective institutions are common manifestations of the Mother archetype. To evolve, you must abandon her.

(Also, fuck )

Ever get the feeling you're in the wrong thread?

Back to /pol/, /r9k/ or whatever shithole you crawled out from.

Jung is fascinating, but I really do understand why people don't like him in the modern and technological society we live in.

I mean, people really do have automatic disregard for anything that can be considered esoteric.