What is required leftist reading?

What is required leftist reading?

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If you're American you need to read the best stuff on "identity politics" so you can understand the left's greatest roadblock.

8ch /leftypol/ reading list, faggot

Wow, great, that's really helpful! Thanks for posting it! You're a true pal.

Christopher Lasch. Then you will know where modern leftists went wrong.

Animal Farm

leftists don't read

I'm certain the opposite is true as a generalization.

The left is full of limp-wristed pseuds who read too much. They've gotten pumped in the US because the right is more oriented toward enacting their agenda.

just go there you faggot, they have gorillions of images of reading lists that no one actually reads from (otherwise you wouldn't be a leftist).

>muh leftist boogeyman or boogeymen

Mein Kampf

Other way around, pal. Most intellectuals are leftists.

1984: Animal Farm

People who score higher on measures that could be construed as a measure of intellectualism (open-mindedness, for instance) tend to cluster around the centre

Read some Tetlock nerdboi

Open-mindedness is for fags who think that the solution to problems lie somewhere in the center of a spectrum between Jesus Christ and Hitler.

So, you consider yourself as part of the cluster around the center, right?

what do you mean by leftist?

books are eurocentric and patriarchal anyways, in a true leftist society, books will be banned in order to protect the feelings and 'alternative, equally valid ways of knowing' of blacks, homosexuals and other noble non european peoples who are far too r̶e̶t̶a̶r̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶ noble and pure to practice the phallogocentric practice of reading.


it usually is

>homosexuals are non european now

Kroptkin, Bakunin, and Stirner.

here's something for you if you think i'm kidding. Leftism elevates victimhood as the supreme value. Even a statement such as 2+2=4 is seen as oppressive and eurocentric. All social institutions need to be dedicated to the worship of the Victim, regardless of their originally intended function. Stuff such as IQ, achievement, aesthetic value, morality, science are seen as artificial 'social constructs' created by evil privileged white males. (seriously). for the leftist, victimhood is the only truth. suddenly, national socialism doesn't seem that bad to be honest. I used to be reasonably with gays, not my business I thought, but then I realised what was going on. Children are being indoctrinated with 'gender ideology' and 'queer theory' from an early age, probably with the intent to rape them/turn them into trannies. It all connects back to the cult of the victim, there is no higher truth than the will of the victim.


Good luck banning the koran


>Griffiths and Gleeson – Kinderkommunismus: A Feminist Analysis of the 21st Century Family and a Communist Proposal for Its Abolition
>Gegen Kapital und Nation – Hatred of Homosexuality: Theses Toward a Critique of Bourgeois Sexuality
>Mieli – Towards a Gay Communism

why are leftists so obsessed with making everyone gay?

>Roediger – The Wages of Whiteness
its kool and edgy to hate your own race kids

Freedom, or liberty are no intellectual challenges. Unreachable ideals like making everybody rich, or liking eacht other are intellectual more challenging.
That's why most intellectuals ate leftists.

>It's cooler and edgier to be dismissive of books you evaluate by their titles.

I noticed there's a book by professor (((Noel Ignatiev))) on there, hmmm...


You know the answer already, read Capital.

He's not wrong. Americans invented the "white vs black" dichotomy because they're Euro mutts who have no other identity.

Of all the words of tongue or pen, none sad as these: /pol/ was right again.

pol will never understand this because it requires acknowledging their subsaharan admixture

woah, cool edgy cultural marxist agenda, its soo edgy even our mass media and university system are down with it. Funny how all those 'ultraleft' supposedly anti system professors get 500k a year gigs at Harvard, basically just for shrieking KILL WHITEY! over and over and over, or claiming that if a gay man rapes a child its actually good because they are 'queering the dynamics of consent' thus liberating the child from patriarchal cisgender oppression or whatever. while anyone even remotely right of center isn't allowed to come close to an university because muh nazi cracker white mayo previleged bigot!

The fuck are you even talking about, practically every major university has a conservative society/club.

Noted anti-semite and alt-right favourite Kevin MacDonald is a professor at CSULB.

They let a few token conservatives in to maintain the illusion of objectivity and academic freedom. They usually get shunted to less prestigious institutions and have a hard time getting grant money.

Sorry pal Europeans invented race, can't pin it on USA.

woah a single exception to the literally hundreds of thousands of 'ultraleft' sjws, antiwhites and queer(tm) genderblobs with FEDGOV subsidized salaries or prominent positions in media. Woah this what white supremacy looks ! this is literally the 3rd reich!

Educational institutions lean left by their nature but I can assure you there are still plenty of conservatives at the most prestigious institutions, you're just blinded by confirmation bias,

>it's a leftists that have only been exposed to leftist academia that assume academia is all leftist episode

First, define leftist.

It's particularly dumb assumption for Americans because there are many explicitly conservative universities in the US.

Like, go enrol at Liberty University if you're so mad at your Marxist professor.

Right is right, and left is wrong.

the ultraleft wants to destroy Western Civilisation. and oh boy you can tell they are getting what they want. either you stand with your own people or you stand with the enemy. seems like you've made your choice already. Why go out like that? prostrated before your shrieking pathetic inferiors while weeping and apologising profusely because our people dared to be more, because they dared to go beyond. That's not how a honorable man dies, that's how a dog dies.

>Liberty University

Lot of assumptions packed in here while addressing absolutely nothing of what I said.

I feel like the traditional left/right scale has become irrelevant. The "means of production" is no longer just factories or coal mines. Western nations have outsourced a ton of their manufacturing to poor places in Asia. How can you have a debate on who controls the means of production, when most of the production isn't even done here?

in the end, means of innovation> means of production. that's why communism always fails.

How did Marx feel about racism? I understand he wanted the workers to control the means of production. But would he support the modern celebration of diversity?

In a weird way, would he relate more to people like Trump or Le Pen, who talk about the welfare of the nation's workers, or would he relate more to neo-liberal capitalists like Hillary and Macron?

Read Eduardo Galeano and Bertolt Brecht. Don't read intellectuals and economists only, read artists and poets as well.

>The Nobodies, from The Book of Embraces

>Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escaping poverty: that one magical day good luck will suddenly rain down on them–will rain down in buckets. But good luck doesn’t rain down yesterday, today, tomorrow, or ever. Good luck doesn’t even fall in a fine drizzle, no matter how hard the nobodies summon it, even if their left hand is tickling, or if they begin the new day with their right foot, or start the new year with a change of brooms.

>The nobodies: nobody’s children, owners of nothing. The nobodies: the no ones, the nobodied, running like rabbits, dying through life, screwed every which way.

>Who are not, but could be.
>Who don’t speak languages, but dialects.
>Who don’t have religions, but superstitions.
>Who don’t create art, but handicrafts.
>Who don’t have culture, but folklore.
>Who are not human beings, but human resources.
>Who do not have faces, but arms.
>Who do not have names, but numbers.
>Who do not appear in the history of the world, but in the police blotter of the local paper.
>The nobodies, who are not worth the bullet that kills them.

- - -

>A Worker Reads History - Poem by Bertolt Brecht

>Who built the seven gates of Thebes?
>The books are filled with names of kings.
>Was it the kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone?
>And Babylon, so many times destroyed.
>Who built the city up each time? In which of Lima's houses,
>That city glittering with gold, lived those who built it?
>In the evening when the Chinese wall was finished
>Where did the masons go? Imperial Rome
>Is full of arcs of triumph. Who reared them up? Over whom
>Did the Caesars triumph? Byzantium lives in song.
>Were all her dwellings palaces? And even in Atlantis of the legend
>The night the seas rushed in,
>The drowning men still bellowed for their slaves.

>Young Alexander conquered India.
>He alone?
>Caesar beat the Gauls.
>Was there not even a cook in his army?
>Phillip of Spain wept as his fleet
>was sunk and destroyed. Were there no other tears?
>Frederick the Greek triumphed in the Seven Years War.
>Who triumphed with him?

>Each page a victory
>At whose expense the victory ball?
>Every ten years a great man,
>Who paid the piper?

>So many particulars.
>So many questions.

I know what the left believes, that's why its useless getting wrapped up in your bullshit attempts at gaming the language with 'privilege theory' and 'intersectionality'. for the leftist, the only thing that matters is the fulfillments of leftist goals. truth does not exist for the postmodern leftist only 'oppression' does. I am against your goals and I am against you personally.

Thanks for clarifying. Now I can get back to destroying western civilisation at the white race.

I think it is so ridiculous to ask the question "what would this long dead person think of this modern thing". I think anyone who is not living right now don't know shit of how to handle the problem we have, definitely not better than ourselves anyway. I really don't care what this guy or the others "would think" of a current situation. Even if you track down modern keywords into their writings, you'll find they were talking of a very different thing and could not predict what was coming next.

That is not to say they are useless or anything like that, we can learn a lot from them, we must read history and see what these guys have to say. But the moment we stop to think "what would this person think of this thing this person is not talking about", we start going too far with our projecting and we would end up actually finding material to support what is actually our own opinion about it. And it's great to have an opinion and even to have it supported by previous theories, but this support is a recognition of both similarities and differences from what you defend, it adds up to the theory and it cannot pretend itself to be something that was "already written".

The problems we face today, even if they have a history, are fresh and one of a kind. The solutions we need will have to be fresh as well, it was not thought out before. I personally think part of the reasons we have so many problems is that we are too timid to build upon our influences in fear of diminishing them. It's hard to criticize your preffered field of study, your religion, or your parents and their values, even your own self from two years ago. But things will change and in order to adapt to tomorrow we will have to renounce a costly part of what constitutes our view of the world today.

Thank god I'm not intimidated by campus liberals like you are.

>get bullied by high school by jocks
>get bullied in college by dykes

He would be right alongside his jewish brethren in promoting diversity for the goyim and calling any who strayed "racist."

How does anyone expect to understand communism and Marxism without understanding the jew? You can't do it. These things are intertwined.

they are not 'liberals' read up on classical liberalism. These people stand against all liberal principles, they are antiwhite ultraleftists and radical communists.

In modern parlance, they are liberals. Which just further shows that most political language is useless. Most ideological terms have no real use at all except to confuse and manipulate.

I just want to interrupt here real fast

Why do you apply the buzzword 'marxist' to all these liberal things? You know marxists consider liberals the main enemy, yes? In the single meaningful struggle against capitalism, which all other fights are a distraction from? What do you think marxism has to do with race? You need to stop listening to youtubers talk about books they've never read.

so you admit your views are exactly the same views as that of the establishment? really I don't see why anyone would be a leftist if not for a seething hatred of the west and white people. how did you end up like that?

They are liberals, they are the ideological descendants of the enlightenment same as ""conservatives."" You seriously NEED to read something outside of the youtube-reactionary sphere. You're making yourself look stupid in ways you can't perceive yet.

I suggest you gather your thoughts and try to make a clearer point. Though going by the phrase: "Marxists consider liberals their main enemy," I have considerable doubts that you will be able to do that.

Why is Marx not considered right wing?

My god you're stupid. Go on leftypol, watch them explain exactly why liberals get the bullet.

this being a leftist and reading is unfair as most miniorities can't read

Why do you think Marxists dislike the liberal-democratic order? You really should pick up a book at least once in your life, don't just listen to paul joseph watson

I've never been there and never plan to; that you take your ideological cues from such a place, however, explains why you appear to know next to nothing about what you are attempting to speak about itt.

I'm a Marxist and I consider liberals my main enemy. I also consider you a liberal, just a young edgy one

Paul Joseph Watson is a faggot and I've never watched more than a minute of anything he's done. But your distinctions are pointless here because you don't understand the inherent forces driving both liberalism and Marxism: jews.

The definition of marxism isn't something you "take ideological queues" on, it's a fact. You're admitting to virtue signalling right now, I hope you realize.

Are you jewish?

Give me a list of people you might consider an authority on what Marxism is

.Yes. Are you near New York City?

Marxism is a jewish tactic used to distort western traditions like philosophy, et al. I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about. If you aren't jewish, and believe yourself to be a Marxist, you're quite simply brainwashed.

Oh. What do you call a non-jew who read Marx's work on economics and revolution and agrees with it?

MacDonald pretty much nailed it

All right. Since you're jewish that explains why you're interested in subverting western traditions via Marxism. Now I hope anyone who is not jewish and reading this thread will understand why I asked and made my initial post highlighting why Marxism is a strictly jewish phenomenon used by the tribe of mentally sick nation destroyers you belong to.

A shabbos goy.

Yes, he did. Right on the nose.

workers went in peaceful demonstration at the novocherkassk party head quarters carrying portraits of Lenin, to request a change in economic conditions. they were fired on with machine guns and dispersed with tanks

how anyone can be a marxist after events like these baffles me

if 'cultural marxism dont real' then how do you call THIS

this one is pretty good

>how anyone can be a marxist after events like these baffles me

Only jews and misguided kids who listen to jews and think they're just like them do.

Speaking of which, those marxist jews really scattered once they got found out / exposed themselves.

also recommend "suicide" by simon critchley

Nice strawman buddy. Only post-modern SJW memster americans spew that shit. In my country and in most of the world leftists are classical Marxists who beleive in democratic ownership over the means of production and dont give a shit about neo-marxist bullshit like the "sexuality is a spectrum" meme

Marxism: Whoever can come up with the most genders wins

read the exit bag infograph

This. And I'm right here you slug, still offering to change your mind manually IRL if you're near NYC, I have a life outside Veeky Forums that needed tending. You NEET roleplayer.

The Gulag Archipelago

Here we seem to have the embodiment of the little jew, crowded with the rest of his rat kin in our urban spaces and trying to drum up in revolutionary fervor in nations that aren't his own. Move to your middle eastern wasteland country, little jew.

If it turns out they read, they don't 'think' and only absorb. They're like Lebezyatnikov from Crime and Punishment, they just jump on the latest intellectual trends to conform. As egghead and zealot as they may be, they live in a world of contradiction and self-deception. There's hardly a single actual revolutionary, a Lenin or a Spartacus, on the American left. They at least brought their ideals into the world, for a moment at least, and did more than just "protest" or hide behind the very social order they claim is oppressive. I could walk into a room full of our modern day Jacobins in some hipster café and make them all cry, frenzy, or just gabble on in ignorant denial with a word. It's pathetic.

Not to imply the contrary that conservatives are amazing, independently thinking geniuses; in fact most conservatives are no better than barnyard animals who go from point to point without thinking and do things like attend megachurches and eat chili cheese dogs for all three meals.

they can all go rot

>latest intellectual trends
NRx? Genuine oldschool marxism is basically extinct in the west right now.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau is an absolute read.

I think nrx is pretty much done these days. Most of the people involved got hip to the JQ and became white nationalists.

a bullet to the brain so your retarded ideas don't spread

In the case of preserving one's leftism, the question isn't which books you should read, but which books you should avoid.

It really baffles me that un-ironic "marxists" still exist. The core theories have largely been debunked.

He is right though that most radicals don't read. Whether it's Mao killing teachers in the cultural revolution or a Nuremberg book burning.

Might is Right

Why are internet Nazis so threatened by Marx