Perché non l'hai ancora letto, user?

Perché non l'hai ancora letto, user?


Perche io non parlo italiano

Pourquoi tu ne l'as pas encore lu

Wow I don't speak Italian and I understood it in French.

latin master race

feels great, man

>Perch not! Hail, anchor letter!
Indo-European master race, lads.

>implicando che i due non sono giusti

I also don't speak French but I can read French books

We're the best bro

Qualcuno qui ha mai letto Paolo Volponi?


Ffs dude everyone knows italians can read french, poortuguese can read italian, spanish ppl can poortuguese and so on. Get a life.

Calm down caveman

Fai accapponare la pelle a usare 'user' dopo una frase in italiano. Meglio che metti via il telefono e ascolti la lezione in classe, che se no la prof si incazza.

Calmati, cavernicolo.

clap on 1 and 3 some more, anglo

I'm actually portuguese, seu cuzão do caralho.

trovare un diffeto

Italian is great, but we all know Romanian is the most based Romance language.

impara a scrivere prima di tutto

portuguese by birth, anglo by choice


vai a rubare rame vai

lel, JUST

>seu cuzão do caralho.
Portugal é nosso vigésimo oitavo estado


Na verdade eu sou brasileiro, anãozinho. É uma delícia. :3

>gypies language

Lol no.

é nois

It's not the Gypsy language. Pretty sure Gypsies have their own language.

dai non essere un stronzino, user , che non uso neanche un cell'

Perchè non so qui è lui. E perchè non ho trovato libri italiani dove vivo

Gypsies have their own language which has its ancestral roots in India, though few speak it now.

I like the way Romanian imported so many Slavic loanwords. Either way, I think both Romanian and Italian are great in their own way. Spanish and French less so, and Portuguese is just fucked up.

>speaking the sacred language of humanism on this shithole of a website and board

Ma che stronzo sei?

Diego Fusaro è il più grande pseud in Italia.
Ma è mai possibile che l'unico marxista che riesce a finire in tv è un marxista nazionalista conservatore di destra?

Io non ho mai letto niente di Diego Fusaro ma anche io ho l'impressione che sia un totale pseudo

Read him before you judge, faggot.

Usa l'italiano quando parli con me, testa di cazzo

Sì dai, leggi lo pseudo-Marxista che è stato messo in tv per sarti l'impressione di avere di fronte a te un dialogo vero e proprio.
Fusaro è una talpa, un impostore, un servo, corrotto tanto quanto tutti gli oggetti delle sue critiche.

Portuguese is basically spanish with more vowel sounds, you retard.

Wouldn't know, I've never read him. But going by the amount of people on this board shit-talking authors they've never read in their lives, I'd rather stay on the safe side and not criticize people I've yet to come in direct contact with.

Keep in mind, 90% of Veeky Forums think Machiavelli is to be read ironically, because their SJW """""professors""""" probably told them so.

Dacci un taglio, frustrato. Ho esplicitamente ammesso e premesso che non l'ho letto, il post era semi-ironico.

Not really. I speak Italian and Romanian both and I can understand Spanish just fine. I've often held conversations with people from Spain/South America with both parties conversing exclusively in their native tongue, because it's mutually intelligible. Portuguese sounds like a Spanish spoken by retarded mutant. I don't understand it, and I'm glad, because it sounds horrid.

Also, FUCK YOU for Eurovision, and your faggot-ass singer.

First of all, if you speak spanish or italian you WON'T understand a single clue because like I said before, portuguese has way more vowel sounds. It's a empiric question, not an aesthetic one. So you stop being that dumb an pay attention to fucking reality, you disgusting gypsie.

Second of all, european portuguese is way different from brazilian portuguese, that actually sounds nice when you're capable of understanding it.

Ohh I forgot the third part, romanian HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that fucking shithole of country.

>that fucking shithole of country
La Romania è un paese bellissimo. Ma se sei arrivato qui direttamente da /pol/ e giudichi le cose in base ai giornali, beh allora lasciamo perdere

>gypsies' country

Lmao even India looks good on photos. And they make poo on the streets.

You keep saying Portuguese has more vowel sounds like that's supposed to communicate some deep-lying and fundamental conclusion. I said it sounds like shit to me and I can't understand it, and have no desire to. You're the one twisting your panties in a bunch. Stop being so insecure about your half-baked Spanish offshoot. And comparing Italian to Portuguese is like comparing honey to scrapping of shit. Italian is so much better that it's unfair to even begin a comparison.

But India is a beautiful country, Jorge. Pic fucking related. Maybe you'd realize that if you stuck that head out of your fucking ass. Every country has problems. India has people shitting in the streets, Romania has gypsies, and Portugal has the Portuguese.

>You keep saying Portuguese has more vowel sounds like that's supposed to communicate some deep-lying and fundamental conclusion.

Holy shit of course it has you dickheaded gypsie. More vowel sounds means it will be uncomprehensible a priori. That's why italians and spics can comprehend each other while don't having a single clue about french or portuguese without getting immersed with it.

>Na verdade eu sou brasileiro
My condolences then