What were the first words of Veeky Forums?

What were the first words of Veeky Forums?


Other animals probably spoke words long before humans did

What were the first words of other animals?

My parents wanted my first word to be either "mama" or "papa" and were competing with it. That is, my mom would sit there saying "Can you say 'mama?' 'Mama?' " and vice versa for my dad. They had a bet going on it where they would have a dinner date and the loser would pay the babysitter and buy dinner. In the end, my first words were caught on camera when the rest of my family was visiting for 4th of July. It went something like this.
>parents are doing the "say 'mama' " and "say 'papa' " thing on camera, hoping to catch my first word
>my grandfather walks into the room and says, "Morning, yall! How's the baby?"
>I manage to say "gram-puh"
>the camera shot immediately moves to my grandpa's face, close-up
>he stares at it with a serious expression
>"So which of you two morons is going to pay for my surf and turf?"

Your parents must have been doing that whole playing Mozart to the baby in the womb thing, because those are some pretty impressive first words.




My parents said they couldn't remember. They also said that if I wanted to know, I should have written it down at the time. I'm not sure if they agreed on this troll, but I'm not touching it.

>being this bitchy for no reason

three syllables, motherfuckers

>doctor catches me as I leave the womb
>holds me triumphantly in view of my mom
>i look around a bit
>i let out a sigh
>"alright, let's get this shit over with."
Been counting down the days until I get reunited with the void ever since

>the void
don't call your mam that, i'm sure she's a very nice lady

Have you even seen her lady parts?

My motto. My credo. My eventual epitaph.

No, but I touched them.

Parents never told me mine but my brother's was 'bye-bye'

Mine was "Chauncey"
rip lil nigga



"Truck" in my language

"please return me to the void"

No problem, just wait for a moment if you please.

No seriously that's a funny story.

As for my own it was "Mumma" according to my mother, no vid because camcorders didn't exist yet.


And but so

pure ideology

No they probably didn't.

Good shit.

"No discernible talent"

Dolphins have names, but we don't know how long they've had them.

"stretched his legs"


I don't remember

For sale: my shoes, worn


Fuck me right

"Start with the greeks"

>Tomtom, nein, hörauf!
according to my mother. Like everything I do, apparently I just silently amassed knowledge until I felt proficient enough to show it off.

I'm pretty sure mine was "I.. I AM NOT A CROOK". For some reason I then resigned from the presidency. I had an odd upbringing.

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.

Mom told me that she was talking to me, and i repeated "son" but it sounded like a C.
And my first sentence was "It's me". According to my dad, i was knocking on the door while he was in the bathroom and he asked "Who is it?"

>tfw first words were in a language I don't speak anymore

"You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent."


is this ironic

Given that a number of animals seem to have proto-languages and names, it's safe to assume that they or other animals may have had them before we started to do it. It would be highly improbable that it evolved simultaneously cross-species just in the past 5 million years. The evolutionary benefits of language are the same now as they were 65 million years ago.

The Greeks