So I'm getting older, can't enjoy a lot of hobbies I grew up with

So I'm getting older, can't enjoy a lot of hobbies I grew up with.
So I figured I'd get into literature.
I know this is entry level, but what are some other novels I can ease myself into.
I have this and the Five Nights At Freddy's book too.
Yeah, I'm a pleb, like I said, I wanna get into literature.

I recommend the labels on beer bottles and texts from your parents.

Start with Aesop's Fables

There's a Five Nights At Freddie's novel?


yeah this one.

Start with the Greeks

Can you name five books? Any five? They'd be better than whatever you're trying to do now

Donkey Kong Country
Rogue One
Five Nights at Freddy's
Kick-Ass (I think that's a comic)
Marvel Zombies (I think that's a comic too)

Try shorter classics and short stories for starters. Short stories are particularly good because you can read a story or two and take a break; easy on the ol' ADD.

'Heart of Darkness' by Joseph Conrad and 'Dubliners' by James Joyce would be two good picks. Easy reads that will also start to introduce you to great prose.

If these bore you start off with genre fiction if you want. Or non-fiction, pop culture biographies.. Anything. Don't let the locals meme on you. The most important thing for you right now is building your attention/retention levels up so you can take on more difficult works later on. So read what feels interesting and engaging for starters. The rest will work itself out later.

It's a great habit to get into and it'll pay off big time in a lot of ways as you progress. Stick with it, OP.

He said five BOOKS

Jackie Chan?


>>Only book I've ever read is Rogue One
>start with Blood Meridian

gj user

Start steady with novellas so you can feel a sense of accomplishment when finishing a book (The Great Gatsby, Heart of Darkness comes to mind) and then pick up some Veeky Forums starter books because your literacy is no better than a high schooler 's. Maybe read Atlas Shrugged since you sound like a geek and the setting for BioShock was inspired by Ayn Rand's philosophy but she gets shit on here so it's optionali guess.

Considering what you have read. You can start with classic child literature (Alice in Wonderland, Tom Sawyer etc.)

If you feel like you should read something more "mature" try Poe or Lovecraft, both made quite short works so attention span shouldn't be a problem

After first two phases read 1984. Basically everybody who read for the first time found it fantastic and "got into reading"

Also: get a better movie taste, it's easier and should helpfull.

It's always the recent newfags that give advice in a try hard way.

>Considering what you have read. You can start with classic child literature (Alice in Wonderland, Tom Sawyer etc.)

Another passive aggressive try hard on deck.

is this bait?


You wish

Don't read fiction, it's for uncultured swine. Read philosophy.

Stick with young adult fiction. Don't let the word "young" make you feel stupid, the stories you'll find are a million times better than most of the TV shows and movies that you're used to. Just go to Goodreads and check out some descriptions and chances are you'll find something that interests you.

Get a cheap e-reader and you can pirate almost any book for free.

>Donkey Kong Country

Anyone who thinks Orwell's fiction is better than his non-fiction is a fucking pleb. Start with Down and Out in Paris and London instead.

Seriously, 90% of people only read 1984 for the meme status, and even as a social critique it's far less prescient than something like Road to Wigan Pier

Backs of cereal boxes are patrician

DOPL has trash prose tho

Start with high school literature curriculum . Get stuff like Brave New World, 1984, Animal Farm, The Catcher in the Rye, Watership Down, Various Works of Shakespeare, Flowers for Algernon, Red Badge of Courage, Of Mice and Men, East of Eden, The Fountainhead and so on. Read the books then read the Sparknotes guides. Work your way up from there.

This thread might be helpful as well:

Considering that you're legitimately retarded, I would advise you to stick with video games and television

Everyone has to start from somewhere.

OP might want to start with something like Isaac Asimov. Or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

This is either average quality bait or the eternal brainlet is very real, and he posts on our board

I would read the shit out of Donkey Kong Country.

>not all ancient greek, ego and his own, and infinite footnotes

This may sound like a shit post but watchmen by Alan Moore. Deep but easy to follow,non-linear but not confusing and it's a good entry into serious lit.

can't be anything but

This is some sort of weak, weak copypasta that shouldn't even be called copypasta. Something pulled out of /v/ and edited "videogames" and "games" with "literature" and "novels".

Read whatever you want.
When you finish a book, pick another book you like, but that's slightly better. Keep going.

new to Veeky Forums an this is my favourite meme

Read all of these, then report back.

It's probably just phonetic conga drum beats for 200 pages.

>heart of darkness

user wants to read. Not be driven back out of disgust and boredom to watch the simpsons.

get fucked brainlet

I can't tell if this is bait or I'm witness something amazing.


Harry Potter

sounds alright desu

Start with something simple like pic related and then work your way to something more difficult like Harry Potter or The Hobbit.

All jokes aside, you should probably start simple, read a few books in that category and slowly build up. I recently started myself after along break because of college studies and I began with The Hobbit and LotR. Never read them and wanted to check them off finally. I moved on to other classics like 1984 and Great Gatsby afterwards. I helps to keep a list somewhere whenever you see something interesting.

Fucked that one up lel.

Don't ask here. Just look up the Wikipedia site for "literature" it's better.

Have you had any literally canon in school? I'd maybe picked something from there.