Should we read books written by Jews?

I'v come across quite a few books written by Jews, in fact Jews seem to write quite a lot. It doesn't seem wise to ignore everything they create, it also seems unwise to paint them all with the same brush. They do have an overall higher iq and so, they most likely are capable of writing some very interesting and intelligent books.

Other urls found in this thread:

If the Jew writer is well known in Israel. discard the book. It is most likely pure propaganda.

Stick to books that are not written by Jews.

There are works of Jews you should read, but only so you can understand the mind of the average Jew.

Jews are really good writers, don't let the nazis put you off.

Yes, but mainly to understand how the enemy operates and subverts the cultural norms of western societies. Jews are not very creative but are disproportionately promoted by their tribal brethren into places of high stature. This is most blatantly apparent w/r/t Freud and Marx within academia. Jews aren't difficult to understand though, since they often project their sickness onto others, eg Freud's infatuation with perverse sexuality and (I believe it was) Adorno's projection of the "Authoritarian Personality" onto the goyim.

Within literature, a good example of a bad Jewish writer who is promoted because he advances perversion/degeneracy is Philip Roth.

if its good, why not?


Because it's, 99% of the time Hebrew to English translated books are works meant to mislead the goyim.

I try to not read Jewish authors. Knowing that they hate me as a goy with an almost inhuman, brutal, primitive hatred, and that every single word they write in every single work they make is done with the purpose of advancing the cause of enslavement and submission of all goyim, I just cannot believe in the sincerity of Jewish books.

I apply the same to music, I don't listen to music writen or performed by Jews anymore, this kind of hurts me because I've used to like Leonard Cohen a lot, but I do it for the sake of my dignity and self-respect as a goy. I won't be entertained by people who would want to exterminate me anymore.

Read some of the "good" works written in the time period of the Weimar Republic, and you shall understand why it's not that simple.

No absolutely not and you're a race traitor if you do

you would be interested in this

so...Kafka is destroying the huhwhite race? he was literally a weimar era jew

>should I avoid reading Kafka, Proust, Roth, Levi Maimonedes, Heller, Freud, Stein, Asimov, etc.

No, you should kill yourself

This attitude is retarded by all means of the word.

>all the hacks and reddit authors were jews

Really gets the proverbial brain juices flowing

Kafka sucks, but his books are a good example of the warped mind of the jew.

> Kafka sucks

That's where I draw the line. If you don't like The Trial, you're a retard. It's not up for debate.


Yeah whatever you say Schlomo

So jews uphold the aparthied state of Israel then push multiculturalism and degeneracy on the goy states so they will be the only resolute group left and will control us through their corporations and currency manipulation.
Our answer to this is nationalism.

Am I missing an red pills?

He's a mediocre writer ... who obviously appeals to emotionally weak individuals.

Kill yourself stormtard, that's exactly like blacks and women refusing to read white men because some of them are racists/sexists.

Fuck off stormfag i Wish you were here so i can curbstomp you fucking faggot

I like Kafka though

>replying to meme posts

One of the worst books you could read. Many falsehoods and personal feelings, but no one would dare criticize a jew. Such would be academic suicide.

Why is he a storm tard? What he says is mostly true..

Cultural institutions as well, but that's it in a nutshell. There are of course many deeper redpills going back to how they've performed this same act of destroying / mongrelizing white civilizations for thousands of years going back to Egypt and likely even Sumer, but I'd save that if you're only just beginning down this path.


Jews want to be the white race. That's why they're working so hard getting everyone else to mongrelize.

Y'all need some Kabbalah in your life

What should I start with? I had this hit me clearly last night.

Hitler's Mein Kampf really made me realize what's going on.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as well.
A classic is the culture of critique series. Also a lot of infographics from /pol/, they know what's up

You can be anti zionist without being a retarded antisemite. As someone from ny I have no idea where you basement dwellers come from sometimes

>a good example of a great Jewish writer who is kept at arms length by the Jewish community because of his iconoclastic attitudes towards Jewish ideals of family and faith is Philip Roth


Because like muslims, jews won't stand up against their own.

>Hitler's Mein Kampf really made me realize what's going on

Are you retarded? Hitler didn't hate Jews he just used them as a scapegoat to unite the German people in order to achieve his goals of conquest. There were many Jews in his ranks.

Tbh, I think the best information on these deeper redpills that I've found has been on /pol/. I've never actually posted on there but the ancient history threads that pop up now and then are amazing, a fantastic hivemind consolidation of information.

A good place to start is Evola though. Graham Hancock has done good work (search his name on 8pol for the latest aforementioned ancient history thread). There's also a great book called Moses the Egyptian by Jan Assmann with regard to whar the jews did in Egypt. did an amazing multipart series on it. GJ's review of that book changed my life, really helped me understand the jewish behavioral strategy, even as much as the Culture of Critique.

>being this bluepilled

This website isn't for you, sweety

>blue pilled

you literally know nothing other than what retarded 16 year old nazi larpers on a Cantonese yeast fermenting enthusiast image board told you.

Jews and Muslims are genetic cousins and both are extremely inbred. All jews are something like 4th cousins of one another, which is why they suffer from so many genetic diseases. It's also why they're so tribal.

To rat on another jew is actually criminal, it's called "mesirah."

Hitler’s hatred of Jews is quite a lot like the white supremacist hatred of blacks. Basically, a group of people you could once legally suppress and keep locked up in a ghetto, suddenly acquires a degree of emancipation and starts to become successful. All of a sudden, for the scared little white man, these people seem to be everywhere succeeding in fields they never used to even have the right to enter. This provoked a colossal hissy fit of wounded white privilege that Hitler was able to drum up into a murderous frenzy.

All of a sudden, people began to notice that the family doctor, Herr Schwarz, was actually a Jew. Then they looked and realised the local bank manager, Herr Steinberg, was also a Jew. Then they noticed that the head of the local branch of the Communist Party, Herr Blumenthal was a Jew. And Hitler is pointing his finger and screaming constantly to “look out for the Jews”. The funny thing, Herr Schwarz is a WWI veteran and a deeply patriotic political conservative, he isn’t religious and considers himself a “German Israelite” more than a “Jew”. Herr Steinberg, despite managing a bank, is a social democrat who was actually baptised Lutheran in his teens and considers himself a “former Jew. Herr Blumenthal is a militant atheist from a deeply religious, Polish family whose communist politics have scandalised his family. None of these three men can stand each other, apart from their ethno-religious origins they have nothing in common but in the fevered imagination of the scared little white man they are part of an evil cabal bent on world domination.

Time you tried the redpill and learned the truth.

Come to /pol/ and we'll show you the light. We're always recuiting

>(((you literally know nothing other than what retarded 16 year old nazi larpers on a Cantonese yeast fermenting enthusiast image board told you.)))

>and starts to become successful
Wew, post discarded

>people hate us because of how successful we are, not because of our nepotism and twisted behavior
Found one.

Nepotism is such a weak thing to complain about. People are always going to favor those close to them. It just so happens that Jews have been persecuted for quite a while, and so they are a lot closer to each other than most.

Aren't you stormfags always complaining about people hiring non whites and here you are talking about nepotism. Fuck off Quintin Von Luust the third

Whites are individualists, which is both why we've created highly functional institutions and why we've been taken advantage of by highly tribal people.

And jews have been persecuted justly because of their behavior, not because they're muh history's scapegoat. When you've been kicked out of 100+ countries it's because of you, not anyone else. K? Jews are also mass murderers, and this fact is woven into their sick religious doctrines.

>Whites are individualists
That's not true though is it? How many white people have become rich simply because their fathers father had some money? Nepotism is rampant everywhere. Trump and at least 90% of all rich people in the west would be normal and poor if it wasn't for nepotism.

You aren't very studied on this matter and your example is a non sequitur. Whites are more meritocratic than any other group, by far. That means whites are way less tribal than any other group, by far. This is both good and bad. It means we can build highly functional institutions because we promote the best man for the job instead of giving it away to our cousin; but it also means we can get taken advantage of by highly tribal groups like jews.

Nazi anti-semitism was a rich soup of prejudices with deep roots in Christian anti-Judaism. The fact that Jews had been legally excluded from most professions and kept out of public life until the mid-19th Century made their sudden appearance in areas such as academia and politics quite alarming to people already inclined to dislike Jews. Hitler simply whipped up all these latent streams of anti-Jewish sentiment and stuffed it into a new pseudo-scientific theory presenting the Jews as a global conspiracy by an inferior race to destroy the Aryans. It was garbage but people lapped it up.

I have often found myself flabbergasted at the persistence of wacko theories about Jews. For the record, I am Jewish myself (no, the very unjewish surname is not some kind of sneaky camouflage, my grandfather was a non-Jew) and I can guarantee you that trying to get Jews to unite on a common program would be like herding cats- it cannot be done. We are a diverse and often fractious people who rarely agree among ourselves on anything. The Jews of Germany were mostly Germans who happened to have a different religious background- and not always even that as Hitler defined Jews as a race and therefore didn’t care if you were a baptised Christian or were an atheist. You didn’t even have to be Jewish according to Jewish law. Under the Nuremberg laws, Ludwig Wittgenstein would have been defined as a full Jew but, under Jewish law, he was a full non-Jew. Under Jewish law, a Jew is anyone with a Jewish mother but Wittgenstein’s mother was only half-Jewish (the wrong half) and the whole family was Christian anyhow. Nonetheless, for Hitler, a single Jewish grandparent was sufficient to send you to Auschwitz.


>I am Jewish
Of course you are. This is why you are trying to regurgitate to people here a false interpretation of history. It's in your interest to be a liar, but people have had enough of these lies. Please leave whatever white country you are currently living in and move to Israel. Thanks.

Anti-sematism is a rich soup of prejudices with deep roots in history and religion, especially Christian anti-Judaism. Jealousy and resentment play the biggest roles. Jews mostly excel in any professional field they are allowed to practice in, especially banking. And of course people love an ethnic scapegoat to justify all economic and societal ills. The Islamophobes of today are a good example of that. Most Muslims are innocent people looking for better lives, but alt right people will have you believe they are demons in disguise.

Why did you delete your post then repost a shorter version without your "I'm jewish" admission?

Doesn't matter because no one believes you. To repeat:

> people hate us because of how successful we are

No, people hate you because of your behavior. Stop making excuses for your people's actions.

Where do you faggots even hear such fabricated garbage. He had like 3 people who were 1/4th Jew or whatever, and they were all anti-Semitic. Honorary Aryans, they were called.

One day you will be forced to shut your lying Jew mouths

A general perception about Jews is that they are very intelligent people by nature. They are very successful business people as well, as can be seen in the current world. According to old and recent history they have been persecuted and victimized many times. Many luxuries you find in the west are created by Jews, as can be seen by the very fact that Jews are one of the largest driving forces behind everything that goes on in society, from culture and art to economic progress and stability, all the way to basic quality of life.

Hasbara is in this thread now.

>Many luxuries you find in the west are created by Jews

Like poisoned Monsanto food from the same jewish family that was a major player in the slave trade, i.e. bringing slaves to white countries?

Jews are the greatest threat to humanity and have been for centuries. They have a hand in all that is bad.

Everyone has a hand in everything, it depends to which degree. There are bad and good jews, there are bad and good Muslims, there are bad and good Christians.

Hey, Moshe.

Does it bother you that people aren't buying your "we're all individuals, goyim" to excuse destructive jewish behavior anymore?

>destructive jewish behavior
examples of such would be?

Where to start. Control over Hollywood and media which is used to spread lies. Use of banks to put governments into debt and make them beholden to your tribal interests like destroying Israel's enemies. Pornography, promoting mass immigration, attacking people who speak bad about jews through the ADL and SPLC.

The list goes on.

If you want to read some Jewish literature, here are some authors:

>Isaac Bashevis Singer (Yiddish, English)
>Isaac Joshua Singer (Yiddish)
>Esther Kreitman Singer (Yiddish, English)
>Sholem Aleichem (guy whose writings inspired Fiddler on the Roof) (Yiddish, English)
>Chaim Grade
>Alfred Kazin
>Albert Memmi
>Cynthia Ozick
>Philip Roth
>Isaac Babel
>Henry Roth
>Abraham Cahan
>Itzhak Manger
>Martin Buber

There's tons more and a few women who I haven't named.

If you like philosophical or mystical stuff, read look into the writings of Hasidic leaders, Zohar (Kabbalah) or if you are more into "Jewish Enlightenment," Spinoza. Buber's fun as well as Bal Shem Tov.

Also this guy is bretty good.

Most Jews are normal people, there are a few bankers who "abuse" nepotism, but that's about it. Most of the people slandering Jews are Closet Nazis

This red-pill nonsense needs to stop.

You cannot trust anything a Jew writes. Their religion is founded on deceiving those who are not Jewish. Try and get them to admit what happened during the Weimar Republic(among many terrible things, the jews promoted pedophilia and child brothels) and they will lie to you at best.

>They do have an overall higher iq

The reason they have "an overall higher iq" (whatever that means) is that their religion is based on analyzing ancient texts in dead languages and arguing subtle points of logic in those texts to work out the will of God for the Jews, you cretin.

I imagine religious Brahmins and Tibetan monks and western Classicists have "an overall higher iq", too.

Haha we've been refining our red pills in our lab buddy, this is becoming an inoculation. Jewish and Muslim supremacy are now terminal.

The Old Testament

Otto Weininger, of course:

Seriously dude? You actually believe that every Jew hates non-Jews?

not but absolutely the jooz hate non-jooz they have a word for that Gentile. An entire other that they can unite against and believe they are superior to. They have called themselves God's children for millenia and then wonder why everyone hates them fukin kikes can burn in a pizza oven

That's idiotic. All Jews don't have the same opinion about non-Jews. They're not a hive mind. I feel that most of the people talking shit about Jews in this thread have actually never had bad experiences with Jews in real life, they're just basing their ideas on neo-Nazi brainwashing.

For those who may not fully understand how jews operate, this is a common tactic they use to take advantage of your goyish individualism: "it's not every jew! ... there are bad people of all races."

But this is bullshit interference by little jews to protect the big jews. Jews suffer from a tribal biological sickness. Even if not every jew is not doing quantifiable harm to others, they are preconditioned to lie and subvert in order to protect themselves for what always happens to them. And this is why it happens over and over, because instead of learning from it and telling each other to stop causing problems, they just lie about it.

I'm not a Jew, you retard.
>Even if not every jew is not doing quantifiable harm to others
So you admit that not all Jews are harmful. Alright, we're getting a bit closer to reality... now tell me, what percent of Jews do you think are doing quantifiable harm to others?

This : is for you too.

You see it again and again when dealing with jews. This is why white people's individualism can be harmful.

Then what are you? White? If so there's no excuse for you not understanding the problem here.

I am ethnically Russian.

It's like saying not all women are feminists. They still benefit from it.

>this kills the jew

That's 10x more pathetic than if you were American or European. Do you know how many ethnic Russians jews killed? Read your own Nobel prize winner Solzhenitsyn's book 200 Years Together.

> ethnic Russian sticks up for jews post-Bolshevik revolution
> proves jews killed all the smart Russians


I'm aware of the history of Jews in Bolshevism. I don't give a shit. Us Russians killed lots and lots of Jews too. Germans killed a bunch of my people too, am I supposed to hate every German from now until the end of time? Unlike you seem to, I actually have plenty of experience interacting with Jews in person, and I know that some are good, some are bad. On the whole I'd say Jews have had a beneficial impact on my life.

This is one of the most sad things I've ever heard. A Russian defending jews who says he's aware that jews killed upwards of 60 million of his brothers and sisters.

What an absolutely pathetic individual.

>Nazi anti-semitism was a rich soup of prejudices with deep roots in Christian anti-Judaism. The fact that Jews had been legally excluded from most professions and kept out of public life until the mid-19th Century made their sudden appearance in areas such as academia and politics quite alarming to people already inclined to dislike Jews. Hitler simply whipped up all these latent streams of anti-Jewish sentiment and stuffed it into a new pseudo-scientific theory presenting the Jews as a global conspiracy by an inferior race to destroy the Aryans. It was garbage but people lapped it up.
>I have often found myself flabbergasted at the persistence of wacko theories about Jews. For the record, I am Jewish myself (no, the very unjewish surname is not some kind of sneaky camouflage, my grandfather was a non-Jew) and I can guarantee you that trying to get Jews to unite on a common program would be like herding cats- it cannot be done. We are a diverse and often fractious people who rarely agree among ourselves on anything. The Jews of Germany were mostly Germans who happened to have a different religious background- and not always even that as Hitler defined Jews as a race and therefore didn’t care if you were a baptised Christian or were an atheist. You didn’t even have to be Jewish according to Jewish law. Under the Nuremberg laws, Ludwig Wittgenstein would have been defined as a full Jew but, under Jewish law, he was a full non-Jew. Under Jewish law, a Jew is anyone with a Jewish mother but Wittgenstein’s mother was only half-Jewish (the wrong half) and the whole family was Christian anyhow. Nonetheless, for Hitler, a single Jewish grandparent was sufficient to send you to Auschwitz.

I have an old friend of my family, he's like 80 years old.
He's also Jewish. I'm also a /pol/tard who was falling into the depths of the "redpills" and this neo nazi anti semitism garbage. He recommended me some literature to get a better scope of things (The Jewish Mystique), I also started talking to him about the holocaust denial and I'm pretty convinced it's all DailyStormer propaganda.

Not that fucking Noel Ignatiev "quote" again

and here's the goddamn disclaimer on the website saying it's a satire website:

Jews didn't kill upward of 60 million Russians. What happened is that certain Jews played a role in killing upward of 60 million Russians. Plenty of non-Jews were also responsible were the atrocities, and there were plenty of Jews who contributed positively to Russia. And like I said already, Russians also have a long history of killing Jews. It's not like it's one-sided.
What, do you want me to hate every Jew because of what some Jews did? Am I supposed to hate Einstein? Stanley Kubrick?
Daniel Barenboim? The nice Jews I've personally known?
Come on now, that is utter stormfaggotry.
Also, like I said before (and you did not address), Germans killed a bunch of my people too. In fact, Germans killed several of my great-grandparents. Am I supposed to hate all Germans?
Stop being a retard. If it's possible.

>On the whole I'd say Jews have had a beneficial impact on my life.
Yeah me too. I literally have one jew in my life but he's had a huge impact on my life.

Also I think it's kind of hilarious that these neo nazis who show such contempt for communism, keep falling into this collectivist group think, and paint all jews as greedy usury practicing double crossers.
But the difference between the individual is greater than the difference between the group.
But I also realize that ashkenazi jews have a higher than average IQ than other races, and that high intellect people tend to lean towards marxist thinking

I give this post a 1% chance of being genuine. Hasbara work hard to clean up the awareness of jewish ethnic criminality online.

you're a pseud par excellence
look at how you come to your opinions

See: You are a selfish, pathetic individual, and that's all there is to say.

>You are a selfish, pathetic individual, and that's all there is to say.
Or maybe, that's all you have to say because you are an idiot and you have no actual arguments? Hmm...

He recommended me a book and told me about some Jewish history, he didn't start saying how good Jews were or whatever is in your post.

Well, that's your brain on /pol/ for you.
Ironic that the sticky is a picture of logical fallacies.

Jews that don't speak up are complicit with those that control currancy, media, and social institutions. They choose to become hedonists and soak up their privilege.

I've been making arguments all thread. You don't want to listen because you know a nice jew. So nice that it makes up for the fact that his tiny tribe of international genocidal bandits slaughtered millions of your brothers. Really, you are proof that they killed the smartest of your kind. And they did it intentionally. Your grandfather and great grandfather were left alive for a reason. And that's why you are weak.

If you've been making arguments all thread, I haven't seen any good ones. Like I keep telling you, the crimes of a certain number of Jews don't mean that all Jews are bad. You don't have a counterargument to that, so you keep engaging in sophistry and heated rhetoric.

Poe's Law in action.