Holy shit. I didn't think it would be this good. Does it have to be read it Arabic and out-loud...

Holy shit. I didn't think it would be this good. Does it have to be read it Arabic and out-loud? What are some good translations of the meaning of the Qur'an? Any supplemental material (particular hadiths)? What kind of Muslim should I be--Sunni, Shia, or something else?

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*takes a great watery shit in your shit thread*
Whoops ;)

>he fell for the sandnigger brainwashing

>he fell for the religion of peace meme

How does it feel like knowing you'll go to hell for something as dumb as racism?
Arabs are only 20% of the religion.
Brainwashing? Take a look at your own dogmatic hatred towards something you don't understand. Be introspective. I know you're most likely a troll, but come on. At least try harder.

Recommend me a quaran translation/summaries op I've always been interested

t. Reza Aslan

Have you tried reading the Qur'an? It's all about peace.

So far I've read Pickthall, but if you want one that doesn't sound so old-fashioned, I suggest the Yusuf Ali translation.

The Abdul Haleem translation published by Oxford is accessible and the translator is a professor of islamic studies

Hamza Yusuf > Shabir Ally > Reza Aslan

I prefer the Frank Herbert originals.

Whatever you say or do, just know that you too are forever tied to the infinite. And he's closer to you than you might be able to presently realize.

The hard part is pronouncing it properly, even seasoned muslims mispronounce the words sometimes. I'd rather recommend you read the translations and interpretations first, in this case it's to understand what the sentences mean rather than worry about the grammar. And yes, proper recitals are in arabic, but it's not recommended to read out loud.
I'm not sure of sunni shia stuff, but seems sunnis are closer to the book, because shias tend to disown or hate lots of sunni stuff that are derived from the book and hadiths, such as their hate towards the companions.

Read The Study Quran and the Cambridge Companion to the Quran

>seasoned muslims
ill take an order of marinated cardamom abdul with a side of honey roasted carrots and fresh greens plz and thx

Don't bother with the hadiths, most of them contradict the Quran. Be a Quranist.

NO user!
Be Sufi if anything then. Most sufis are pretty chill.

my man

You wanna do sunni if you wanna get close to the source

I meant to type sufi...

Sufi is not a denomination like Sunni, you can be a sufi sunni.

can u be sufi shia?

Don't even look at the Hadith. They're contradictory and aren't helpful. Shia Sunni division is pointless and based on historical rubbish. Be a Quranist and an Enlightment thinkng Muslim. Not a Hadith reading, prophet emulating Islamist.

I concur. Hadith must go

I don't have to hate Middle Easterners to know that Islam is a retarded dogshit religion that was founded by a literal goatfucker.

>Not believing Muhammad drank piss and fucked a 9 year old
Got to follow that sunnah, brother!

You sure showed him with your amazing intellect and reasoning, I bet you're well versed enough in Islam and Middle Eastern history to hold a real opinion backed by real knowledge.
Even if you have actual criticisms you do understand nobody will ever take you seriously because you sound like a backwater inbred faggot who gets his worldviews and opinions from Internet forums and headline skimming.

(not laughing at you tho)

This is rather ironic. The mutazils hundreds of years ago are the ones that call themselves forward thinking etc, and yet they're famous for questioning the quran itself. Also the "enlightenment thinking" is yet another irony, since that's the period that gave birth to marxism and equality, something that's proven to be terribly dangerous.

Isn't sufism just a more pious and ascetic branch of sunni?

>not based Ibadi

Wow,Veeky Forums, I'm disapointed.

>What kind of Muslim should I be--Sunni, Shia, or something else?

Check in to some mental ward.
Seriously, aside from its message, the quran is not a good book. The style is simple and repetitive. Nothing novel or interesting about it. I mean, the author didn't become famous for his contribution to literature. This book only makes little sense if you think this religion is true.

>"is yet another irony, since that's the period that gave birth to marxism and equality, something that's proven to be terribly dangerous."

You'd think Veeky Forums would be a board free of retardation, but here we are.

>Have you tried reading the Qur'an? It's all about peace.
All holy books literally suggest slaughter for non-believers.

Have you read the Qur'an? It's infinitely better than any work of literature. It has the best poetry and prose. It has moved men to tears and creates the laws of nations. You should try reading it with an open heart and mind.

This reminds me of John the Savage making Shakespeare his religion. Only Shakespeare is more original and well written.

that thumbnail always reminds me of that video of someone with a pool ball shoved up their backside

To understand the Qur'an you want to consult multiple translations (choose two) and study the Arabic on a verse by verse basis in cases that you find particularly interesting. There are of course many Qur'an study tools online for that.

There are many tafsirs (Qur'anic exegesis) available online in English translation. The classic tafsir by Ibn Kathir cites hadiths. For modern tafsirs you can easily find sets of, for example, Islamic radicals Qutb (Muslim Brotherhood, executed for radicalism, posthumously a major influence on Salafi fanaticism and jihadism like al-Qaeda ideology) and Maududi (some of his other works are banned in Pakistan because of radicalism even though he founded Pakistan's largest Islamic organization). There are many other tafsirs online. Or you could get a set of books of some modern mainstream tafsir.

For Sunni hadiths Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim will keep you busy probably for years alongisde other Islamic studies. I don't know about Shia hadith collections.

As supplemental works you might want to acquire companion books to the Qur'an that are more academic (as opposed to religious) in nature. I.e. books that investigate the Qur'an critically rather than from a point of view of uncritically accepting all Islamic premises.

A classical biography (sira) of Muhammad is also necessary. Ibn Ishaq is the most obvious one, and the surviving version of that book was edited by Ibn Hisham.

Islam is not only an overtly supremacist belief system, but at its core it's also an Arab supremacy, hence converts taking on Arabic names, hence the fetishization of Arabic phrases and language, etc.

Really? This was the most boring trash I've ever read. An entire Sunna about byzantine inheritance laws? No thanks


I fucking hate when Muslims go on about how beatiful Qur'anic prose is. Its not that good, and I've read it with an open mind. You see it as amazing because you believe it. Stop pretending its a literary masterpiece

what the fuck is this board even

>What kind of Muslim should I be--Sunni, Shia, or something else?
The dead kind.

Informative post, thank you

You probably read a translation.

>and we have already created man
I do not know what this is supposed to mean. Who is referred to by "we?"

>and we know what his soul whispers to him
This is clearly talking about desires.

>we are closer to him than his jugular vein
I take this to mean "we" are inside of the man.

What is this supposed to mean exactly?

>implying non-believers don't deserve swift execution to save society from their godless corruption

Sounds like Allah, or whatever, is the "we", don't take anything that book says as truth though.

>You see it as amazing because you believe it. Stop pretending its a literary masterpiece

You see it as unimpressive because you don't believe it

>non-believers, in the eyes of muslims, means majority of the world.
>muslim dog ignores islam's obvious "religion of peace" hypocrisy.
I'll never understand this mentality. Wew.

It's royal "we". Using "we" to mean "I" is common both in English and Arabic.

If you couldn't understand this verse, how can you say you don't believe. First you need to understand, then you can consciously choose to disbelieve.

Kafirs are those who consciously disbelieve and consciously subvert the Truth.

Most people aren't kafirs, because they haven't consciously disbelieved. They've misunderstood Islam and have disbelieved a caricature of Islam, not true Islam, so they wouldn't count as true disbelievers/subverters of truth.

I'll admit it's actually pretty good

>consciously disbelieved
>They've misunderstood Islam and have disbelieved a caricature of Islam
>not true Islam
The line is a subjective one. Neat.

If someone says to you "hey do you believe in aliens?" and you respond with "no, I don't believe in blood-sucking monsters that can turn into bats" then clearly you've misunderstood what this person meant by "aliens".

Likewise, when people say "hey what do you think of Islam?" and the response is "I hate terrorism / theocracy", they've clearly misunderstood what "Islam" is at it's core (submission to God).

You can't disbelieve in something you don't understand. Most people that disbelieve in God or Islam simply don't understand it. The Qur'an says they will receive explanation on what they didn't know or disagreed upon, on the Day of Judgement.


This is obviously reactionary and anti-critical thought.

>Everything I learned about cars was that one time I crashed
>Everything I learned about white people was that one time I met a skinhead
>Everything I learned about women was that one time a gold digger stole my money and falsely accused me of rape
>Everything I learned about Veeky Forums was that one time an user posted this bullshit about "everything I learned about Islam was on 9/11"

All of it is pure generalizations. Cars, white people, women, and Veeky Forums, are broad groups of people/things that encompass much more than the worst iteration of that thing.

Nope, I get it and I think it's vile. Just like I get Christianity, but respect it, yet can't bring myself to believe.
Islam is a corruption of the Abrahamic tradition and should be spat out of the West, or reformed into a milquetoast new age cult. More than doable considering how much stupider and under-educated its followers are.

>what kind of muslim should I be?

the dead kind

>quran is all about peace

which part of the sura 8:12 is about peace?

[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."

source quran.com/8

>islam is a corruption of the Abrahamic tradition
>projecting this hard

Ever wonder why the "Holy Spirit" and the "Son of God" don't appear anywhere until the New Testament (and even then, not all gospels)?

It's because Christianity is a corruption of traditional strict Abrahamic monotheism. Islam is a restoration of this monotheism, and a universal invitation, not one that is exclusive to the Jewish people, as some of them have thought.

you're not wrong. christianity is abrahamic monotheism adapted for white civilization, while islam is judaism updated for desert evil doers

Muslims >> Marxists desu

unironically this

Peace isn't just being super chill and mellow, letting evil people go without punishment. Peace isn't inaction or lethargy or merely silent meditation.

To achieve peace, in this particular circumstance, a punishment was sent down against liars/corrupters/conscious subverters of truth.

Muslim Marxism > Juche > Anything else

>all non muslims should die
le religion of peace :)

pic related is (you)

>evil doers

You say this as if morality isn't extremely circumstantial. Islam doesn't teach that sin is something extremely stringent and dogmatic and can never be done, even if the action itself is used for good.

Muhammad said that it's dependent on intention. If you must fight a war to save your people from persecution, then it's a noble intention, and shouldn't be lumped in with the malicious intention of murder.

settle down there, al-baghdadi

>can't read critically


haha, peace is violence

Rumi had drank, dance and had gay butt sex.

Remember World War II? The world only gained peace from fascism and Nazism after going to war and experiencing awful chaos.

To attain peace, we sometimes need war.

The only Abrahamic faggots who think of their scriptures not only as revelation, but as the actual speech of god. Couple that with the historical context of the quran and you get the hip hop of the Abrahamic religions. Every once in a while a moose lime faggot comes along and tries to convince you that there is such a thing as conscious hip hop, which has intellectual and ethical merits and insists on #notallmuslims because of his conscious rap.

No mate. It's all garbage. You're just to close to it to see it.

Hitler wasn't an enemy to islam.
He was a fighter against the very same group of people who's attacking islam savagely today.

You missed the point entirely.

I'm not specifically talking about all the details of WWII. I'm using WWII as a way of saying "violence is sometimes necessary to atain peace."

This principle in Islam exists. If you MUST fight to end oppression or to defend yourself, then it's deemed permissable. The concept of "lesser jihad" in Islam isn't inherently wrong. It's how it's used by people who don't read about Islamic rules of war (which forbid sneak attacks or killing of civilians).

If the terrorists really wanted to wage jihad, the islamic way would be to create an army and declare war against a specific nation for specific reasons, not broad anti-west, infidel-killing for the sake of it.

>the particular circumstance in question is not at all related with the sura I mentioned, which is completely generic and arguably universal
>I can't read critically

muslim education

getting sick of Veeky Forums this has to be the most spook riddled board on the whole site, there's always some foolish child stuck in the "idealism" stage of development trying to push some retarded ideology, islam, catholicism, communism, whatever, shit is fucking stupid and not literature related, this board fucking sucks

>waaahhh people believe in some of the most popular ideologies and religions in the world not my super cool niche bullshit like voluntary egoism/individualist anarchism.

>I am with you,

God is with us. Think about what this might mean to people.

>so strengthen those who have believed

Consider what belief means and how a knowledgeable, hopeful person might be better suited to acquire this quality of "strength."

>I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved,

God controls even the most intimate details of our subjective experience. Fear is brought not by our own will, but by God. This fear is brought not to people who accept truth and reject wickedness. This fear is brought by people who consciously reject truth and who do wrong, knowing it is wrong, for their own opportunistic gain. THESE are the people that are being punished, in a circumstance of war.

>so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.

Striking them upon the necks is one of the quickest way to kill. It's in fact far more merciful to strike the neck than it is to stab and wait for them to bleed to death. The cutting of the fingertips is to disarm them from ever regaining the capacity to injure or kill you or civilians in your community. This was a situation of war, and the side that was fighting the muslims was merely the side that lost, not the most ethical side to be on. In fact, they were intolerant and oppressive: they subjugated their women and were in constant war with each other. It was Islam that freed the peninsula of them and united the tribes, with very little bloodshed.

So basically every back then, I do remember turk sultans having boy harems.

Not an argument.

Stirnerfags belong on reddit.com

It's ok guys, did you hear 9/11 was just this "one time"? Everybody deserves a second chance. We're cool now!

it is an argument. The quran is the only abrahamic scripture taken by its followers not only as the word, but the speech of god. The violence embedded within its historical context is undeniable. Make of that what you will.

Islamic exceptionalism is real. It's exceptional in its resistance to western secular values.

You're taking a religion with the population of 2 Chinas and you're saying a few thousand terrorists and a few bad governments damns the religion.

It's nonsense.


Quran [7:28] Say, “God does not command indecency. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Quran [2:256] There shall be no compulsion in religion; the right way has become distinct from the wrong way.
Quran [109:6] “You have your religion and I have mine”
Quran [10:99] Had your Lord willed, everyone on earth would have believed. Will you compel people to become believers?
Quran [18:29] And say, “The truth is from your Lord. Whoever wills-let him believe.
Quran [88:21] So remind. You are only a reminder.
Quran [88:22] You have no control over them.
•Allah (SWT) has systematized Moslims relations with non Moslims;
Quran 60:7 Perhaps God will plant affection between you and those of them you consider enemies. God is Capable. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
Quran 60:8 As for those who have not fought against you for your religion, nor expelled you from your homes, God does not prohibit you from dealing with them kindly and equitably. God loves the equitable.
Quran 60:9 But God prohibits you from befriending those who fought against you over your religion, and expelled you from your homes, and aided in your expulsion. Whoever takes them for friends-these are the wrongdoers.

As another said, it reminds me of Mr Savage in BNW who makes shakespeare his religion. Except, Shakespeare belonged in England, Islam doesn't.

>religion of peace meme
If Islam was a religion of peace, muslim extremists would be some of the most peaceful on earth.

"Peace" in Christian societies has come to mean "turn the other cheek; let yourself be trampled."

More sensibly, peace means closeness to God and tolerance/love with all humans and animals. How can you live in peace while some humans violently oppress and subjugate others--maybe even including yourself? Do you merely pray to God? No. The Qur'an teaches that God permits you to defend yourself and to defend others, and that actions are attributed to intentions. How can a murderer and a person defending himself against the murderer violently ever be considered "the same"? They aren't! One imposed himseld violently and the other defended his life. All life seeks to protect itself from harm. Islam is more life-affirming than some modern death cults that would encourage you to let yourself be killed and to casually accept the misery of society by tyrants and oligarchs.

Islam does not belong in the west. The day that Islam is mainstream will be the day that the west is no longer the west.

You do realize that everything from the Enlightenment to the US Constitution was heavily influenced by Islam, right?

This idea of "the West" is fairly new and only nominaly true.

Not another historical revisionism meme

My point being that the west has values and traditions that don't fit with islam, not in the slightest.
I've seen that first hand too.

I think many people are conflating Islam with the pan arabism pushed by the Saudis onto the rest of the world. In a world where they weren't spreading their particular brand of cancer Islam likely would be by and large more peaceful

>pan arabism pushed by the Saudis
>pan arabism


we wuz muslim kangz

Apologists, #notallmuslism friends, #islamisnotwahabism brothers, riddle me this:

1) How does your community deal with apostasy?
2) How does your community deal with you and your daughter if they spot her kissing a kafir on the street or if word gets out that she gags on her non-muslim boyfriend's cock pretty much daily? How do you and your community react if she marries him?
3) The charlie hebdo question? Should blasphemy be punishable in any way?
4) Do you find theological justifications of violence acceptable in any circumstance?

I live in a UK city densely populated by muslims. Not one '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''moderate muslim'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' has been able to answer these questions satisfactorily. Fortunately the UK media has recently been giving voice to some muslims who do answer these questions in the way most Westerners would and who call for a reformation of Islam and a condemnation of anyone whose answers are incompatible with Western secular values. But you call them uncle Toms, or undercover atheists.

Sort you shit out, or we'll do it for you to the point where it's as benign a religion as Buddhism is in the West.

Look towards the truth. Sufi is where you will find your light

>adopted fornwhite civilization
This retarded, the great centers of Christianity were either Greek or Levantine/middle eastern outside of Rome. And a very large portion of Christians were Arian until the church suppressed that.

>a few bad governments
Literally every single government you fuck.

This has to be a fucking joke, the founders despised Islam

How do you do your Salah if you reject the Hadiths?