What's Veeky Forumss thoughts on chopsticks
What's Veeky Forumss thoughts on chopsticks
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They're fine.
Meh, they're appropriate for some stuff and if you're into the whole cultural authenticity thing there's nothing wrong with using them for the sake of it where a fork would work as well or better, as long as you aren't a douche-bag about it.
>they're appropriate for some stuff
Wow, no shit?
they don't chop shit for one thing
Awkward and unnecessary when forks are available
I unironically eat finger-food type snacks with them so I don't get my fingers dirty
I buy packs of 100 for $1.50 from my asian market, use them all the time
i bought some forks for ten dollars ten years ago and i use them all the time
This, and the day before
But fuck you guys, chopsticks are great for everything
This anons got the right idea
They're great for eating with and holding up my hair. Forks and spoons can't do that.
Of all the possible eating utensil inventions to eat rice, they chose two sticks????
Japanese rice sticks together enough that using chopsticks isn't an issue. Something like Chinese fried rice is a different story.
They're superior for eating certain kinds of dishes, and for eating family style.
And for cooking they're actually really good, you can be very accurate and specific with the utensil work when using chopsticks.
This is assuming you're decent with using them.
Fuck rice sticks, I love eating my food with my hands. If I ever feel adventerous I use my left hand to and a little more flavor.
they are the best tool for noodles no question
and they are fun to eat with too!
There was a time when all I had in my apartment were chopsticks.
t. White piggu who works at a Chinese restaurant
Even medium grain rice sticks together enough to use chopsticks.
Unless you grew up using them in the family or at least have a story about living in Asia for 2+ years you're a pretentious idiot using chopsticks.
I use the same set of chopsticks every day. I'm sick as a dog (or "lunch" in my native Mandarin). But hey, not throwing them away saves me a daimyo.
But they multiply. My flatmate moved one pair in and now there's about 10 pairs rolling about in my drawer. I can't even use them - I eat my in authentic stir fries with a fork.
i suck at using them and people who use them for sushi r doin it rong
>Get noodle box
>Can't eat it without chopsticks
Habits are a bitch. I have no issue with them.
They're very useful for cooking.
You think asians would've figured out that chopsticks aren't a good way to eat food. It isn't like they didnt have shovels for their farms. Come on people they weren't plowing 40 acres with pool cues.
They're absolutely lousy for chopping.
...and pretty much anything else.
Thanks for the subtitles...
More like they're culturally appropriating.
I use them to eat cheetos when I'm on the computer
That's the best argument in favor of using chopsticks so far.
>as long as you aren't a douche-bag about it.
You're asking too much.
They make Asian food taste better.
But only the cheap unfinished wood chopsticks.
Maybe I just like the bamboo taste.
I'm serious though.
The "nice" chopsticks made from metal or hard plastic or stone just don't compete.
The shitty bamboo chopsticks soak in some of the sauce of the dish you're eating and make every bite a bit tastier.
>I love to live in the woods and eat with sticks.
No thank you, we're American, I'll use utensils okay?
I made my own chopsticks from an oak limb about 2 decades ago. I use them like 100 times out of any year at most. They are basically kid-crayon size chopsticks and not tapered (pic related).
Good to see someone has taste
>They are basically kid-crayon size chopsticks and not tapered
You made some dowels.
Man, I tried to watch his new special. It was not funny at all
>disposable chopsticks at home
I hate you. Bonus points if they're individually wrapped in plastic.
Top tier refinement
Forks and knives are plainly barbaric
I use cooking chopsticks, but after I'm done with the wok I use a fork and spoon.
I don't like disposable chopsticks, you can taste the bleach and the cheaper ones give you splinters.
>chopsticks are great for everything
not for cutting steak
It takes
I use them nearly every day. They're great for turning bacon, not to mention all the usual uses.
Ok, they can't replace a knife, but they can replace the fork you're using for that steak
Doing that at home if fine, but don't do that in a restaurant. It's insulting, you're implying they're too cheap to buy good chopsticks.
Also, good disposable bamboo chopsticks are still cheap as fuck. I buy the best kind available, and it's like $5 for a pack of 100 pairs.
>Doing that at home if fine, but don't do that in a restaurant. It's insulting, you're implying they're too cheap to buy good chopsticks.
Listen man, if the wood is fucking frayed they ARE cheap chopsticks. I'll tell them their mother was a hamster and their father smelled of elderberries to their face over ranking their feelings above not getting splinters.
They're great for urethral sounding
Good luck using those chopsticks with your offhand after cutting the steak. You might as well go full ham and just dual wield scissors with your chopsticks to eat steak.
Chopsticks in one hand, knife in the other: what would the problem be?
Wooden chopsticks for cooking (doesn't scratch the pans/pots) Great for flipping and stirring. Use them to cook bacon all the time.
Metal chopsticks for eating. They are way easier to clean and they don't bend, and they also obviously last longer.
Why don't some of you faggots just buy metal chopsticks? Don't reuse those disposable ones man. That's disgusting.
A good set of ceramic chop sticks or finished wooden ones are great cooking tools. Very multipurpose and autistically easy to clean.
You can flip, stir, whisk, rotate with them and not damage a pan
I hate the metal chopsticks. They are too slippery so it's tricky to grab food with them. Also, they are usually the Korean style which I find too short for my hand (I am 6' 4")
I prefer the long, disposable, bamboo ones. No, I don't re-use them.
As an american chopsticks don't allow me to shovel food into my gaping maw fast enough, and thus everyone who even learned how to use them is an idiot.
>chopstick shitposting general: eternal edition
my nigga
I do that all the fucking time in China and Japan and everything was fine.
Why not use melamine chopsticks? They are light, cheap, reusable, replaceable. Chinese restaurants typically use them.
Same problem as metal. They have a smooth surface. That's great for hygiene if you want to wash and re-use them, but it makes them less effective for picking up food.
The natural texture of bamboo is perfect. Plus, bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants there is. There's no environmental concern with using them once and throwing them away.
They are really good for when you feel lazy a. f
>always easy to clean
>can use to mix shit in a pan without scratching it
>can eat snacks without getting ur hands dirty
>smooth chopsticks makes it harder to pick up food
I've never had trouble and I have some of the slickest chopsticks I've ever known.
Well, good for you, I guess. I can use metal chopsticks but I find them significantly more of a pain in the ass compared to bamboo or wood.
>using the Python to be vulgar in public.
Have you learned NOTHING?
Noodles taste better when eaten with them.
Only if they are not metal. If they are metal then it will taste the same.
>like to eat Asian food with chopsticks
>tired of buying cheap disposables
>buy some nice high-end washable chopsticks
>fucking wood finish makes them so smooth, I can't get a grip on anything
>go back to the crappy cheap ones
China switched to chopsticks because they had such overpopulation issues that they couldn't produce enough forks and spoons. Chopsticks can be made with bamboo and are simple straight sticks, so it was a cheap alternative. Before the Han dynasty, they were pretty much exclusively for cooking, and they used regular silverware instead. Even then, they weren't widely used for eating until the Ming dynasty, 1,500 years later.
Man who has not mastered chopsticks is never a whole man
lel git gud
I hate my head, my brain
Unless you're a stinkin jap then you're a filthy weeaboo faggot for using them
A steak knife is used in the off hand though
Finally a reasonable post
You mean sticky wicky uppy pickies?
I like that they sorta force me to pace how I eat.
There's some all you can eat for 1 hour sushi bar near me, shit costs 15-20 bucks but they make you pay 2 bucks for each gram of leftover food. What should I go for? Also how much should I eat before I start looking like a caveman?