Where is your favorite place to write?

Where is your favorite place to write?

in the basement

On my computer or in a notebook

The bar up the street if I intend to socialize.

Some cozy cafe if I wouldn't mind socializing.

At home if I just want to concentrate on writing.

wot m8

I do not write

She's cute

I have a special table in a bar I frequent that is reserved for me everyday except friday-sunday

my diary desu


In the nigger-infested library.
But it's the best I've got.

your mom's right?

Nice. How did you manage to swing that?

A cozy café on the upper floor. That is untill ten or so when all the upper class late twenties and early thirties hipster acquaintances show up and start autistic screeching about enviromental issues in urban areas or something similar.

In my head

Have have this very cozy study room up in the attic of my house, paneled with unfinished hardwood and only a single small skylight above an old Georgian writing desk. It smells rather musty, it's where my grandfather used to write. The room itself is tiny, only about a meter by two. It's a wonderful space to escape from the world in and be alone with one's thoughts, especially on days when it's gray and raining.

mostly write in my journal, in private in a quiet place (i.e. my room), don't edit until later while typing it up, also re-edit after later rereading.

actually the best thing I've found is to dictate into a dictaphone or mp3 recorder, then type the crap up later if ti's any good. this works best on long walks in secluded woods.

I go to a cafe several times a week to read/write.

I have no friends whatsoever, nor a girlfriend, but go to the gym and look semi-decent now.

I am incredibly alone and the primary reason why I go to this place is in the hope that someone will randomly approach me and ask what I'm reading or strike up a conversation/etc.

It's been a couple of years and no one has approached me.

Maybe I'm meant to be alone.


why don;t you talk to people instead?
there's a whole load of difference between not giving a toss what people think of your efforts to communicate , and just waiting in the corner like a wet towel. guess what? the first kind attracts people.

maybe you should ditch the fedora and Infinite Jest



In my diary, desu.


My bedroom. I want to paint the walls a light blue someday. It's serene to lay down on my bed wrapped up into blankets and just write.

write what ? homework or shitposts ? Don't tell me you retards and shitheads have anything worthwhile to write.