"genre fiction is unoriginal garbage for plebs"

>"genre fiction is unoriginal garbage for plebs"
>reads yet another existential novel about a young disillusioned man wandering around a city

Other urls found in this thread:


how many of those can you name? ill wait

Just from the top of my head:

Notes from Underground
The Stranger
The Catcher in the Rye

Most of these don't fit at all

Oh so you haven't read more than half of those

i just read crime and punishment

I've read all of them actually, and they all fit (Ulysses mixes it up a bit of course, but basically fits).

Wtf you got me.


amsterdam stories

someone should make a chart

you cant win - jack black

upvoted on chart

is this bait or are you really this horrifyingly stupid?

do you have an argument or do you always respond with ad hominem?

Most of Houllebecqs novels would fit too

are you talking about mishima? yeah. if youre talking about the chart part, and i dont know about one, then nah. but im not sure that makes me horrifyingly stupid bud. relax faggot.

thought you were responding to me. my bad, maybe i am retarded.

here's the list we have so far:
amsterdam stories
you cant win - jack black
notes from underground
the stranger
catcher in the rye

Tropic of Cancer



sort of on topic:
the razor's edge
this side of paradise

>Guy from Notes
>Walking around rather than writing his diary and having dinner with acquaintances
>The Stranger guy
>Walking around instead of attending to his mother's funeral, killing an arab and receiving the death penalty
>Reading Sartre at all
>The Catcher in the Rye
>Reading american may-mays
>Leopold isn't young and Stephen doesn't wander around a city, he wanders by his apartment building

>doest know how to green text

>not Fuck off retard.

+ the sun also rises

Hunger by Hamsun

wtf i hate existentialism now

Not a novel, but The Lucid Eye in Silver Town

Then you hate truth.

Stephen absolutely wanders around Dublin in Ulysses, are you dumb? He winds up the library and a bar, among other things. Also he lives in a lighthouse.

But he's not narrating by then, retard.

The action of the novel is focused on him, and we hear his thoughts. Bloom doesn't "narrate" either, strictly speaking. Neither of them do.

Which one, because I don't really see it.

>A Group of people wander around enjoying life together through simple pleasures

How deliciously post-modern

Post-war forgettery. You'd think he could've added a dungeon crawl or boss battle or something.

not a young man, the guy in the book was on his 40s when it all happened

ask the dust
post office
the savage dectives
Journey to the end of the night

Confessions of a Mask


that kid is cool af, is this a candid photo??

Also Tropic of Cancer

More than half of Notes from Underground is written from the perspective of a 40 year old man, and the entirety of the text is dialectic.

he doesn't walk around a city and it takes place over his entire life up to early adulthood.

notebooks of malte briggs

crime and punishment?

+The Age of Reason
+The Man Without Qualities
+The Castle


You might as well change this to "Novel that features internal monologue" because that's what you are listing

+The Metamorphosis (a disillusioned young bug wanders around the ceiling--close enough)

+ The Gospels (ok, the city and a few towns and villages in the general area, whatever)

You forgot "Fathers and Sons" and "A Hero of Our TIme"

>Walking around rather than writing his diary and having dinner with acquaintances


+Odyssey (sure, he was more like middle aged by then, and he wanders around the Mediterranean, but what are waterways if not metaphoric streets?--you just got to keep an open mind with things like this)

Un homme qui dort is the textbook example of this.

Portrait of the artist as a young man

The Book of Disquiet

Probably the worst thread on Veeky Forums this month



>walking around rue number two hundred and twenty two

Same couple, today. Neat.