So, McDonald's is running their Szechuan day tomorrow, Oct.7 at 2pm. And...

So, McDonald's is running their Szechuan day tomorrow, Oct.7 at 2pm. And, with it they're also giving out 10k posters (1k for each sauce). Since it seems it'll be hard to get all 10 posters, at least I think it will, I was wondering if there will be people uploading hq scans of these posters?

I hope that doesn't sound like an odd request

I feel sorry for anyone with a mcdonalds poster on their wall

Do you really care about McDonalds memoribillia? Holy shit you're lame

shut the FUCK up
this entire thread

I found out the only supporting stores in my city are in the oh-shit-what-are-you-doing parts of the ghetto. I'll go only if Donald McFucking Ronald jumps in from of me secret service style in case the Bloods and Crips start shooting at each other.

You mad faggot? I'll get the entire collection and sell it for hundreds of thousands of dollars and you'll still be here sucking dicks and being a blatant homosexual

lol how do you get mad at someone wanting posters. they're pretty cool looking.

what a waste. as in Paddock should've shot up these Reddit & Memeys tomorrow at McDonalds instead of Vegas.

get the fuck off my board.

why tf did you bring up reddit


Kim should nuke the McDonald's HQ

Look at me Reddit I'm a pickled cucumber!!!!
Ahahhahahahah XD

Damn dude. Burrrrrnnn

The people who wet themselves over this aren't the people that can blow thousands on useless stupid shit. You'll be lucky to even get 20 for it.

One word..... Time to get rich!!

Don't be a pussy and go, if you get stabbed over some dipping sauce and don't die you'll have one hell of a story to tell.

Because he's a sad cunt stroking his ego

This isn't your board first off faggot,secondly half of the Fucking threads are about prepackaged food and fast food.

So you Fuck off.

why would they bother running a dipping sauce for one day?
it's such a waste of everyone's time

can somebody recreate this as close as possible?

is this only for usa? i dont see anything on the Canada website

all we get is fucking monopoly

ye, i emailed Mcdo in my country.
got a reply: what a great thought, we forwarded your suggestion.

that's why: recreate the recipe so I can hijack it and sell it to hipsters

>Tfw you spend over half your life mastering a form of Chinese cuisine, following in your fathers footprints
>Retarded Americans ruin it and now everybody thinks all you do is make mcdonalds sauce
Reddit and memey ruins everything it touches

>McDonald's release some cartoon posters and theme sauce
>boners abound
What am I missing here? I don't into /co/ so I'm not sure what the fuck cartoon this is even from

ME! Oh man I can't wait I got my rick diggidy lab coat ready, and going with my friends!!! LOL What's the best thing to get extra extra EEEXTRA pickles on? I wanna get rickity pickled up son!!!! I can't tell what sounds better I'm PICKLE MAC or I'm PICKLE MCCHICKEN!!!!!

honestly I gotta try this sauce

just knowing it's a rarity, I must indulge in it
I will be heading over to a very bad part of town tomorrow to get some

It's a great show. .. Rick and Morty


Yes, truly a show worthy of the intelligence of cultured individuals such as ourselves
wubalubadubdub to you sir ;)

Because Limited Edition shit sells better.
Pepsi perfect, ecto cooler, a similar to the new classic.

the best thing bout the show is its mocking reddit at every turn but they think its for them
rick is supposed to be an insufferable jackss. If you like him, you're not getting it.

Most Chinese cooking is garbage. If a Fucking dipping sauce shames your entire culinary history, then you probably don't have Shit to begin with.

Indeed I concur. Mr Poopybutthole is great!!
'' take off you pants and your panties, shit on the floor, time to get Swifty in here"

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

The fact that so many books refer to Szechuan sauce as “the greatest or most influential” sauce ever only tells you how far sauces still are from becoming a respected ingredient. Spice critics have long recognized the greatest spices of all time are coriander and nutmeg, who were not the most famous or the best sellers of their time, let alone of all times. Dressing critics rank the highly controversial 1000 island dressing over classic dressings that were highly popular in eateries around Europe. Sauce critics are still blinded by commercial success. Szechuan sauce sold more than anyone (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Spice critics grow up tasting a lot of spices of the earth, dressing critics grow up tasting a lot of spices of the earth. Sauce critics are often totally ignorant of the sauces of the world, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think Szechuan sauce did anything worthy of being saved.

I'm actually gonna go out of my way and take an hour long bus to pick up this meme sauce sadly

reddit reddit resddotereddit tedddro trwddithwjfbagnapaodjfbeosbdjebdbdjtrrrrreddditecjsjdOHTRERTLREDDDUTREDDITRSDDIT

You all know you're going to try to get it today so shut the fuck up about it already

What the fuck?

>stop liking what I don't like

>he collects McDonald's posters
I bet you have the nicest trailer in the whole park.


Twitter is saying each store only has 20 packets
Someone is going to get stabbed over this

20 packets or 20 posters?

Cause if there are only 20 packets of the sauce, yeah someone is gonna get stabbed over it.


Christ its the NES Classic all over again. Not to mention ebay is already showing listings from scalpers.

Yeah, I will be sure to camp outside in THESE areas waiting for a chance. McDonald's corporate is trying to get people killed.

Not willing to die for the memes.

thats what you get for living in cincinnati


It has to say szechuan available retard

>Martin Luther King
Why is every road named after MLK always in the absolute most ghetto shit ass areas? There's a MLK Blvd like 10 minutes from me and every house and business on it is a complete dumpster.

thats 4 words

I drove to a McDonalds that had it and there was a massive line when I got in there. Had someone standing at the door and they told me it was gone within a few minutes.

No it's not. It's a shit show and you are Reddit for liking it.

Enjoy your mcdonalds posters on your wall, any girl will know shes with a real winner

They'll probably bring it back for the new Mulan movie desu

t. I wonder what it's like to have a gril who's not a relative in the same room with me.

Nah he's right. What fucking loser would hang a McDonald's poster on their wall

Do I really need to spell it out for you, user?

>1k for each sauce
Damn that's a lot of posters for one person.