I've been wondering... what is the best way for us to intellectually combat the postmodernists?

I've been wondering... what is the best way for us to intellectually combat the postmodernists?


With straw men. Intellectually defeating them doesn't matter, just convincing everyone else you defeated them intellectually.

No thank you

Teach counter-arguments
Seriously, if you want to make a change, go into education and teach these kids how to strengthen themselves. I'm starting to think I should try that as well

Point out that coherent shows such as Peep Show and Seinfeld are far more satisfying and comedic than non-sequitur shows such as Family Guy and South Park

Until teaching indifferent top-down strengthening shit becomes the dominant ideology and we have a postmodern Renaissance in response.

>don't bother trying to fix it, it might go back anyways
What kind of limp-wristed failure are you?

Who are you quoting? There is no such thing as 'going back', and there are ways to fix it.

South Park in its prime was far superior to Seinfeld.

If you weren't trying to discourage attempts to fix the perceived issue at hand, what was the point of your post?


I proposed a problem which would have to be contended with if you were to attempt a fix. If you think that is discouragement you are the limp-wristed failure. Why are you on Veeky Forums if you have so much trouble reading?

My apologies if I misinterpreted you, it sure seemed to be intentionally discouraging

Regarding your point, there are of course always going to be that kind of student and that kind of teacher, but ultimately I'd just want to get the point across that there isn't only one sect of politics and philosophy you can subscribe to and still be a good person.

Start teaching a Fake history of Sophistry alongside a True history of business marketing, and have the teacher go off into long digressions about the history of postmodernism without ever either coming to a conclusion or coming back to the point of the lecture.

Basically, an ironic performance of teaching that transmits only a earnest feeling. A lecture that says nothing except that it's alright to lose the plot if the whole jigs up and we're all getting laid and paid anyways.

Also, give whoever comes to class without asking questions or complaining an F.

>postmodernism has now become synonymous with the left

jordan peterson has become a plague on thinking people

Attack capitalism with traditionalist, non-Marxist arguments. In fact, go hardcore and attack the idea of private property from a traditionalist perspective.

Postmodernism is fueled to a large degree by capitalism. Cut off the snake's head and the body will die.

oh, come off it. His concerns are genuine and his arguments are usually well put together, and when he does fall short he will often admit it (MGTOW is a recent example). As someone who goes to uni I'm increasingly frustrated with many of the same things he is. How is he a plague on thinking people? Best defend that conclusion bucko :-)

What is your suggested alternative

Distributism, of course.

this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and I'd love to see you try and levy a single argument against Capitalism that isn't Marxist

Oh, really?

>this level of idiocy
Can we just collectively agree that peterson isn't Veeky Forums like we did with with games of thrones so these tards stop coming here.

Watch his damn lectures. He's worth talking about—he draws from Jung, Nietzsche, and Hobbes for god's sake, Veeky Forums should love him—but these reddit kiddies only care about his soundbites on youtube they can repeat at their next epic SJW debate. That's the issue, not him

>Veeky Forums should love him
No, Veeky Forums shouldn't love him because Veeky Forums went to college unlike mentally challenged basement dwellers on /pol/. Time to go back to the containment board.

Okay, pray tell what a college man such as yourself finds so inadequate about Peterson. The more specific the better, please

Already outlined it in the other thread brainlet

You just linked me to the OP, smart guy

It's nice to have a confirmation that I was right about his fans being mentally challenged.

I'm not going to try to guess which of all the similar posts was you, buddy.

This post is evidence that postmodernism wins

That's a nice shitpost friend. Please refrain from using any actual arguments next time as my puny-redditbrain can't comprehend :-)

First one must defeat the Hegelian dialectic

Nice spooks

Eschew the propagation of thought terminating cliches like too big to fail and postmodernist.

Same moron who hasn't read either Jung, Nietzsche, or Hobbes detected.

And South Park in its prime was much more coherent than it in its lows.

We need to completely start again, so, a return to Plato.

define postmodernism first lmao weeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dude

With technology. Sex robots.

Clarity. Ahistorical clarity and autism.


Bloody well

thats that

So by stooping to their level?

more dialectic

this guy gets it

I don't really care to watch whatever this dude has to say (anyone trying to singlehandedly dismiss any kind of an intellectual movement as broad as postmodernism is probably full of shit), so can someone just sum it up for me?

>hates postmodernism
>loves Nietzsche

>Catholic socialism


Stop paying taxes

I believe the main issue for Peterson's fans revolves around the issue of how cultural relativism affects individual's perception of laws. I'm one of those fans who is philosophy/political science dropout, and I'm still very interested in how cultural relativism affects institutions like the United Nations. I've read secondary source Jungian works for fun, and I like to read Dostoevsky. So I find his lectures to help strengthen the resolve of those outside his field. Like people here on /lit battling against those well meaning cultural Marxists who unintentionally diminish the good of democratic states in their quest to force equality, he does not condemn his own ignorance enough. But he does mean well.

>OP doesn't know what his words mean
>OP thought youtube was a book
kek you can't make this shit up.

srsly tho OP what you have to look out for is the pre-raphaelites: they're a modern scourge #DONT TRUST MORRIS #ELAINE CAN'T LIFT

Hey, guess what, Peterson doesn't write books, so this thread should be deleted. Kill yourself. Report Peterson threads.

glauconian af

>I'd love to see you try and levy a single argument against Capitalism that isn't Marxist

I'm glad you asked.

Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief by Peterson

We're still waiting....

Nice decontextualised quote though. Made me want to read Evola.

Still not argument against. He's just characterising both.

So what is third way?

>So what is third way?


you realize Marx wasn't the first socialist, nor the first anti-capitalist, right?

and Marx never labelled himself as left or right

>intellectually combating postmodernism

That's the whole point of postmodernism silly. Whatever you throw at it, will be devoured and shat back on your face in the form of shapeless, scattered ideas covered on smelly irony.

Just look at how eroded Peterson's complexion appears after he "launched" his crusade and the internet took notice of him. Even Nick "Harvest the Universe" Land looks healthier and he's basically Veeky Forums overdrive. There is no point in combating postmodernism with your intellect because it was made from the ground up to break your intellect apart before considering it. is the only other way and most of us have thrown away spirituality a long time ago.

>Seinfeld as a response to post-modernism
>the current year

Listen brothers.

The earth is not a ball to which we are glued by the mystical force of "gravity", no.

The earth is flat, just as the ancient peoples believed. Heaven is above you, hell is below you.

The devil first spread the idea of a ball earth revolving around a ball sun in the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian mystery schools. These teachings were passed down to Pythagoras. They were handed down the ages to the occult mystery schools of the European Renaissance, who adopted them as their own. Then the occultists Copernicus, Kepler, Bruno, Newton, published the idea and started the "Copernican revolution".

The ancient Hermetic principle is "As Above, So Below". This has many applications. One of them is this: what people believe about the heavens above them, well determine what they believe about the earth below them. In other words, how they interpret the sky will correspond with how they interpret their own lives. Our materialist society would be impossible without a materialist cosmology to justify it. A mechanistic Newtonian cosmology justifies a mechanistic view of human life, a mechanistic politics, sociology, and economics. It sounds like a joke, but the idea that the stars are giant balls of gas reflects the modern obsession with fossil fuels / material goods in general. Copernicus wasn't going for a mechanistic religion, by the way; he was a Pythagorean and Heliolator, and hoped that the belief that the sun was at the center of the universe would usher in a return to a sun-worshipping priesthood like those of ancient societies.

The reason why the Devil spreads the idea of the ball earth is that it totally overturns mans relationship to the world. Instead of man being a spiritual being with heaven above him and hell below him; instead he stands on a ball where there are infinitely many ups and downs, where heaven isn't "above" but only "outside" the earth - moral and epistemological relativism, infinitely many points of view.

so are you saying the postmodernists have won? It is all over now?

Postmodernism can't 'win' anything


I am claiming postmodernism is not here to be fought. It is impervious to ideologies because it is that which deconstructs any ideology. What maintains it going is perhaps what could be fought. But what is it that sticks people to postmodernism? According to some it's the capital, but I don't know really. I just know that postmodernism itself does not propose scrutiny from ideas, and therefore cannot be disregarded that way.

what the fuck is post modernism

Using an allegory, postmodernism would be that annoying guy in a discussion who would insist on asking you "but what if it was otherwise?" instead of actually arguing, and would keep asking "why not?" whenever you questioned the reason for his actions, and also end everything you affirm with "well you can't be so sure of that".

It's the ultimate movement in skepticism and in a postmodern framework it doesn't even make sense that something could be "established" so you're more or less inside a vaccuum (or, even worse, complete chaos) everytime you think about anything. One can only guess why this state of being brings more and more depression to the civilized, and also why conflict theories utterly fail to address contemporary social justice movements, since these postmodern folks cannot even be properly amassed into an actual social movement.


Does Veeky Forums not like Pynchon anymore, the great PoMo author? What has become of this place... I'll take Pynchon over Peterson any day.

