How do I caramelize onions in a pan with no oil, without burning the fuck out of them...

How do I caramelize onions in a pan with no oil, without burning the fuck out of them? I'd like to cook some garlic with it as well.

Also general caramelizing thread I guess?

Thanks cu/ck/s

keep the temperature low and add a very little splash of water every 5-10 minutes

You need *some* oil like a tablespoon should do.

Use butter instead.

>no oil

I don't have oil, it isn't a preference

Do I have to use a ton? Trying to stay at least a little Veeky Forums

Buy some oil you moron

Do thisOr unfuck your life and stock your kitchen with bare minimum essentials

Are you actually retarded enough to think a bit of butter to cook your onions will make you fat? Is this a troll thread?

>Do I have to use a ton?
I don't know how big your pan is, but I imagine a ton would likely be too much.

Traveling for a bit and using a kitchen in N Africa. No cash until Monday. Not a joke.

If you're this nutritionally retarded you weren't going to make it anyway.
1 fucking tbsp of butter in an entire batch of caramelized onions doesn't matter.

Well then I guess you will have to get used to burnt onions user

Boil a coconut for 30-45 minutes then pass the liquid though a fine mesh strainer to make coconut oil as a substitute

you can use semen as an alternative to oil

>Not sucking North African dick for food.

Whatever you do dont add the garlic at the same time as th onion. Garlic burns pretty quick compared to onion.

Maybe, uh... dont carmalize onions until monday?

What cunt, bro?

That's a long way to say
>I'm a total loser

find a nearby cactus and use the juice to cook the onions in.

What the fuck are you doing in north africa? Youre either aiding ISIS militants or vacationing in morocco

The only way to make good caramelized onions is with olive oil and sherry vinegar.The garbage that people do in America is just that.Garbage

Cook the onions slowly and gradually add water, sugar, and salt.

This will help with the sticking, and as for the burning you need to lower the heat as they start caramelizing. I usually cook them over medium heat with a lid on just to get them fully cooked as quickly as possible, and then gradually lower the heat as they start caramelizing. Once the caramelization starts getting darker you want the heat to be as low as possible to keep them just barely sizzling in the pan.

This is a good tip if you don't have much time to make caramelized onions, but cooking them over low heat for 45-60 minutes without sugar will get them to be very sweet.

Don't peel them, and then brown all sides by rotating in the pan on lowest heat setting