



hey fuck you, i use this one

>had had

>seen supra
>as said in the foregoing

I do too because there's not another single word that works well in its place, I just always find it pretentious
if I'm writing casual stuff "as above", "as mentioned previously" and other semi-awkward constructions are all serviceable

Whence does your frustration come from? Perhaps it is from between your callipygean hills.

if you're going to use archaic words go the whole hog or it just sounds off
>whence cometh thy frustration


From is already part of whence. It ought to be "Whence does your frustration come?".

>And X and X, and X and X

Overuse of 'and', generally.



>Cormac McCarthy.

ITT: Americans scared of looking uncool in front of their middle-school crushes

I think you mean:

>Americans scared of looking smart in front of anyone

It's ok, Americans don't have to worry about ever seeming smart.


Did Hemingway make this thread?

Why are Americans so uncomfortable with even mildly complex words?

butthurt treenigger detected.


These are really nice pepes, including the middle one

The American-English lexicon is significantly smaller than that of British-English.

Culture of being retarded. It's that simple. Not that the rest of the world is significantly different btw

sorry but we americans speak two languages by default: American English and AAVE. our vocabulary is literally DOUBLE yours

African American Vernacular Experimentation?

In the 1960's the American education establishment purposefully limited the vocabulary words taught and used in schools. The goal was to 'erase the differences' between poor urban youths and wealthier suburban youths.
>It failed
>In the decades since the US education system has continued to reduce the vocabulary taught and used in American schools, even removing literature from school libraries for having 'too complex' vocabulary
Americans are being dumbed down by their education system


thas rite

Black people have a pretty nice expansive and diverse vocabulary tho?

>hurrdurr me no likey big words

Most black people cannot even speak proper English in complete sentences.

What's the matter, kid? Afraid of big words?