The guy who wrote this is gay af

The guy who wrote this is gay af.


>The guy who wrote this unironically wants all homosexuals rounded up and re-educated on risk of death.


A lot of gay people pretend to be homophobic to cover their insecurities.

Nothing wrong with that.

I think a lot of gay people are homophobic because they actually know how degenerate it is.

t. Someone who's totally not gay...

He was right about bloggers though...

Can someone explain to me what's so great about this book? I see it all the time on those read before you die lists, even though I don't trust those, I'm genuinely interested what in this book makes people hail it as a masterpiece.

Maybe read it and see for yourself.
Lazy fuck

Read Ovid instead for real puma.

>anagrams to "same gender"

I've met a homo like this. Opened my eyes to the world of "bugchasing" and the actual sexual dynamics of homosexuality, such as the value of younger twinky boys, and the over-saturation of old men on grindr due to what he called "the fact that their standards were to high when they were young, so they're catching up on what they missed out".

The admittance of being gay as something simply as "lowering your standards" really fucking redpilled me. I've realised that anyone can slip into homosexuality and that it's the standards we hold ourselves up to or how coercive the standards of our culture is.

He's a Mormon

I think this "born gay" thing is totally bogus, that is, in claiming that is always the case. Same goes for transgenders and people claiming whatever on a gender/sexual attraction spectrum: You have genuine cases, sure, but more common are simply people who are dealing with mental health problems that they should try and mend before doing something as drastic, people lost in degenerate fantasies that are likely to regret anything drastic when their fetishes shift, or people who are just seeking any sort of identity in the wrong places. I'm all for it in favour of the drab alternative, but wee need to be more honest and less PC bullshit tip toeing or pandering on these issues, and call a faggot a faggot and a degenerate a degenerate when appropriate.

Elaborate. My gf has a gay friend who says he hates faggots. But I'm like he is a faggot lol.

How the fuck were you able to link

>bug chasers
>old closeted men
>lowering your standards

To choosing to be gay?

gonna generally agree. maybe some have more of an innate inclination than others but i don't think categories like straight/gay are nearly as rigid as they're often spoken of being. i consider myself heterosexual but i could probably make the switch pretty easily.

Basically mainstream gay culture is extremely promiscuous and shallow. A lot of the more "romantic" or intelligent gays would rather look for something more meaningful/

The old men in question previously fucked girls no problem. It's just easier to bang dudes when your 60 than bang young girls

It's probable more of a spectrum of attraction or attraction to a certain set of characterisitcs rather than het/homo/bi/whateverthefuck distinction.

I think all romantic human relationships are terrifying because they require so much interpersonal understanding, and as you share yourself, you come to know yourself, and you can only know until you are uninterested.

Sex is also off the table because sex without romance is use and using someone else for purely carnal pleasure is immoral.

This dude really dropped the ball with the sequel

I am a lazy fuck, true, but I have read it (unfortunately). And I still don't know what all the fuss is about.