There are several things I disagree with Land on...

There are several things I disagree with Land on, but I like the Land meme because it demonstrates that interesting thinkers are not necessarily always left wingers, and suggests a way that kids can draw from some of the useful elements in theory while disregarding or reformatting/mutating the rest.

There hadn't been that many examples of anyone before - besides Deleuze - who would participate in theory while flouting certain Marxist presumptions (presumptions which a lot of students felt - given the previous examples/culture - that you had to accept wholesale).

And thanks now to several strange vectors, interesting aesthetic and philosophical thinkers/artists can explore freely beyond the confines of poststructuralist and even leftist logic. Veeky Forums even does this in its own anonymous and memetic expression.

The Landian meme is literally a weaponized thought function sweeping young minds in order to prepare them for thinking beyond stale leftism. Similar to /pol/, which I also disagree with on so many points, but still admire and sometimes might inadvertently support as an entity for un-Enlightening young people with cult-like effectiveness.

Other urls found in this thread:

the future belongs to libertarians desu.

uwotm8? the entire field of philosophy is built on right-wingers, Deleuze is literally just reskinned various reactionaries to appeal to Marxists.

deleuze wasn't marxist though.
>implying the right and left wing were even conceivable ideas during classical Greece
>implying Plato wouldn't be considered far left for shit-shattering the Sophists who were the establishment at the time

nice blog faggot

Land is a fucking left-winger.

How the fuck can accelerationism be called right-wing?

when you see something falling, give it a push

Land's views are much weirder than simply "left" vs "right"; hyperstition, Gnon, Shanghai time, etc. share basically no conceptual ground with anti-left figures like Peterson. Also, as you point out, just finding him an "interesting thinker" doesn't imply agreement with those views - I suspect much of his readership is just morbid curiousity about "that guy who OD'd on meth and wants to end humanity as we know it", much like the occaisonal Ted Kazynski or Elliot Rodger thread we get here.

he's literally satan

>the left can't be part of the establishment
enjoy your delusion

Gotta go fast

You know you're grasping at straws as an establishment journalist when you're trying to associate a most likely mentally ill schizo-philosopher with an American billionaire reality-TV host turned President.

my favorite part is
>spooky death metal handles like Mencius Moldbug.

No he is not remotely left wing. He actively, explicitly expresses disgust towards the left.

Even in his Ccru days, he was already using theory in a way that very much was an attack on the smug academic left and poststructuralism.

Now, he's constantly reblogging criticisms of the left, stats on racial intelligence and human biodiversity, and showing support for Brexit, Trump, etc.

>the entire field of philosophy is built on right-wingers

Well, I agree, or would say they were certainly not left. I was more referring to post-war "theory" in my OP as complacently left-informed and that that should be dismantled and things brought back towards philosophy.

see I agree that he's somewhat beyond left and right. I am as well, I didn't mean to suggest in the OP that I'm right wing. I think that there should be new hybridities. I'd suggest something more like the Romantics, who seemed like a blend of reactionary and progressive in the best way.

My own political spectrum reading places me pretty far to the left economically, center socially. But I have enough hatred of what the left is now, and certainly of Marx, that I am glad to see anything of any stripe (I don't have any fascism-phobia or care about "wrong" or "offensive" words) undermine the left, especially in young people.

But as I'm suggesting, I'd rather it be done to get a more open, politically neutral space of thought going. Which leftism forbids now.

Land uses the method/beliefs of the left to reach right-wing conclusions/accept the horrifying results that those prophets say will happen.

He started on the left, I'd think, but living in a nice Chinese city and reading Moldbug probably sent him on a slope to the right.

At the moment he's occupying this weird Liberal Reactionary position,

That's because he seems them as actively destabilizing themselves and the rest of civilization. I think you start to transcend right and left wing when the endgame of your philosophy is welcoming the obsolescence of humanity.

>deleuze wasn't marxist though.

How did you get that? D&G are pretty thoroughly Marxist, albeit unorthodox.

>Land is an interesting thinker

He's an interesting paperback-rack-tier genre writer at the very best

I never stated that you autist.
In what way? Being Marxist means explicitly recognizing the primacy of the class struggle, something Deleuze forsake.

Also, here's more support for clarification.

I think it's clear that they don't represent the works of Marx, Engels or Lenin at all in that conversation, but a different brand of the left that transcended petty binary struggles.

i would describe myself as you do, but without associating today's popular (if descending) left with Marx, and seemingly disparaging him based on that
have you read any Marx?

So what's his endgame ? Some kind of Banks Culture run by AIs minus the liberalism and 'diversity' ?

robot gf

It's not HIS endgame; he believes the capital is a literal blind idiot god developed by historical forces and it is going to eventually swallow us in its groins simply because we're there and it needs to feed.

He is definitely not right wing, but that's the point of OP: you don't have to be Peterson and you don't have to clean your room in order to despise contemporary leftist think (that is also drifted far away from Marx, as it embraces much of the capital).

He is a Marxist insofar as he analyzes capitalism in terms of historical mutations and such (think about Das Kapital rather than the Manifesto). He does diverge from Marx in the matter of class struggle, but only because he doesn't follow the Hegelian-derived notion (as I read it) that it leads to global phenomena or any kind of development in society as a whole, but he still acknowledges struggle. You could say he is not a follower of Marx, but he's certainly a scholar of Marx and has no qualms about drawing both agreement and disagreement from that source.

thought* goddamnit

Accelerationism is leftist if you believe capitalism will lead to communism that way.

Accelerationism is right-wing if you believe it will lead to AI-Gods who rape and kill us all.

Gotta go fast

you boys got me interested. where's a good place to jump in with this asshole?

However he was far more intersting in the past than he is now, Look for old CCRU or the Fanged Noumena PDF

Communism leads to AI gods too. Communists are unconscious crypto-accelerationists.

obscuritanical wank-fest on a par with the lowest of the low of mid 20th century french "philosophy".

a flaccid unwashed penis

Agreed desu.

I welcome our superhuman successors.

Do you think those superhuman successors will hold humanistic values in mind, though?

I hope not, humanism is shit.

>humanism is shit
This. Not even being edgy or ironic.

forget the culture wars user. Any serious thinker, like Land, will be willing to engage left and right ideas. Land might be critical of leftism, in the political and policy sense, but he has no problem using "leftist" philosophers like Foucault, Baudrillard, Zizek and others when formulating his own ideas. He might be critical of them, but he engages on good faith, not just for the purpose of tearing down the left.
>The Landian meme is literally a weaponized thought function sweeping young minds in order to prepare them for thinking beyond stale leftism.

Forget about the SJWs and all of the other so-called "leftists". Forget about the tumblrinas and the feminists in your college philosophy class. These people literally do not matter. The same goes on the right, the average right winger is not capable of quality philosophical thinking, as they're too caught up in "first-order" political policy problems and political hype and scandal.

Appreciate Land for his ideas, not because of whatever effect he is having on the culture wars, which do not fucking matter, at all.