What low-carb meals can I cook with chicken breasts?

What low-carb meals can I cook with chicken breasts?

I have a bunch of different ingredients but no Idea what to do with these chicken breasts.

Caesar salad but replace the dressing with lime juice and salt

The sky is the limit at this point. if anything, you are only really limited by what to eat with the chicken. An easy choice for the chicken itself is a rub down with salt, pepper, oil and any other spices of choice and chuck it in the oven.

Stirfry with any combination of vegetables (e.g. onion, broccoli, capsicum, green beans, mushroom, asparagus, celery).

Chicken breast in a salad also tastes great

Most chicken soup/stew recipes are low-carb.

Sellotape them to your chest and pretend to be a girl

> Not using whole chickens

Chicken and steamed vegetables.

grill 2x chicken breast, then reduce heat
add 1x chopped onion, wait until they soften
add 2x crushed garlic cloves
add in roasted tomatoes, canned is fine. ~400 ml or whatever. one of the smaller cans. Bring to a simmer. Throw in a tablespoon or two of Basil and Oregano.
add in 1x bag of baby spinach
mix when the spinach's shrunk or reduced or whatever you call it.
Sprinkle with a 3-finger pinch of salt. Add pepper to taste.

easy as fuck, takes 15~20 minutes, tasty and satisfying. Esp during winter.

Well that's tomorrows dinner planned.

Just use bell pepper and stop being a fag.

Chickenfried steak with homefries and creamed corn.

>What low-carb meals can I cook with chicken breasts?
Almost anything, really. Pan-fried. Grilled. Sauteed. Stir-fried. Broiled. Baked. Soup. Stew. Curry. Chicken "chili". You can do pretty much anything except for deep frying with batter or breading.

Though if you want to make a braised dish I'd suggest buying thighs instead. They're not only cheaper and more flavorful, but they have a much better texture.

Steam them in nothing but water for 6 hours. Then you can eat what you deserve for following that meme diet.

I like to braise my chicken breasts then pair them with either pasta or rice.

Novice here. How long do you braise it for? Just until it is tender by the fork? You're essentially overcooking it until it becomes kind of a pulled pork (er, chicken)?

You brown it first I imagine?

stuff the chicken breasts with spinach and feta

For 3 hours


After it's done how many days would it keep? Like could I use it for sandwiches the next day or something?

I eat an ungodly amount of fried rice because I'm often lazy; if you wanted to do low carb, however, one thing that's super super simple is to take a casserole dish, put the chicken in, and cover it with Sweet Baby Ray's (or olive oil, thyme, and salt and pepper if ur a normie); then you can just put it in the oven for about an hour and you've got some easy dinner.

At what temp for an hour? How big of breasts we talkin?

>After it's done how many days would it keep?

That depends entirely on what temperature your fridge is set at. General rule of thumb is about a week for most leftovers.

If you know for a fact your fridge is below 3C then it could keep for up to a month.

Easy? Sure. Awful? Also sure.

I keep my fridge at 36F, so below 3C, and it's a Subzero but damn man a month?! I'll keep chili for 5 days but after that...

Check out the food safety section in Modernist Cuisine. They have a whole section on this. I remember a specific discussion of raw chicken breast. They checked it daily to see if the bacteria count had reached a certain threshold. Below 3C it lasted over 30 days. It turns out that pretty much all bacteria which create spoilage stop reproducing below 3C.

Torrented just now, I'll check it out tonight, thanks.

I don't remember the exact location but I think it was towards the end of the first volume. The section was called "Microbiology for cooks" or something similar to that.

Seasoning + Oil/Butter/Lard

I wanna cook some chicken but its still frozen after hours, should i soak it in some water or just wait it out

Put chicken in a plastic bag (or leave it in its packaging if it is already packaged). Stick that in a sink full of cold water. That will thaw it quickly.

Don't use hot water. It is only slightly faster for thawing but it will create unsafe conditions.


how long would you say i put it in the oven?

Is it fine to throw it in the frying pan after that with the rest of the sauces and stuff?