OK Veeky Forums I have been getting fat over the 2-3 last years and I want to change my eating routine

OK Veeky Forums I have been getting fat over the 2-3 last years and I want to change my eating routine.

What should I eat on a daily basis ?

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Smaller portions. Also, it's good to fill up on steamed vegetables. You may shit like a horse at first, but things will even out over time.

don't eat fat
eat beans and bread and non fat dairy, along with veggies
don't eat sugar
don't snack
eat 2 meals a day.

only 100% whole wheat bread. rest iis shit.
>don't eat fat
this is more along the lines of "avoid calorie dense nutritional garbage". the body needs fat, but avoiding saturated/trans fats is good.
>don't eat sugar
this is the most important part. sugar fucks your metabolism and makes you hungry because of insulin spikes. also, i've heard artificial sweeteners in things like diet soda can stimulate an insulin spike, so avoid that shit too.

so, in general: don't eat refined sugar and avoid processed foods.

The problem with to much sugar is people don't balance it with enough fiber to pass it, so it gets turned to body fat. As for a breakdown a short version might be this:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, a scrambled egg, juice.
Lunch: Tuna/chicken/salmon with beans.
Dinner: Same, but with salad/kale/spinach.

Take a multivitamin as well. Drink only water, coffee or green tea. Portion control as well. You will lose multiple pounds per week fairly easily if you keep to it.

>only 100% whole wheat bread. rest iis shit.
actually it doesn't really matter as long as you get enough fiber, hence the beans.
>this is more along the lines of "avoid calorie dense nutritional garbage". the body needs fat, but avoiding saturated/trans fats is good.
as a general rule, it works out very well. there's fat in everything, so don't eat things with extra fat in them. like all fried foods are off limits, for example, as well as chocolate, cakes, regular ice cream, etc.
>this is the most important part. sugar fucks your metabolism and makes you hungry because of insulin spikes. also, i've heard artificial sweeteners in things like diet soda can stimulate an insulin spike, so avoid that shit too.
not really. sugar is bad because it rots the teeth and has little nutritional value. the key substance to avoid is fat. fat stimulates hunger, not sugar.

>so, in general: don't eat refined sugar and avoid processed foods.
no. in general, don't snack, eat less frequently, and when you do, don't eat fat or sugar, including fruit/fruit juice and other natural sources of sugar, and refined sugar.

>don't eat fat
This is bad advice. Avoid trans fats, but try to eat more of both saturated and unsaturated fats, and less carbs.

fewer calories. fill up on vegetables because the fiber tells your brain to stop eating even if you don't feel satiated


Read to the sticky

>This is bad advice. Avoid trans fats, but try to eat more of both saturated and unsaturated fats, and less carbs.
A fat person trying to lose weight needs to cut all fat out of their diet. Obviously this isn't possible, because everything has a little fat, but the idea is sound and actually works very well.

That's retarded and wrong. calories matter not the nutrient they're coming from. aside from having the beetus you'll lose weight regardless of which macro you eat to get the calories. A fat person eating 4k calories of sugar and protein will get fatter, and if they eat 1500 calories of fat the weight will fall off.

Do not eat 3-4 hours before bed. If you have to eat something, make sure it is a sole, protein food like low sugar yogurt.

Bullshit, I did low carb high fat and lost almost 100 pounds

Smoothies and creams keep you feeling full longer. Smoothies are nice because you can always add the same amounts of food to the cup and keep your calories in check. Preparing meals at the end of the week and keeping them in same-portioned containers is an easy way to have better control over how much you eat.

that's extremely unhealthy.
1 pound of fat has more than twice the calories as 1 pound of sugar/carbs. clearly. fat is not a suitable food for someone who is trying to lose weight. fat also triggers over-eating because the body loves it and loves storing it all over the body.

Try adding broccoly to your diet, it has almost no calories, is dirt cheap and rich in micronutrients.
It also tastes well combined wth a variety of different foods.

Remove any sugary beverage from your diet.
Eat slowly and drink 2 glasses of water before eating.
Maybe start commuting by bike to burn more calories.

>The problem with to much sugar is people don't balance it with enough fiber to pass it, so it gets turned to body fat.
The main issue is that empty calories dont saturate your hunger or even increase it, leading to you wanting to eat more.

Shut it down boys!
Seriously, dropped from 300+ to 160 in about a year, never swore off any food, just calorie counted like a bitch. You really want some cake, two bites, and starve at some point in the day.

that's why you count calories and don't eat food by weight. Fat is more satiating than protein and carbs.

Volume is the main factor in sauration, if you eat 1 kg of broccoli you can not eat anything else.
That are 340 kcal.

Well I feel better when I eat low carb and being 100 pounds lighter is certainly much healthier. I wanna see the receipts

>The problem with to much sugar is people don't balance it with enough fiber to pass it
LOL what dumbfuck blog did you learn that from? There's no way to "pass" sugar, it gets sucked up by the body as fast as you dump it in.

You can sometimes overwhelm your digestive system with fats, especially saturated fats. Digestible sugars? Nope, not until you hit the 20,000 calorie-per-day limit.

Utterly retarded. I've been doing keto for six months and have lost 35lbs quite effortlessly.

I've never, ever succeeded on any other diet.

Probably the same dumbfuck places that say fruit is healthy because it contains a little bit of fiber, despite the fact that it's still a fucking packet of pure fructose sugar.

>that middle donut

The sugar gets absorbed slowly though due to the fucking fiber you retard. And with all the antioxidants and vitamins in fruit it more than compensates for the oxidation stress caused by the fructose.

it does have a lot of sugar but the fiber and vitamins still make it pretty healthy compared to most processed foods

Bro science is the best science

Considering that antioxidants haven't been proven to do shit in the human body, you can't say a fucking thing about oxidative stress.

Then would you mind explaining the mechanism by which increased fruit intake leads to lower risk of mortality from CVD, strokes, etc, when vitamin supplements are not shown to produce the same effect? It's almost like there are compounds in fruit beyond just vitamin C that may be producing a positive effect on a person's health.

I was agreeing with you, bone rider. It just didn't come across that way.

People who eat more fruit are eating less junk food and less likely to be overweight?

Certainly this is true, and is probably the most significant factor in fruits aiding in weight loss, but the effect goes beyond the relationship between weight and health.

This article links to several different studies showing this effect in section 3.4:

The science isn't necessarily "settled" in that we need more human trials to explore the thousands of different compounds contained within fruits, but it's by no means broscience, and it shouldn't be dismissed as simply the equivalent of some water, a multivitamin pill, and some fiber.