Grab the nearest book, turn to page 58, and post the third sentence...

Grab the nearest book, turn to page 58, and post the third sentence. Let's go! Mine is "Outside the building rain poured down."

"A Tale of Two Cities?"

Wherefore we fail to recognise them.

Great thy gain if thou learnest;

She really looked worried about it.

"Why have I been in doubt up to this very moment?"

The content of the economic institution of private capital is therefore the independent form (whether a small manufacturer or a giant multinational corporation).

Wow I fell asleep

Throw that garbage in the trash can please

In three days it had completed the march from Sicca, to come and exterminate everything in Carthage.

"Can you complete the grid?"

It's a puzzle book.

Ron and Hermione had been so deeply involved in helping Sirius escape from the Ministry of Magic that they were almost as concerned about Harry's godfather as he was.

4th one?

"Nor is it surprising that they should try as far as possible to stay together, there are many affinities here, some already known, others that are about to be revealed, for example, it was the pharmacist's assistant who sold eye-drops to the girl in the dark glasses, this was the taxi-driver who took the first blind man to the doctor, this fellow who has identified himself as being a policeman found the blind thief weeping like a lost child,and as for the hotel maid, she was he first person to enter the room when the girl with the dark glasses had a screaming fit."

They manipulated the names in an effort to turn them into a talisman, an instrument of dominion over nature, unaware-as you are unaware, with your machine-that every letter is bound to a part of the body, and shifting a consonant without the knowledge of its power may affect a limb, its position or nature, and then you find yourself deformed, a monster. Physically, for life; spiritually, for eternity."

>The idle everywhere consume a great part of it; and, according to the different proportions in which it is annually divided between those two different orders of people, its ordinary or average value must either annually increase or diminish, or continue the same from one year to another.

Prize question: What is "it" he is talking about?

The Dragon swooped - no - thats not the word. The Dragon landed, like some mighty instrument of war, before her very feet. His face a miasmic, protean horror, she couldn't but look, her terror impotent. Though the face before her spoke of unimagined circles of Hell, down betwixt his mighty bescaled thighs there hung a phallus of such beauty of wonder it neutralised her every fear. She didn't know what to think.

Yet thine is my resplendency, so given

The truth rushed down on me like a burying avalanche. I was not a poet

"Could you give me a massage?"

>its ordinary or average value must either annually increase or diminish, or continue the same from one year to another.

wow man deep insight, it'll either change or stay the same! amazing!

"To his amazement, the peanuts began the move across the soil".

It's a book of Chinese folklore.

It is hard to isolate a moral quality in the free act

Pomyślał sobie nawet, czy aby się nie pomylił, miał bowiem przed sobą zupełnie młodą twarzyczkę dziewczynki w wieku lat szesnastu, może nawet piętnastu - drobnej, ładniutkiej, jasnowłosej.

"It is a sign of an elementary proposition, that no elementary proposition can contradict it."

lol he's pointing to a correlation.

lots of academic texts are written by the mildly autistic

Such a bad joke, bad dream, bad poem, so different, this cr





e a k, ik e y, ev ie, ea tor.

"Ryan leveled his Heckler & Koch HK33, chambered with 5.56mm caseless rounds, at the disgusting mutie, "You want some?" He said, hoping the mutie did."

The Dhamma is thus the Nature of Things.

Her thoughts go back to Kuala Lumpur, when she was young on nearly young, when she spent three nights in a row with Emmanuel Egudu, also young then.

>mfw the nearest book only has 50 pages
You get third sentence from page 48 instead.

57. Despise also all cowards; professional soldiers who dare not fight, but play; all fools despise !

>He is the "giver of life from the beginning," life "springs up to us from his destruction," and the germ which procedes from him engenders life in both dead and the living.

Ma questo sarebbe un immenso ideale: chiedere sempre, instancabilmente, a ciascuno che cosa l'offende, lo priva, lo tortura, e compensare, abbracciare, riaccendere.

You look very pleased with yourself.

It's a book about grammar.

This wise man with his forty thoughts seems to me a fool; but I believe he knows well enough how to sleep

It's all one sentence and it starts on the previous page and doesn't end on this one

"I wouldn't advise you to jump out of the kitchen window, because you'd fall into the rose bed in the garden, damage the bushes and have to pay for them. From the window of the sitting-room you'll fall beautifully on to the pavement and if you're lucky you'll break your neck."

At least say what it is

We lay on our backs, looking at the ceiling and wondering what God wrought when He made life so sad.

ルネ - そこまであなたが言うなら私も言うわ。
That's a really bland sentence considering it's Madame de Sade (Mishima)

"A XVI. és XVII. század vallásháborúiban a protestánsok és a katolikusok egyaránt erőteljes, ízes magyar nyelvet használtak"


"Mijako meglepve nézett Macsie szemébe"

Same distance between the books

Tomorrow, Sweet O will come to me and everything will be as simple, direct, and delimited as a circle.

La ecuación característica deducida de la matriz de tensiones es, en un punto de un sólido elástico, la siguiente:

SIGMA^3 - 5*SIGMA^2 - 8*SIGMA + 12 = 0

Without question, we are cuckoo for pyramids.

"When the critical sensibility that prevailed in Britain and America during the second half of the twentieth century turned to Spenser, it found little in him to justify the eminence he had held for three hundred years."

El Cojo rengueaba del pie izquierdo; decían que en esa pierna tenía una cicatriz en forma de cruz, recuerdo de un chancho que lo había mordido cuando dormía, pero nadie se lo había visto.


"From the outlying districts -as happens every evening in the town- a gentle breeze wafted a murmur of voices, smells of roasting meat, a gay, perfumed tide of freedom sounding on its way, as the streets filled up with noisy young people released from shops and offices."

It all starts so peaceful and mundane... reminded me of Lynch in that respect.

Wegen seiner recht freigeistigen Einstellung bekam er mit den Authoritäten Scherereien, und als er die Ignoranz des Klerus öffentlich attackierte, brachte ihm das vierzehn Jahre Kerker ein.

Mysteries precede humankind

In China there is a much stronger belief in the importance of collective effort.


True, there seemed to have been a breach of the natural order in that apparition of Augustine in the grotesque chamber under the wave but several explanations might be forthcoming, including that of a temporary psychic malaise, a phantasm such as would arise from taking mescalin or morphine.

E questo è il male che l'eresia fa al popolo cristiano, che rende oscure le idee e spinge tutti a diventare inquisitori per il proprio bene personale.

Thus, a convenient definition of "injective" is this: a function f : A -> B is injective if and only if f(x1)= f(x2) implies x1 = x2

'By all the signs a nasty, petty-arrogant little chappie,' flashed through Miusov's head.

We, by Zamyatin

They passed mud hovels where people lay murder in all attitudes of death in the doorways and the floor, naked and swollen and strange

'those rats died of plague,' was his conclusion.

Basically you are right, of course.

Cumbershum trotted up toward the congregated passengers and ordered them back to their cabins or to the mess.

Camus you hack

I was morbidly sensitive as a man of our age should

Thats not the only Plague refernce in this thread you hack.

But he said, "Why should my lord be so kind to me?"

"Every orthodoxy, whether it draws its validity from religion or from being venerable and ancient, is a system for preventing mutations of the structures that ensure stability"

What's this from? I feel,I should recognize it

"Our sensations being very much fixed to the moment, we are apt to forget that more moments are to follow the first, and consequently that man should arrange his conduct so as to suit the whole of a life."

There are such unfortunates.

why am a I seeing all these twin peaks pictures now that I started watching it

The roof ridges of the boys' dormitories, standing in a row beyond the athletic field, and the copse beyond them seemed to be motionless in sleep.

>Genealogy, in the sense of the term Foucault derives from Nietzche, is based on the premiss that historical institutions and other features of social organization evolve not smoothly and continuously, gradually developing their potential through time, but discontinuously, and must be understood in terms of difference rather than continuity, as one social formation appropriates and abruptly reconfigures an older instutition or revives various features of extant social organization by selectively recombining them to suit its own purposes.

So sagt man z.B, es sei einem während einer Rede ein unbedachtes Wort entwischt oder man habe nicht gewusst, daß etwas nicht ausgesprochen werden dürfe - man denke an Aischylos und die Mysterien12 - oder man habe nur etwas nur zeigen wollen und es sei einem dabei losgegangen - man denke an den Mann mit der Wurfmaschine13.

Those numbers are footnotes but Veeky Forums can't into superscript numbers.


Page 58 is entirely blank in my book.

"The proper manner of conveying the affections of the mind from one to another, is by words; there is a great insufficiency in all other methods of communication; and so far is a clearness of imagery from being absolutely necessary to an influence upon the passions, that they may be considerably operated upon, without presenting any image at all, by certain sounds adapted to that purpose; of which we have a sufficient proof in the acknowledged and powerful effects of instrumental music."

Fuck you, OP, for making me type that out.

Wow great advise, you sure sound like you know what's up, friend

Roamer skyminers could raise or lower the industrial behemoth in order to harvest the densest hydrogen concentrations.

He scanned for any sign of the Matoran or for signs of a trap

However, most research is based on periods lower than 1 second.

"For this reason I use the term figural to identify the conception of reality in late antiquity and the Christian middle ages"

Identify this book if you're a true Veeky Forumsizen of the world

"He had got used to his colleagues - he now knew them so well that even their most subtle hints did not take him unawares; and in the evening they sat together chatting about what went on in the city - of events which by their very distance had become of exaggerated importance."

Giovanni Drogo lived a hard life

This is whater

Is there any lubricant that will reduce this abrasion?

Me ha disgustado muchisimo todo lo que he leìdo de Vargas Llosa tambièn aplica para GGM

Yyrkoon tried to turn away, his shoulders shaking.

His reluctance to delegate never left him.

Nicholas would tell her of the tributes Father had once paid Mother—he’d bring her jewellery, and fur coats, and tickets to the opera.

After almost thirty minutes of pulling at his hair and chewing on the pencil, he began to compose a paragraph.

Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

I discovered nothing.

"With the dawn I descended the tower and looked for wreckage upon the rocks, but what I found was only this: a strange dead bird whose hue was as of the azure sky, and a single shattered spar, of a whiteness greater than that of the wave-tips or of the mountain snow".

Hmm Piketty's Capital maybe?

Stupid mudbloods

Neat, book?


Do you think he could?

>He was quite irresistible.
Whew it's not called Romance of the Three Kingdoms for nothing
extremely underrated

GOAT story
Such a gut-wrenching ending

Io, come al solito, ascoltavo tutto e cercavo di non perdermi una parola dei loro discorsi; pensave anch'io a dove potevo andare ed ero felice all'idea che per un bel po'di tempo non avrei piu' sentito i pianti e le grida di mia madre.