Post limited edition/discontinued foods or drinks you miss

Post limited edition/discontinued foods or drinks you miss

no fuck you

if you miss food, or other inanimate objects that aren't people you clearly have social issues

Are you some fucking robot? How can it be a social issue to miss an experience like a good meal or a location like a sunny beach.

These were amazing

because they're just things, they don't mean shit, experiences are literally just you (a dumb bag of atoms) doing useless things that doesn't matter, or have any profound impact on anything

it's fucking useless to go out and have a stupid "good experience" when they mean literally nothing

fuck you

I could say you have social issues from getting this bent out of shape by someone saying they want some food again.

I think your nihilism and sudden hostility towards an OP that did nothing to provoke you is more indicative of social issues than anything else.

You are the one wth mental issues you dumb fuck, every one else is normal. Healthy human minds are suppose to crave foods because it is what keeps them alive. Your brain encourages you with dopamine to do things such as eat, have sex, and establish social relationships because the human race could not continue without it. If you do not get similar stimulation from such things you are a deficient human being.


I used to save change in the bottles, which id buy before soccer practice.

I still have an empty bottle of each label.




FUCK YES. I forgot about this shit and I really remember liking it.

how many fedoras do you own?


fuck, those were good. These were my favorite though, they were out at the same time.

is there a difference?

step aside



Those look amazing.

The old peanut butter Twix with the regular cookie, not the new ones with a chocolate cookie that don't taste as good.

Plz Hershey's

What exactly crawled up your ass and died?

I can't believe this didn't catch on


Who hurt you, user?

fuuck I remember my dad brought home a few boxes of these when they were discontinued. Shit was cash.

This makes me cry i loved this sods but people thought is was berry flavored cola

That's where you're wrong.
Why would you, when you know life is meaningless and nothing matters, not do that?

These unimportant things are the only thing to latch onto, so why shouldn't you?

There's no higher truth to persue, nothing of true inargueable value to gain, so whuly don't you allow some of your meaningless neurons to pump meaningless endorphins into your meaningless brain and have fun, dammit

Those were ungodly awful.

God bless and cheer the fuck up.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.

Givin' me a heart attack, bro.

Maybe you and I should settle this in the ring, if you think you're so tough.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

These were awesome too

I still see these in some stores.

i hope you have a good Halloween and rest of the year, user. i love you!

This shit got me through college. Had to stop drinking it after my 4th heart attack.


Fast food edition:
The Memphis BBQ Thickburger from Hardee's

Probably for the best since I had my fair share when they were selling but still

What was it like, lads?

Tasted like liquid antibiotics.

I loved banana quik when I was young. would love to buy some now a days

Blue raspberry type soda

The original sprite remix tasted the exact same, if you had that.

Best fucking ice cream I've ever eaten. FUCKING RIP

I remember seeing it in a gas station when I was little, and I was so excited for some reason. I saved up what little allowance my single mom would get me, with the hopes of buying it some day. When I finally went out and got it, I took one sip, spit it out, and started crying. It tasted like those banana Runts candies in liquid form.

>if you miss food, or other inanimate objects that aren't people you clearly have social issues
Have you never interacted with people before?


These are back now, but who knows for how long.

Why do you even bother living anymore?

We're reaching levels of autism not thought possible.

Look mate I'm just going to echo everyone else and tell you you should probably go see a psychologist

Dude fuck off back to watching rick and morty jesus

t. Dostoyevsky

I wish they would bring these back, man what I wouldn't do for a bottle of Rain.


Fuck, this stuff was good.

I don't know if it's discontinued, hell I don't even know if it actually tastes different than red but to me it does and I miss it.

I just want to try them one more time

>Budweiser beer
>Energy drink

Wonder why this was never a big seller?

take your meds

best oreo flavor ever made RIP

so why did you post? Rhetorical.

chili m&ms

What the fuck? Someone deserved to lose their job for creating this





not sure how these don't make a comeback, even as a summer promotion where everyone has smores flavored stuff

my uneducated guess is that they want to push the regular bars to make real smores

They discontinued orange lavaburst Hi-C from mcdicks in my state. I've associated this drink with the taste of mcdonalds ever since I was a kid, and now its gone.

These are still around they're just harder to find than Big Red.

rather not have to find a freestyle machine to get this

i need my beetus

I'm sure someone did lose their job. It came out back in 2004 when energy drinks were all the rage. Jager bombs and vodka & red bulls were starting to catch on. I was working at a restaurant and the beer distributor gave us a free promotional case. I tried it and it was as awful as you'd imagine. One of the managers loved it. Not sure if he really liked it or he just drank it because it wasn't coming out of his bonus. He was a short guy with a Napoleon complex, all jacked up on Ritalin and energy drinks so maybe he really did.

If everything is truly so meaningless then why haven't you just killed yourself yet? Not trying to be edgy this is a legitimate question because clearly there's no point in living if what you're saying is true.

miss u

Oh shit I remember that. Coffee flavored, right?

Get yourself some After Eights mate

Oof. Really loved these.

mcdonalds used to rent a drink cooler and you would get a gallon jug of concentrate orange drink. mostly for parties and family reunions. you would take everything with you and bring it back the next day. call them and see if they still offer that. just save the hi-c orange and add some to some water when you crave it
I bought one of these and they were one of the best candy bars ever

Imagine being a fucking stupid nihilist with nothing in the world, other than being an insufferable no-fun jackass, go take some prozac you fucko

now THIS bugs me. This seems so simple why would they ever discontinue it?

I'm sorry that happened to you, user. Did you ever find a good banana flavored drink?

Vanilla Float Dr. Pepper was better.



hahahahh reddit nhilist detected


Fucking Rockstar cola man. It was by far my favorite /sip/ and they cancelled it.


I like both, when they brought out three new flavors, I couldn't wait to try the cookies and cream version. that was a long time ago and I forget how good it was. and I'm not sure if I tried the chocolate fudge ones

those huge 99cent stores have them seasonally i believe, or maybe post-season, which i assumed was a contributing factor towards their price.

try going to those weird clearance/novelty shops like ross, burlington coat factory, dd's discounts, etc. they always have bullshit like that

East Texas here, we still got big blue in the south.

They were seasonal but I think they got discontinued a few years ago

You're clearly angry at something, user, not OP.

Perhaps shitposting isn't the best exercise for venting
