How come when I fry eggs it smells up the kitchen like somebody took a rancid shit and didn't flush...

How come when I fry eggs it smells up the kitchen like somebody took a rancid shit and didn't flush? What am I doing wrong?

Fry them in a skillet in the oven

Literally nobody does this, I want to know what I could be doing wrong so I can cook eggs like a normal fucking human being, not a disabled down syndrome little chef boyardee.

I do this and I'm a somebody.

You're buying shit eggs. Eggs are one of the items you should shill out for some organic local farm eggs.

But it doesn't smell when I scramble them (beat them first). Only when I fry them whole sunny side up or completely fried.

No you aren't. Your parents lied. None of us are special.

if they're fresh maybe poaching them will put the stink into the water and not your families oxygen supply

So you're saying this happens to everyone who fries eggs and people just don't talk about it? I don't buy it.

I'm surprised nobody has given the correct answer yet

you are overcooking them. There's iron in the yolk, there's sulfur in the white, the smell is the reaction between the two of them when it becomes overheated
my dad is one of those people that puts eggs into a pot of boiling water and leaves them there for god knows how long until they are green and crumbly, and the whole house smells like farts

if you are frying, put a little bit if oil in the pan and just gently slide the egg as the edges loosen so it doesn't stick and overcook
if you are boiling, the egg shouldn't be in boiling water for more than 7 minutes

If I'm frying the eggs sunny side up, how hot should it be? And how long should I keep them on? Thanks for being the only non mongol.

can't really give hard numbers with frying eggs, its just something you need to practice with because they are very temperamental
eggs are one of those things you use as a metric to judge how good someone is at cooking because they are so easy o mess up
you just have to keep an eye on them and nurse them in the pan
turn the heat up and down as needed, maneuver them in the pan to hotter and colder spots, all that jazz

try doing over easy, it solves the problem of undercooked whites while still keeping the yolk runny.
>very thin layer of oil or cooking spray in the pan
>get the pan hot
>egg in
>use your spatula to continuously poke at and test the edges to see if its solid
>as they solidify work your way to the center until you can lift the egg
>cook for just a few seconds to solidify the whites on top
you just need to time this right, if you try to pick your egg up too fast at any point your yolk breaks, so I would venture on the side of caution and if you are unsure give it a few extra seconds. A slightly less runny yolk is better than breaking it in the pan and needing to start over

I just made 3 sunny side of eggs cooking them a lot slower than I usually do and it didn't smell like shit and tasted a lot better, thank you very very much. I'm sure I can cook it a lot better with practice but now that my kitchen doesn't smell like the holocaust afterwards it is so much more appetizing.

Did you cook them in the oven?

No you turboautist

We're all special, but being special is nothing special.

How do I cook eggs sunny side up with solid whites but still runny yolk?

With a heated surface, some kind of butter or oil, and a spatula.

use tablespoon oil. leave sunny side up. don't flip. tilt pan to pool oil and heat pool over burner. put spoon in pool to fill with hot oil. pour oil over egg. repeat until top of yolk starts turning white.

nigger youtube exists for a reaosn

Lower your cooking temp...