How often do you actually cook yourself a proper breakfast?

How often do you actually cook yourself a proper breakfast?

I want to do that like every Sunday but really, maybe like once every 3 months. Warm food in the morning tastes good... so simple and so tasty.

eggs take 5 minutes or less
fresh baked bread ready from day before
some sausage or whatever meat is on hand

breakfast is the easiest meal to do well in less than 10

>wake up early (5:45AM)
>start the coffee
>boil some water
>drop in 1/3 cup of good oatmeal
>add in old bay, diced onion and egg toward end
>pop whole wheat bread into toaster
>spread vegemite and a dash of anchovie paste
>some berries, grapes, tangerine or banana as a side

Does toast and some water count?

that sounds so bad my friend
but to each his own

I probably had a last nice breakfast when I was a kid and my dad made it for me. Fuck it was nice. He made me semolina pudding with a smiley on it. Butter for a nose and cinnamon for eyes and a smile. Why the fuck have I became the piece of shit I am now.

I never eat breakfast unless some one else is cooking it. I usually just eat a big lunch to compensate.

Pretty rarely, I often don't eat breakfast.

When I do I like to make something like egg casserole or a bacon and egg hash that I can eat on for the rest of the day.

7 days a week. I make breakfast every morning

Its been like 6 years.

Pretty frequently, perks of working in the kitchen at a 7 day a week brunch restaurant. The give you a $15 credit each shift to use on food. At home, usually just bakon and eggs with tortillas and jarred salsa.
I made a dope ass frittata the other day though, caramelized onions and garlic, bacon, broccoli, Muenster cheese, with greens and grape tomatoes tossed in a little oil and rice wine vinegar. Whole eggs, and cooked it in the bacon grease because I don't do anal.

Saturday and Sunday.

Work noon to 9, most days i eat a brunch meal as cant eat much til nearky 10

saturday or sunday, about twice a month. I just wake up early, and prepare a glorious american breakfast. If I were to do it more often, I'd be a fatfuck tho


red pepper
8 oz of some nice crushed tomatoes

garlic powder
smoked paprika

>dice all veggies and saute on low until they basically shrink to half the original size or less, about 15-20 minutes
>add spices, cook for about 2 minutes
>add tomatoes, simmer for about 15 minutes, or until water is mostly cooked out
>pop your egg right on top, cover lid, and poach egg till delicious runny goodness

I eat it right out of the pan with some nice crusty ass bread

Breakfast is the only meal I put any effort into. I make hash browns, an omlette stuffed with pico de gallo, and a little bit of oats with fruit or something else sweet. There's usually coffee at the end of the meal. Every other meal is fucked up or doesn't happen at al

Weekends are the only time my mornings at home last longer than 30 minutes alarm to door.

And even then I usually sleep in until 10am. I don't eat breakfast after 9am.

Never, actually
I only don't wake up 15 minutes before leaving on the weekends, but then I wake up just in time to start cooking dinner

Honestly about every day, I often only eat one full meal so i try to make it breakfast.

I'll make bacon or sausage and eggs at the very least 5 days a week. If we're talking biscuits from scratch tier breakfast making then maybe once a month

If I cooked that means more cleaning. so never

hell yeah, savory oatmeal is where it's at.

Everyday, I make sure to include everything from the food pyramid. On a semi-related note, how's my cake look?

Does boiled eggs with toast count?
Otherwise I just throw some butter in a pan, throw in a couple handfuls of oats, sprinkle some salt and put a couple of teaspoons of brown sugar over it and toss it around for a lil'.



On the weekends. Even then, it's still minor. Like a single fried egg, with either a slice of bread or a small bowl of rice with coffee or oj. Which ever I'm feeling at the time.

That must give you some monstrous shits.

Two or three times a week. Usually I skip breakfast and lunch.

Everyday, but only because I'm currently a part time student. Sauteed cabbage and onions, two french toasted toasts without syrup, and a whisked egg/canned chicken patty like amalgam with Valentina and Crystal hot sauce

Fuck your eggs