Veeky Forums
Food and Cooking
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Food and Cooking #96
Food and Cooking
What's better, Pringles or Nesquik?
Do restaurant workers really spit in people's food?
Someone please help me. I can’t stop
Legit how many of you are 250+ lbs
Cooking dinner
How do I recreate these bad boys from scratch at home? can someone science the shit out of this for me?
Do people actually use this? It's in parks everywhere across the US
Whatchu currently cooking guys?
Why are sunflower seeds so awesome?
Which oil is the best for making fries?
What cut of steak is this?
So what's actually making us fat?
Im going to pic related
/Whisky/ General
Webm thread
What is Veeky Forums's thoughts on pic related?
Meanwhile, in Veeky Forums's restaurant
I have been a vegetarian my whole life. Should I try meat?
Dave's killer bread did not live up to the hype. I was pretty disappointed
Wanna bake with me user?
Handmade made to order kuro-uchi wa handle knife
You are too old to be eating ranch
You are too old to be eating ketchup
How much alcohol is bad for you?
You have 32 seconds to explain why you aren't putting MSG in all your food
Christmas coming
What's his endgame?
Why do gamers like mountain dew when a superior and more beneficial drink known as coffee exists?
What interesting things can I do with cottage cheese?
Is it cultural appropriation for a white man to make a YouTube video teaching other white people how to make kimchi?
What's the best pizza chain?
Food Poisoning
Liquid Smoke Recipes
Thanks for doing the right thing and not eating meat, user! You've saved my life!
Why are waiters so spoiled?
How does it feel that your cultures cuisine will never, EVER, come close to topping what this country can do
*eats your leftovers*
Times you got bullied at restaurants
There's this faggot at the Dunkin Donuts I buy donuts from. Everytime I pay for my donut...
What's your excuse for not living in a country where fresh, artisanal bread is sold on every street for cheap...
What do Americans eat for breakfast?
Al/ck/oholics Anonymous
Grocery store pet peeves
Why does Hershey's Cookies n Creme make my teeth hurt so fucking much?
Midwest General
Do you need to rinse and presoak pasta like you do with rice?
Mashed Potatoes Recipe
Who is trying to sabotage chipotle with all the reports of food poisoning?
You've been offered a restaurant in an up and coming college town. All new kitchen equipment included...
Go to a vending machine
Food late bloomers
What is the thing on the right?
Most refreshing food on earth when cold and ripe
How much does this sauce lower my testerostone
If you are eating gluten you are actively killing yourself
My brother is coming out as gay to the fam. I'm making dinner
Describe the traditional cuisine of one country of your choosing in a single sentence
ITT: fictional foods you would eat
I had a carton of orange juice I was never going to drink and didn't want to waste...
Did the practice of blotting pizza with a napkin to soak up excess grease have its heyday in the 90's?
Anyone got a good recipe for a good sauce that works well with chicken and rice...
Anyone tried keto? Did it change your life
What's your favorite chili recipe? I plan on making a lot this year and want to hear what everyone likes
Applebees respect thread
If you ran out of money would you eat your pets to survive?
Start eating healthy and exercising
Post your FREEZER
Be me
Got a 10lb ham shank, don't have brown sugar for a honey glaze tho, can I just substitute white sugar...
Best way to peel a Kiwi?
ITT: Junk food you can't stop praying to
What kind of diet do i need to get skin as soft and supple as this?
How many slices of cheese for a perfect grilled cheese?
German Christmas market is coming. What's your sausage of choice?
What’s for lunch Veeky Forums?
Do you drink the milk after eating cereal or do you just use it to saturate the cereal and toss it when you're finished?
What is your latest junk food obsession including fast food?
Need help
New hot dog
Smash your Kuerig
Name a better sandwich
Planning on hunting a bunch of these this season, Veeky Forums
Who else /hype/?
Pie Thread
Fast food nostalgia
There's a winery in La Rioja where they let mold grow freely because they believe it imprints character to the wine and...
Tea girl general
ITT: Disgusting Ingredient Lists
What do you need in your diet for wipe less poops?
I bagged a deer, big buck. Gutted, cleaned. The thing is, I'm at a loss how to prepare the cuts...
When was the last time you ate shawarma, user?
Why is german cruisine so shit and never talked about?
Pizza in a Pan
I'm making poutine but Jesus Christ it is impossible to find cheese curds, and fuck making them...
Tendie pepe
Frank's Red Hot
"I'm uncultured and middle class but I want to feel rich and sophisticated"
Worst restaurant experiences
How can I make my pizza healthier? I know this might seem like a joke but it's not. I need pizza to live...
Tfw want Japanese carbon steel knife
President Trump comes into your restaurant
Ya boi need help
Post top tier drunk foods ITT
Best Triscuit Flavors
Webm Thread
ITT: god tier snack food
Have any of you ever had Cauliflower?
I never see veal at grocery stores
Broke AF and trying to lower my spending by including rice in more of my meals...
Canadian Taco Bell
/CG/ Coffee General
Has there ever been a cuisine more overrated than Korean?
Itt: Veeky Forums's Thanksgiving meal
Frog Legs
Salad Dressings
Tried vegan stuff this week and considering switching to vegetarian (not fully vegan yet)
Burger Thread
"Homemade ramen with gochujang"
Sunday Chicken Dinner for One
Get French Press
Vietnamese baked red snapper
Root beer thread
This shit is fucking poison
Is Texas Pete hot sauce any good?
Post your national sandwichs
ITT: Literal God Tier Fast Food Establishments
Who here getting comfy with 1/2 off pizza hut today?
Welcome to chipotle, user. would you like black or pinto beans on your tacos?
Why is tipping mandatory in America? Better yet, why are restaurants allowed to pay less than minimum wage in America...
My local Hannaford has whole turkeys for $0.36/lb. I bought 2 20lb birds
Finally manage to get a date with a chubby qt
Why do retards dab their pizza with napkins? You'll still be eating a greasy piece of food
So with christmas just around the corner, what are you guys asking for for christmas?
On what day would you go, Veeky Forums?
/tbg/ Taco Bell General: Storytime Edition
He eats pizza with a fork
What food do you eat on your birthday?
Anyone else get reverse burps? It sounds and feels a bit like a hiccup but you can feel it in you stomach...
For me it's the McFish
Just received 200 tomatoes. Any good ideas for what to do with them?
Why does this hack who's only proficient in french and "british" cuisine think he has the authority to speak in...
Why are you such a fat piece of shit? Pic related, it's why I'm such a fat piece of shit
/sandwich/ thread
Who /cereal/ here?
Does anyone else like their steak Pittsburgh rare?
Lmao truuuu
Transfat blocker of arteries
Hey can you watch this for me? I'll be right back
I'm getting addicted to this shit
How does it make you feel?
Eat more meat you skinny cunt
Best whiskey thread go?
How can anyone stand seafood?
Welcome to the Veeky Forums challenge: SIDE DISH!
Why do vegans try to insult me for eating eggs by calling eggs "chicken periods"?
Time for a true debate
Perfect gins don't exi-
Meet chick
German food, is it a meme?
Is steak tartare a meme? Anyone here actually eaten and enjoyed the dish? I'd try it but it doesn't sound good
Do Americans really politicize food?
Is the target audience millennials, blacks, or liberals? Which one is too retarded to go shopping...
This is the pinnacle of coastie cuisine
How often do you eat freshwater fish or aquatic creatures as opposed to sea-dwellers, Veeky Forums...
Al/ck/oholics Anonymous
Late Night Cookies: Limited Counter-Space Edition
Best sauce thread
Hello, welcome to Subway! What would you like?
Looks pretty good, eh Veeky Forums?
Tfw Whole Foods is serving Thanksgiving food at their hot bar again
WEBM Thread
Could they get away with this today?
Boneless pork chops
Best microwavable dinner and why
Tell me Veeky Forums, which fast food restaurant has the best tendies?
Is veganism a passing fad?
This is my breakfast at work, what is yours?
The sushi scam
What happened to pasta pass user? Did he deaded?
How much MSG are there in the typical chinese takeaway? and is it bad for you if you eat it often?
ITT food only real men can eat
Do you hate what your state hates?
Free Veterans Day Meal
I just drank seven beers and two pounds of chicken nuggets
Made with 100% canadian chicken
What do you ppl think of this mukbang thing?
Mfw you can't crack an egg using only one hand
IBS Breakfasts
Which one, Veeky Forums?
Spice Thread
Go for sushi with the family
How do I make my stews thicken?
Is there really that much difference between $300 sushi this Jiro guy makes vs...
How can an average whitey like make a nice rice??
ITT: gore
This is no different than a burger
Drinks soy milk once
Food ''court''
If your table doesn't look like this on Thanksgiving Day, you are doing it wrong
Need to make "oreo icing" for a cake, basically just white icing with oreo cookies crushed into it...
I think we can all agree on this
Grocery shopping with Veeky Forums
I'm having my black boyfriend over for dinner tonight...
Millennials are fucking mentally ill
What is the good lasagne recipe?
Tableware thread
In terms of taste, what's the difference between whisky, rum, vodka, and other types of liquor?
Your move /cksuckers/
Vodka drinking
He "cooks"
OC cook-along
It boggles the mind to think about how vastly superior a still-warm...
What toppings are best optimized for these? I usually just use peanut butter, but I'm looking for something new
Nobody buys bread anymore
Is pizza really that unhealthy?
Ordering burger
Why would anyone want a nasty dry rough, nearly burnt steak?
Food-related things that people say that sends you into murderous rage
Normie food memes
Good recipes involving butter?
Alright can we talk about this? I went to BK the today and they got RID off the spicy nuggets like what the fuck...
Post your favorite cup/mug/drinking vessel
>English "cuisine"
Ingredients everyone loves but you truly can't stand...
Raw ground sirloin?
Pineapple and ham on pizza
Hey guys, this might seem silly asking on Veeky Forums and all, but. Where does one aquire japanese food?
Your favorite local pizza place is having a special on two-topping pizzas
You can only pick leg or breast
What eat now
Unexpectedly amazing combinations
What are the best and worst chocolate bars?
Why aren't you making mead, you fucknuckles?
Onion Rings Appreciation Thread
Name a better hot meal on a snowy night other than beer,potato,carrot,and mushroom strew
The nectar of the gods
Tips for poor college kid
How to make god tier hot sauce?
Turkey time boys
When the drive thru girl tells you your total calories when you finish ordering and giggles
Does anybody else eat whole box of macaroni to themselves?
Not buying the excess food from restaurants at the end of the day for a steep discoung
I just moved into my first place away from family and i need to learn some easy food to make and keep myself fed...
Pizza bucket
As a former fish man let me ruin canned fish 4u
For those that live alone and have no friends/family; what do you do/eat on Thanksgiving...
Why do peeps talk so much shit about santoku?
Wine Thread
Which one should be discontinued?
Name one meal is flyovers are missing out on coasties? I'm serious? What is so special about big city food...
GOAT canned foods that get no love
What are some easy to make scandinavian foods?
Decide to cook recipe for ultimate bolognese
Ingredients You Wish You Could Find in Your City
Eternal /COFFEE/ Thread
That first sip of the day
I have evaluated fast food chains all year. My official rankings:
I like my pizza thicc. And you?
Foods you eat while youre sick
ITT: best pasta
American or Mexican?
What do you order from McDonalds?
Raw Vegan the way to go
How can we solve the American obesity epidemic, to make America good again
How can I become less of a picky eater...
Banana juice. Because chewing baby food is too much effort
Al/ck/oholics Anonymous
So I bought a pack of sweet mini peppers on a whim and now I have no idea what to do with them. Suggestions?
Arrrgghh! I'm going nuts
Poached Eggs
ITT: meme foods you were at the beginning reluctant to use because sperglords on Veeky Forums bashed them...
In regards to the Asian Carp invasion, why aren't we all just eating them? Is carp really that bad...
Best budget/bulk food to buy? I prefer cooking to microwaving. Right now I eat oatmeal, rice and beans...
Implying you aren't curious
There's nothing wrong with fast fo-
Who was in the wrong here?
Thank you so much, for joining me today in this child beating, as we savor the cries and screams of the 18th century
Christmas is near! (45 days)
The gordon ramsay jewyork steak
WEBM Thread
How do I make vegan pepperoni pizza that'll taste like it is real
What does the chef recommend?
Damn i got some edibles. made brownies. gonna eat two. gonna be a fun night haha
Kitchen doors
Name a better vegetable
Is Haggis really that disgusting?
Home cooked
Anyone else eating with the homeless for Thanksgiving?
Name a more versatile spice. Pro tip: You can't
Hey, handsome! What'd you bring to the potluck?
Webm thread
Free Food
Happy Thanksgiv
Do you make it a point to learn about other cultures' food practices so you don't look like a loser?
I made this for dinner. What did I do wrong?
So im hoping I pass my CPA exam. Bought a blue label as a celebratory bottle. What the best way to drink this...
/BMG/ - Banh Mi General
God tier frozen snacks
Hey Veeky Forums, I recently purchased a new refrigerator but couldn't figure out how to turn off the light inside...
Why can't Veeky Forums appreciate blue cheese?
Called passion fruit
Is this what it's like to eat somewhere besides your mattress in the corner of your room lit only by the computer...
Would you guys risk it and eat 30 cent oysters without medical insurance?
I’m going to Arby’s Veeky Forums
Go to vending machine during break
Can you deal with your >gf having pleb taste? Pic related...
ITT we make the most meme burger of all time
Anybody tried it yet? I almost bought one today but I've been wary ever since the horrific Fire fiasco
Who /hype/ here
Does the “You are what You Eat” meme, hold any true merit?
Take girl out to dinner
I made chicken parm tendies
Coldstone sends me coupon for buy 1 get 1 free ice cream
Who here rice crispy? Recipes welcome, I'm getting bored with the usual
Food trend you hate the most
That last sip of the life
Take 90 mins for lunch
What makes these little bastards so fucking worth going over-budget at the grocery store for?
User, we're out of milk
Restaurants in D.C.?
Never posted before because I hate food people
What's the preferred way to eat a bologna sandwich? As of late I've been intrigued by this meat product
Eating directly out of the pot
Breakfast specialties?
My plan is to cut my turkey up into parts to cook the breasts, thighs, and legs separately...
Is eating this ok if it's made in the US...
McDonalds is trialing fresh and made only when ordered quarter pounder burgers in some Florida restaurants...
Food for a right proper shit
*enters your fast food restaurant and fills large container with soft drinks from your soda fountain*
Why does everything taste better out of a glass bottle?
Nostalgic food related stuff
What the fuck did I just make Veeky Forums?
What's your favorite fast food meal? You can post one, or two
How to tell the difference between cured meat and just uncooked?
Hey Veeky Forums
Savage Eating Etiquette
Try Vegan today Veeky Forums
What was the absolute worst restaurant on this show?
Costco hot dog review
Your cocktail will be $38
What the fuck? These are a godsend
What the fuck is wrong with delaware
Marinated eggs
Al/ck/oholics Anonymous
Is it retarded to bake chicken in the oven elevated like this?
Why do people like this bitter and nasty shit? How did it get so popular?
Pic not related
Reminder that ketchup is indeed the worst condiment...
Why do fast food workers not give a single shit about how they do their work?
You ready for Thanksgiving, Veeky Forums?
What does Veeky Forums think of boeuf bourguignon?
GMO debate general
Poorfag here, how can I spice up my spaghetti o’s? Pic related, right now all I have are red pepper flakes and oregano
Walk up to In-and-Out
Which one, Veeky Forums?
Why is the combination of corn, peas, green beans, and carrots the standard vegetable mix...
I hurt myself today
This picture always makes me feel comfy because of the steam coming from her mug...
Beer thread?
What do people usually do with rotisserie chicken? I mean, this is a lot of chicken, please give me some ideas
Big Mac
Ja/ck/ makes chili
Diet tips?
Start cooking dinner
So I made the mistake of taking my autistic cousin to KFC...
What do you call these?
Why does this dude look like this? Mans looks like he's going to snap at any second and going on a killing spree
I truly hate being alive
How do you eat one of these delicious treats? I know of three unique and distinctive ways thus far
Objective Fruit
What the hell are artificial flavors?
ITT: Disappointing food
What meals taste better with pickles?
Yeah.. I think I'll take my flyover food instead.... thanks
Is MSG really as bad as people make it out to be?
Other than honey and cream, is there any other naturally sweet animal ingredient...
Just ordered this. What to expect?
What is the best Subway sub? And why is it the Meatball Marinara (with everything on it.)
Who here /imbibe/?
Wine Thread
Pop tarts
Made a grilled cheese
A blind woman can cook better than you
Webm Thread
Redpill me on bread pudding. concept seems disgusting. is it?
How could this have gone so wrong, Veeky Forums?
I was 23 and home from the Air Force with my new wife. My parents wanted to take us out to dinner. I love seafood...
Stop at Sonic
R8 my lunch
Is there anything more soul crushing than working in the fast food industry?
Is it true Veeky Forums?
Who else is drunk at 1pm and cooking?
What is the proper way to drain ground beef?
Hey Veeky Forums. female neet here just just ordered DOminos
Could you do it or are you a pussy?
Your order comes to $14.21
What do you do when you're feeling snacky? I like to take a flour tortilla, put some shredded cheese on it...
Press F to pay respects
Thoughts on sous vide cooking machines?
Why are mozz sticks so god damned good? It's one of the top foods, to me
Ask someone who just consumed 12 packets of Swiss Miss hot chocolate anything
I love Culver's so much. I eat there three or four times a week. Great food
I hate my countrymen so fucking much
Just a reminder, ARCO-am/pm gas stations sell the same thing there
Veeky Forums actually thinks Korean lunches look good
What can I add to a bowl of rice for a filling, nutritious and tasty meal?
We're going eating today cu/ck/s
Go Vegan today Veeky Forums
How can I upgrade my grilled cheese?
I can think of a name for this meal of mine...
Veeky Forums Jeopardy
Do you prefer stuffing with, or without cranberries?
Do root beer and liquor mix well? My friend swears by rum and coke but I prefer root beer...
Anyone here try geoduck? I want to try it, but most of the recipes I've found are fried, and I don't have a fryer
Chef Jeremy Fox on how he got his knife skill
I just love coffee!
Beat this
Al/ck/oholics Anonymous
What dose Veeky Forums think of patty melts?
Candy you hate that everyone else seems to love
Cheap Beer
I've recently fallen on hard times and have been taken in by my friend and his family...
I work at a taco bell
This is a sandwich. Prove me wrong
Extra Charge for Sauce Packs
Be english peasant
Taiwanese Bubble Milk Tea
What's the difference between a food processor and a chopper...
What are you having for dinner Veeky Forums?
Holy shit you guys were right for once
"The New Tribal Tattoo"
What are the absolute biggest memes in cookling?
Would you eat my fried chicken anons :c
I'm as poor as it gets, please give me cheap yet delicious food suggestions
He uses the word "mixologist" unironically
R8 my shopping cart my fellow cu/ck/s
Munchie Box
Poorfag food
Show me a more annoying menu than this...
Just another failed growing season
Friendly reminder to buy fresh bread from an artisan baker and eat it with a layer of real...
Overnight Oats
My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good
/ S I P / G E N E R A L: Sips 'n' oats edition
Be restaurant
Soups On!
Guilty pleasures
Whatchya cookin' today /seekay/?
Pizza is American
ITT: utterly vile and stupid meme recipes
Pepper shits
ITT - meme foods
Start eating British cuisine
A chick fil a went up near me
How do you make perfect bollonaise sauce?
Who here /Triple Double Crunchwrap/?
Chicken Thread
I'm making brelqkin. How much should I fill it up with water before setting it in the pan?
What's your favorite bread Veeky Forums?
It's a Chef John has to remind his American audience to use actual parmesan instead of bagged sawdust episode
Meat addicts
Why are americans so gastronomically inferior to their european fathers?
Local Specialties
How do you rate my lunch
Thank you based Costco
Kitchen sponges are nasty
What's the longest you've ever gone without eating?
People who don't eat sauerkraut and polish sausage on a weekly based should be rounded up and thrown into the middle of...
JUST food general
Go to get some bubble tea on a hot day
Homemade garum
Vending machine won't take your dollar
Tell me about your last cooking fuckup
Lobster harvested from water 1 degree too warm
What is it about cast iron that brings out people's autism and superstition...
So Veeky Forums, how do you prepare your ramen?
ITT favorite candy
Being so ashamed of your race that you pretend to like spicy food
Join school Veeky Forums club
Better ingredients. Better pizza
Nude restaurant in Paris
Got this at the farmer's market today, cause a giant head of it was $3. any tips on what to make with it?
Name one(1) country that does school lunches better than Japan
/kg/ kratom general
Do Italians really drink this?
Why are you not having your pad thai right now?
Tell me which barbecue sauce to buy RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!
Name a more refreshing food
Cast Iron Questions
Are these any good? I got a coupon for buy one get one free and I haven't left my house in a week
Not food and cooking related
Does this look like a good slice of pizza to you?
Enables lazy and insipid dishes
What pots/pans are actually needed for a kitchen cooking for one person?
Kafkaesque lobster bisque
Webm Thread
What's the most American thing you've eaten?
Does Veeky Forums fast?
What are some good soups?
/tea/ general
Al/ck/ - Alcoholism General
Rate my sandwich
Brie is the best cheese in the world and not a single other cheese comes even close. Prove me wrong
Go to america for vacation
I don't know what to do with all these habeneros
Malt Liquor Reports
Name better peanut butter
If Japan had never existed, we wouldn't have sushi. If Italy had never existed, we wouldn't have pizza or pasta...
Need help to make cannabutter
Does Veeky Forums use whole grain?
Alcohol: Least Calories + Best Value
Friendly Reminder
What is the best Little Debbie snack cake and why is it zebra cake?
And for Monsieur
Welcome to the Veeky Forums challenge: SIDE DISH!
What are you having for lunch, Veeky Forums?
Why are americans such uncultured couths?
I don't know how to cook Thanksgiving dinner
Walk into kitchen
Name a more disgusting food
No wonder the bogans are all fueled-up all the time
Has anyone actually tried this, and would the flavors combine in a nice and tasty way?
Start eating real food Go Vegan Veeky Forums
17 Days Until Thanksgiving
ITT: smiles you couldn’t protect
"serves four"
How to become a better coffee snob?
Why is it only around the holidays that people buy and bake these print sugar cookies...
Mother of all [wedding cakes]
What fast food restaurant has the best nuggies? Worst? Seems like nuggets have been on the decline for some time now...
What's the best dessert that combines chocolate and pastry cream that isn't an eclair, profiterole...
Anyone else eat on the toilet if you're hungry but having a particularly long shit?
Are there any food/cooking vloggers that you follow?
How the FUCK do I get my omelettes to turn out like this?
Veeky Forums how would you feel if every time you tried cooking gordon ramsay just appeared right next to you and...
Fuck off meals
So apparently it's a thing in southern black communities to not trust other people's potato salad
American school lunches
Italian cuisine
Is it acceptable to have less standards for sanitation in your home kitchen than a commercial kitchen?
Anyone here /pita pizza/? Are they any good? They look really easy to make
My lunch, courtesy of my mom
Hey Veeky Forums what did you order at the restaurant?
What kind of instant stock thing is the best? Powder, cubes or pots? Why are there so many options?
"And how would you like your sirloin cooked?"
Is it unhealthy if I eat like 5 avocados every day?
Is $30 for tomahawk steak at sams club a good deal?
Heard charcoal bamboo is a good way to filter out the chemicals and shit from your tap water
RIP Sweet prince
Shit you made
Someone sits this down in front of you and says "Enjoy!"
Wake up in the morning with a dry dusted throat, drink water
Overrated food thread
Has Veeky Forums ever participated in a food challenge?
Peope who choose to eat on public transit, what went wrong in your lfie?
Does Veeky Forums have a board-tan?
What side items do you get when you order a pizza?
Favorite alcohol is white wine
Who else /food allergy/ here? i developed a shellfish allergy :(
Just a reminder that the only acceptable liquids in a beef, bison, or venison chili are:
Be American Sauce
I don't know what I'm looking at
What's the best surprise you've gotten from an MRE?
I'm new to Veeky Forums, so what's the general opinion of this board on the man himself ?
People who break their dried pasta noodles in half before cooking
Tfw honestly considering going to another country to try their mcdonalds/burger king
Go Vegan Veeky Forums
You ARE dunking your buttered toast segments in yolks, right?
Apocalypse magic food scenario
What do you guys bring to parties to take left overs home in...
Hottest sauce for a restuarant
ITT: your favorite hometown spots
Is oven baked bacon a meme?
Al/ck/oholics Anonymous
For me, it's McVities Digestives: The Original
Is chicken and waffles good?
WEBM Thread
Why do most people view cooking as a hassle?
What's the best thing to get at Taco Bell?
What do you think human tastes like?
Beer Thread? Beer Thread
What's the best ketchup?
What is real Chinese food like?
Hey cu/ck/s, sorry for phonefagging but this tiny pumpkin is the only decoration I got for Halloween...
What's the best way to detox my body from alcohol and tobacco...
Why don't vegetarians eat turkey?
Anyone have an air fryer? how do you like it?
Whats the best dish you can make?
Judge my pizza
Rate my $7 burrito I got
How to cook not like an autistic person
Has anyone ever had this? Is there any readily available bourbon that compares?
Be 22 living in college apartment
Chicken thighs
Underrated Fruits
Which sip does Veeky Forums main?
Is pizza the single most appealing food...
Go out on a date, everything going well
Just when you thought this board was safe from /pol/s reach, they ruin something we like
Wine Thread
I'm in KFC
When did you realize avocados were just a meme food?
Is this an accurate representation of the average female's cooking ability?
It's Costco Chicken Bake Time
Enter restaurant
What's Veeky Forums thoughts on eggs in a basket?
What's the worst thing you've ever made?
I have lemons, lots of lemons. What can I make that uses alot of lemon?
How to make good fried rice?
Fried Eggs
Why do vegans try to shove their vegan religion down meat-loving throats?
So Veeky Forums why do you cook?
What the fuck is with people and the Red Delicious meme if they're anything but delicious?
European here. Just wanted to say, I recently spent time in America, and tried my first BLT sandwich...
Dropped food thread
This is the best fucking fruit and theres no arguing with it. A super crisp bartlett is the god tier of fruit
Good coffee
Fucking plebes
Disgusting looking food thread go
Al/ck/oholics Anonymous
Is it worth it to make real ramen or do I just stick with instant?
I want to make tamales but I can't get corn husks. Is there anything I can use instead? Will newspaper work?
What is the Dark Souls of food?
Get the Victorinox meme knife on sale
How does one cook a steak properly
Nov 4th Revolution meal
The great debate
What did you cook tonight?
Spaghetti Maranara Alla Meatballs
The gentlemen pictured here is not lacking of friends
Mfw I just realized that it's called a quart because it's 1/4th of a gallon
A Taco Bell just opened its first store in my city and I want to go try it. However I've never eaten the stuff before...
Singlehandedly saves american fastfood
My peanuts expired on 11 October but now it is November. What should I do?
Do you get free food from work?
Who is your favorite celebrity chef?
Eeew seaweed
And lastly, the most important ingredient, love
So tomorrow I'm gonna have a girl over to eat but I don't know what to cook to get her wet or something like that
Salisbury Sneak
What's the consensus on elk?
Saw this at an old local Italian grocer. It's the size of a small tire. Wtf kind of bread am I looking at?
What's the deal with Pop Tarts?
Anyone here log their food?
Asked you fucks about hot sauces
Would you ever take a job as a chef on death row? Making last meals for people?
Ceramic knives. Yes or no?
I have to invent a fucking cocktail
Rate my cantaloupe
Let's ask the real question here Veeky Forums. Sausage or Bacon?
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
Coffee thread
Literally the taste and texture of cum
What do y'all put on baked potatoes?
Would you go vegetarian if meat alternatives were 90% to the taste of meat?
Whenever i fry bacon in my cast iron skillet, i get this sticky residue left in my pan that i have to scrape off...
Just bought this dank mothafuckin sheeit
I find mac and cheese to be a bit bland on its own. What spices do you cu/ck/s use on your mac and cheese?
Potato mold
Rate my dinner
You can have one of these sides. Just one
Grocery store charges for plastic bags
Tfw pot is too small
"Oh I could never eat dog! That just sounds so awful!"
Al/ck/holism General
American cuisine
There is nothing appetizing about cancerous kids. Why would this make anyone want to tip?
The best thing about our beloved Chef John is that he admits when he's wrong. He is a humble chef and a good chef...
What does Veeky Forums think of him, Meme or Magic?
Whose worse, the people who eat well done steaks or the people who getting pissy about people who eat well done steaks?
Who here /sea tendies/?
Yo I'm making Mac and Cheese but I don't have any dairy milk. I have almond milk...
Post autistic Veeky Forums related shit you do ITT. I'll start:
Pro Brewer v2 thread
Which one for drinking?
Personally I think white chocolate is underrated
What is the most expensive meal you fags have eaten so far this year...
What's your flavour Veeky Forums?
Tfw eating all my kid’s candy while she’s at school
This guy walks up to you and puts pineapple on your pizza
If there was an award for Least Likely To Succeed in your area, who would win it?
Recently starting hitting the gym and eating 10x healthier
Pig Roast stories?
How do you make your hot cocoa?
Good, cheap protein and iron sources other than red meat
Do you like Dim Sum, Veeky Forums? What's your favorite kind?
Do pans really need to be washed? Why not just rinse them off or wipe them down and then let the heat disinfect them...
Thoughts on food thermometers?
/ S I P / G E N E R A L: Real sip boys only edition
Food that looks way better than it actually tastes
If you drink black tea without milk, you need to kill yourself right now
Go to yelp
Energy Drinks
Rank the world's national cuisines. Which country has the best cuisine?
I want to deliberately give myself a heartburn for science. What should I eat?
What is the best pizza chain?
Post tea Veeky Forums
ITT: Worst kitchen gadgets
Just out of curiosity would it be weird for a 42 year old man to get a table for one at chuck e cheese?
When's the last time you went to an old school red sauce place?
What say you, cu/ck/s?
Why don't they just call it "ketchup noodles?"
Why do people pretend they are allergic to gluten?
Who was in the wrong here?
I have this weird thing that coffee (I fucking love coffee), for me, only tastes good in the morning...
Borscht Recipe
Kitchens of Veeky Forums
Rate my lunch
20% tip included
Skinny eats
Decide to finally cook myself some chicken breasts
What in your emergency stash?
Post your country's traditional breakfast. In England this is known as a 'Full English'
Interview at Cajun restaurant
Best food youtuber thread, pic related
Taco bell is opening in Australia this weekend
Bachelor Cooking
My gf fell asleep after the 7 course feast I prepared tonight. Feels Goodman
I'm new to drinking milk. What is the best tasting kind of milk?
Webm Thread
American cuisine
He cleans his plate
What spices do YOU use when you cook indian dishes?
That friend who watches tons of "cooking youtubers" and thinks they know how to cook well but don't can't cook for shit...
Name one legitimate use of a food processor that doesn't involve dry ingredients
Gotta love Rhode Island style pizza!
What are some recipes that requires tons of chopped vegetables?
Is Krusty Burger healthier than the Krusty Krab?
My gf fell asleep after the 7 course feast I prepared tonight. Feels Goodman
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games