It boggles the mind to think about how vastly superior a still-warm, freshly made corn tortilla is compared to a corn tortilla that's been cooled down for even 30 minutes, let alone the shit you get in a plastic bag at the supermarket. The difference is such that they shouldn't even be referred to by the same name. I truly feel pity for you sad flyover bastards who have never had a meal made using properly fresh corn tortillas.
It boggles the mind to think about how vastly superior a still-warm...
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Do Americans really eat this?
Well yeah, but they break easy making them annoying. Cooled tortillas hold up way better, making OP once again a faggot.
Cooled tortillas are brittle garbage. Hot fresh ones are flexible, you absolute moron.
There is a really easy solution. Put it in the oven for a few minutes prior to eating. Pretty close to a fresh tortilla.
>pretty close
Not at all.
I've had both you outrageous faggot. Stop making up realities.
I've also had both and you're full of shit.
I'll fight you.
That would have no impact on the truth about tortillas regardless of the outcome of the fight.
>sad flyover bastards
>be me, immigrant spic living in a flyover state and making my own tortillas
Beacause they are crap tier shit quality material. Buy better qualigy corn fresh tortilla
I'm flyover as fuck living in a backwater that time forgot and I make my own with the nixtimalized Maseca.
nobody cares, this isn't your fucking blog
have u ever put ur balls in that and pressed down
Does Texas count as flyover? I ask because we have lots of AUTHENTIC MEXICANS here who make fresh tortillas all the time, so I know the feel you describe.
fellow texasfag here. can confirm. taqueria a block from my house sells fresh, corn 20 for a buck. they are so good with butter.
This isn't a fucking flyover vs. coastal-fag issue, it's just that you can't get good tortillas in the US.
I don't give a fuck if a restaurant says that their tortillas are made by hand with sustainable ingredients, they can't hold a flame to the tortillas I can buy in literal nowhere Mexico for 20 pesos/kilo made on 200 year old industrial equipment.
Also, people who consider flatbread (i.e. """flour tortillas""") to be true tortillas need to be corralled into camps and eventually gassed.
Texasfag here. The shittier the establishment, the better the tortillas. We really do have the best Mexicans.
But as I said above, if they serve flour, get out.
They're too big, they wouldn't fit ;)
If only there were a consumer appliance that I could buy, and conveniently packaged tortilla "pods" that I could make one at a time to reduce food waste but still have hot, fresh tortillas.
lol, where I grew up turned into little Mexico because the local slaughterhouse hires them. I was pissed because I hate spics, but then they found out Phillipinos are better works so they started importing them. Fuck now we have an awesome Thai/Philipino grocery store. Shit's great.
Yes it really is a shame, there's nothing like fresh made tortillas
>they can't hold a flame to the tortillas I can buy in literal nowhere Mexico for 20 pesos/kilo made on 200 year old industrial equipment.
they're better. you're a faggot placebo consumer who just wants to look cool but has no taste at all.
>1-2 feet of counter space for a unitasker
>they call it an artisan tortilla maker but the tortillas are literally machine made
>proprietary masa capsule system
The parodies just can't can't keep up with the real world.
>flyovers don't eat fresh tortillas
What the fuck are you on? I have a huge bag of masa harrina and make fresh tortillas all the time.
Can you shoe tortillas inside your wife's vagina?
maseca flour is like saw dust enriched with rock powder
Groae to eat a corn tortilla with butter fatlord bastard
With wine alcoholmate?
switching your accent
reeeee fuck off bitch
Juicero for tortilla?
tortillas are made of corn "flyovers" grow the corn used to make your precious tortillas.
now user do the math.
The fact that you grow it doesn't mean you consume it, much less the same way your customers do.
tortillas warmed up are better you fucking faggot
Not really. This one has a great depth of flavor and is the one I use in bumfuck nowhere. Btfo any packaged tortillas at the international market (large selection of spic foods) it takes me an hours drive to reach. As far as a place to buy fresh masa dough in my area, fugitaboutit.
Here's how you prepare packaged corn tortillas:
>heat skillet
>drench tortilla in water
>throw on skillet, heat for 10 sec
>flip, heat other side for 10 sec
>remove from skillet, place between 2 paper towels
you're welcome
>$1 per tortilla
>guy makes post in jest
>that won't change anything what does this common phrase have to do with tortillas
"Autistic" is thrown around too much these days but you may legitimately be on the spectrum and it casts doubt on your ability to judge food items