There is nothing appetizing about cancerous kids. Why would this make anyone want to tip?
There is nothing appetizing about cancerous kids. Why would this make anyone want to tip?
You should consider how fortunate you are compared to the rest of the world. Find a charity that makes sense and with a good record and support it user.
tell bryce to hurry the fiki fiki
I honestly hope you never get cancer, i sincerely do.
Even an emotional crippled moron like you does not deserve to suffer such an horrible fate.
Stastically speaking, it is inevitable that someone close to you will develop cancer.
Failing to see the connection to food or cooking here.
Thats the real cancer.
St. Jude's was founded by a Lebanese Catholic, the extremely rare kind of merchant who seems to be better at Jewing than actual Jews.
Are there catholics in lebanon?
Are there non muslims in lebanon?
I've been in health care for 10 years and I agree. It isn't even the cancer that bothers me, it's what they do to treat it.
Lebanon used to have a pretty large Christian minority population, Catholic, Coptic, and even Protestants.
They all fled with their golds (the Christians controlled the commerce there) to Europe and the Americas when the country went to shit with the Saudi money-fueled civil war.
wait, really
cancer survivors are the perfect patient for doctors, it provides a plateau of steady income until the patient dies. What a great idea to scam money a dying children daycare.
However cancer survivors are terrible for selling pizza, unless its some kinda hidden occult pedo message in that ad. OY VEY
>in the oven
>cancerous kids
Ok Idubbbz
Apparently rich people are attracted to kids
What I don't understand is why we put kids on a pedestal.
They're young. So what? Your cells can't divide properly. Hey pal that's honestly not my problem.
t. bleeding heart retard that doesn't understand human nature
This thread is chock full of fucking cancer already. You're all going to die terrible deaths.
>t. edgy teen that doesn't understand how much human progress has been made through empathy
Implying the Japanese and the Germans experimented on the Chinese and the Jews because they loved them so much.
I have a student named bryce, I actually have both him and his older brother.
They are both just little gay boys
the older brother is 12 and is a full blown FAGGOT, and I'm not sure if bryce will be that way too or if it's just influence from his brothers mannerisms.
either way...what a disappointment that those are your sons
Neither one of those countries made progress during those times. They wound up building from ashes.
Ah look, another bigot slithers out of it's rat hole.
You've got to be kidding me. Despite it's horrific origins, the world gained a lot of medical knowledge from experiments performed by the Nazis.
Idiotic argument. The international medical community benefited from such experiments. Progress requires breaking rules, old paradigms, and abusing someone's autonomy.
both of those countries were thriving. I don't know why people have this idea that hitlers leadership was bad for germany. The country was doing spectacularly well.
the collapse was because he was too ambitious with trying to expand to other european countries and lost the resulting war.
looks like we got another refugee from neogaf in our midst
this is exactly why we need a wall!
so they bake the cancer kids and deliver them? You can even donate cancer kids to them.
Thanks for confirming that you're an idiot
>put the nigger up front Jim, that'll really tug at their heartstrings
>middle class white people love to support nigs, you'll see
When companies do this, I stop buying anything from them until they stop. It's insufferable.
Yeah, retard. Same for Syria and a few other areas. Look at Khalil Gibran, he's loved by Sufis and has a lot of references to Christianity in his works. Despite what you may believe, not every brown person is a Muslim.
>kids with cancer
>all he sees is skin color
I want nupol to stay on their containment board
>tfw I order from Dominos solely because of the progress bar
>There is nothing appetizing about cancerous kids. Why would this make anyone want to tip?
Because most people aren't antisocial and apathetic autismos like you.
>I don't know why people have this idea that hitlers leadership was bad for germany
>the collapse was because he was too ambitious with trying to expand to other european countries and lost the resulting war
this resulted in germany being divided in half for until the 90s
pediatric cancer actually gets a disproportionate amount of funding compared to the amount of people it effects. I do not think it is more tragic when a child gets cancer as compared to a young adult or middle aged person, but they still deserve equal funding at least per patient.
disproportionate amount as in less than adult cancer funding.
Well apparently anthropologists and paleontologists believe we survived as a species because we cooperated, so that's pretty objective progress.
>implying middle class white people eat Dominos
Guess how we know you're trailer trash
Social interaction to achieve goals isn't the same as cutting off your dick and calling it progress retard.
Except the research is shunned by the majority of the scientific community. No one wants to use it.
Wait, so you tried to interject the /pol/ definition of progress for no reason, and now you're mad that he used the real definition instead? lol
no it's not you fucking retard
>real definition is people working together
>being this stupid
Noun: forward or onward movement toward a destination.
>huhuhuh you're stupid thats not the definition
>quotes the fucking dictionary definition in the most literal sense in an attempt at being intentionally obtuse
Why do you even bother? Just go back to the Plebbitor containment board and stop shitting up threads.
>There is nothing appetizing about cancerous kids
Psh, speak for yourself. The more cancer the better, thats how you get more free kid meat
bullshit. that research has been completely worthless
You are forced to do the treatment?
>real = not literal
Yeah kys
Well you could always wear magnetic wristbands and eat nothing but pulverized arugula. If you actually want to cure it then yes take the treatment. If the hopes of recovery are very low do yourself a favor and refuse treatment so you can die with some dignity
Fuck you
>The more cancer the better, thats how you get more free kid meat
>not getting cancer treated
Did you learn nothing from Steve Jobs?
To be one of the few people here who will take your question seriously, I'd argue that they're focusing on the positive spin here with that stat about high survival rate and also the kids they included a picture of look relatively healthy and happy. I agree it would be somewhat unappetizing if they showed a picture of severely sick cancer patients in response to you trying to order a pizza, but they didn't. The only thing that makes them even look sick in the slightest is how they're bald, but otherwise it's basically a Hollywood version of sick, like how they do Hollywood versions of ugly girls a la She's All That where it's still an attractive actress just wearing glasses.
fuck yourself poorfag
Wow they're making cancer kids make pizzas now? Welp, that's capitalism I guess!
Chemo ain't free. The tree of tumor suppression and remission gotta be littered with the blood of childhood leukemia patients.
Lebanon's a weird place, they have a mix of ethnicities and religions, they're alternately peaceful and just as fucked as the rest of the Middle East, they're the Jewiest looking motherfuckers around that won't associate with Jews, they were a center for learning and engineering a couple hundred to a couple thousand years ago but now they're below average
>you don't agree with me so you don't understand people as a whole
>which I clearly do, what with my objective opinions, my constant correctness, and my willingness to call you a retard for a slight offense
Lebanon is 40% Christian and used to be even more
He stated the treatment bothers him, the cancer doesn't. What do you think the logical conclusion to that would be? The question is legit.
You ordered delivery from a disgusting pizza chain, don't go pretending like you give even a tiny shit about what's appetizing.
never said I ate any of it
>He stated the treatment bothers him, the cancer doesn't. What do you think the logical conclusion to that would be?
Are you under the impression this is just a decision of whether or not you want to feel bad? I think you're missing that other little detail of how treatment helps you not die.
I mean, a lot of people hate their jobs, does that mean it would make more sense for them to stop working and end up destitute and homeless? Just because something you do is unpleasant doesn't mean the logical conclusion is to stop doing it. Why don't you think about the logical conclusion to only doing what feels good? That sort of approach to living will get you a one-way ticket to the ending of Requiem for a Dream.
>your tips help throw kids with defective genes right back into the gene pool
Part of why I prefer Papa Johns.
Why would I want to help the unfortunates who I'll never even meet? I don't value human life in the first place.