Good recipes involving butter?
Good recipes involving butter?
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Every food that ever existed.
Shame Stick. Take a stick of butter and cover it in sugar. Eat.
what the fuck
Those dank cheese cookies
Well of course the deep fried butter.
Just eat it raw
butter in the pan
steak in the pan
thyme and garlic in the pan
butter in the pan
thyme in the pan
Butter basted steak is simple and amazing.
Buttercreme cake with almonds, it's nearly pure butter.
Just eat it by itself
all of them
That's a thing? I've done that at least four times since 1995
>sinve ‘95
I was born in ‘95, how old are you?
Moon Waffles
Might wanna look into anything french.
Gnocchi Burro e Salvia. Use the nice white Italian butter
Pretty much this. Clarified butter can replace MOST high-temperature cooking techniques, and unclarified works from anything spread to gentler cooking. As long as you're being gentle with it, you can use it as part of a sauce. It wouldn't surprise me if you could use room-temp butter as part of a fucking salad dressing. I know it can be used as a part of old-fashioned ice cream. Grease for breads and cake. To cause browning on everything.
Best food ever.
Kouign Amann, it's from Britanny and basically Butter with Sugar.
Goddamn burgers.
People have said it, but yeah, fucking everything.
You want to know the secret to why restaurant food tastes so good?
Butter. Put half a stick of butter in fucking everything. Doesn't matter.