What the fuck? These are a godsend

What the fuck? These are a godsend.

Do armenians really do this?

>just add water
Get off this board!

the answer to this will always be yes.
amerifats will always prefer food-like things instead of real food.

>reading comprehension

Oddly enough, those are actually decent. I tried a different brand though.

For people who don't know, these are dehydrated shredded potatoes. You pour hot water into the carton and let them rehydrate for a few minutes, then pan fry them in a skillet. I was skeptical, but they come out pretty much like diner hash browns.

this makes me wonder if you've ever been here before just now.

Why not just peel and shred a potato?

This is what they use in diners

American hands are to fat to grasp the fragile handle of a potato peeler, as well as the complex usage of the tool is just to much for your average Bobby Dick Billy Smith

I have never seen cartoned food. I have seen cartoned milk and egg whites, but never cartoned food.

Must be a sourthern United States or European thing.

How do you drink potato?

Because one creates a mess, the other doesn't

>Using a potato peeler instead of a knife
Lmao pleb with no knife skills detected. Why are O B S E S S E D S so pathetic?

>peeling the potato

fugg off

it's efficient, it's secure, it's comfortable, it's not lavish


>reading comprehension

I’m Australian.

You know what you can't spell without Obese?


Stay fat, black and smelly.

So someone made an image showing how much they care about people in other countries, to make fun of people who care too much about people in other countries.



>Reddit spacing
You’ve got to go back.

>peeling with a knife is lavish

Are you in the UK by any chance? Because I can laugh at you if you live somewhere knives aren't outlawed. Otherwise it's more sad than it is funny. For all I know you actually believe that anything sharper than a bike tire is a menace to society.


>using a knife instead of a cheese grater
heh, plebs

Saves time!

Nice pic.
You’re still a nation of smelly niggers though.
Go and change your underwear.

>>using a knife instead of a cheese grater
For peeling, sure. Do you think a grater is an effective peeling tool?

Yeah, but tastes worse and costs a fuck of a lot more. The amount of time saved is negligible.

>For peeling, sure. Do you think a grater is an effective peeling tool?
no, I thought the topic was still on making hashbrowns, which a cheese grater is really effective at doing

They've been doing that long before the meme existed

You mean the south.

Tell me about the northern Territory. How do you manage with all those abos? Abos, as we know, being the indigenous population.

chances are that you peel to much with a knife are rather high, while with a peeler you have a consistent thickness. only stacy would fall for such dumb meme.
besides, the average amerifat wouldn't know that a knife is sharp and sue the farmer for potato being to difficult to peel, the knife for being to sharp because amerifat-kun cut his hand, the US government for not having better regulation on either, god for having creating both including the government,

>chances are that you peel to much with a knife are rather high
Yeah if you're a talentless hack. Git gud you plebian trash.


why should i waste my time learning something that can be solved by elegant tools? might as well peel the potato with neither a knife nor a peeler to prove how smart and creative you are.

funny bait though kiddo

i need these in my life. i tried to find hash browns a few years ago.

Sorry :C
Yeah haha you're right why bother learning one of the most basic kitchen skills.

>hey you and your tool are stupid
>use this tool instead. its more basic and takes extra time to learn to do the exact same job as your stupid tool
dat logic

>I use a peeler because it's "not lavish"
>But it is elegant, for some homosexual reason

Jesus christ, you're trying too hard. You dont know how to use a knife properly, so you make up excuses and create strawmen. I bet you drive an automatic car too

i don't drive a car because i live in a country that has clean and on stable public transport.

you are just mad that nobody praises you because you learned a useless skill which takes more time to learn and to actually do than with a dedicated tool.

you probably also cook with hot stones and grind your own wheat to make bread, just because it's more basic.

this can't be bait, someone trying so hard to justify his peeling skills with a knife. lmao you are so full of shit it's actually hilarious

cringe: the post

I've never seen egg whites in cartoons in my country, it's eggs or gtfo.

when i first saw then in the internet my reaction was similar to people here to these hashbrows

although I've eaten my fair share of bag pureed potatoes.

I would never get them myself, but I can see them being useful as fuck for a lot of things. Saves you from having to get the yolks out yourself.

It's nearly impossible to peel a potato as efficiently with a knife than a peeler, no matter how good your knife skills are.

>meaning comprehension

>in my country
well thats easy to say if you live in a trash dump 3rd world country.

can't disagree


europoor intelligence everyone

Okay guys, wow. Obviously the best thing to do is slice up a potato, but 48 servings of hash browns for $6.99 is pretty fucking amazing and is a great option for a better breakfast fast and with less effort in the morning. They come out just fine. On one hand I understand the elitism, but on another most of you haven't tried this product and are taking a chance to take a cheap shot at americans when this is a perfectly serviceable breakfast item no matter where you are.