>American cuisine
American cuisine
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looks downright tasty OP
where can I order and/or buy that for lunch?
That's northern mexican shitfood teenagers eat.
Yeah, that's the joke.
shitposting is not the same as a joke
Stop blaming your lack of culinary Talent or culture on other countries you stupid retard
Just because your country doesn't have any food available without mayonnaise or high-fructose corn syrup doesn't mean you have to sit there and Bash other countries cultures just because you're jealous of the things they have
Americans like you who live out in the middle of nowhere and fly over land are the reason why your country is so awful and your people are so disgusting and fat
When will Americans ever understand that you're not supposed to consume high fructose corn poison mayonnaise or other foods that are generally disastrous for your health? When will they understand and finally grass but real culinary Talent is (without stealing it) and finally produce something of their own talent that isn't a butchered or mangled variation of another country's dish I personally don't think he'll ever achieved this feat as it's beyond any Americans grass due to their poor intelligence from Gears of poor genetic inbreeding and horrible schooling do to a disgusting Republican government that isn't capable of teaching young children anything but how to consume mayonnaise high fructose corn poison and how to kill people with guns
Terrible fat marbling. Low effort marinade. Fantastic plating.
I remember watching this video. At the end after he takes a bite, he just sounds kind of unhappy and disappointed. He also says it's a quick easy meal or something like that, which it really isn't.
this is a joke,right?
obviosly that "meal" is a joke but this isn't something that fast food joints do in america, right?
why would you make a political statement like that on a cooking board?
Blow it out your ass.
it's special occasion stuff not all the time. sometimes we just arrange the chips and noodles into the shape of africa and throw it away, out of respect.
if you've ever cooked with potatoes you've made an american dish
That looks absolutely disgusting, and way overdone.
Give me corn in a cup any day.
>Deep frying hamburgers in 100 year old grease
>bragging about it
What's the stuff in the pot?
I've always seen this as Mexican cringes food.
I herd they moved the grease under armed guard with rifles with fixed flashlights, they put that much value to the grease.
yeah the grease got a police escort. you can get away with stupid publicity stunts like that in the land of good ol' boys politics
There is no such thing. Pizza and hamburgers do not count for cuisine.
Shit ,I forgot the police were there i remember them with longguns hauling a big kettle of 75 old grease to the new store .
>american cuisine
>not traditional 18th century american foods
i want to die
i could see some high end restaurant unironically serving this.
potatoes are a new world crop but they have been property of Ireland since their discovery by the white man, just like tomatoes are property of Italy now despite not occuring naturally anywhere in the med
what did we eat here back then? salted meat and wheat cereal?
well, yeah...
My biggest issue with this is the fact that he uses scissors to open the Doritos.