>go to america for vacation
>go to ”farmers market fresh” themed restaurant for breakfast
>order a breakfast sandwich
>get this
Go to america for vacation
Other urls found in this thread:
>I went to America
>I expected good food
You only have yourself to blame, user.
>go to ”farmers market fresh” themed restaurant for breakfast
did it have a one word rustic sounding name like Grit, Crumb, or Toast?
>Extra semen for you sir
you’re right, but i didn’t expect the polar opposite of a michelin star. do americans really stack slices of fake cheese together as protein?
>vacation in america
Why? Are you a masochist?
The ones with no class do
>went to a shitty hippie place
>got shitty food
Literally your own fault
Where are you? Unless you're in Bumfuck Nowhere, Oregon then there are probably lots of options of places to eat. You just struck out
this was a 15$ sandwich in los angeles
>Farmers Market
>The ugliest, shittiest, soulless, most vacuous city in the USA
You only have yourself to blame.
That's not what town you would go to for great food and I can't tell what kind of sandwich that is.
LA is the least American place in the entire US. Drive a few miles to somewhere in Arizona and get yourself some bitchin' texmex.
Pick one.
Yep there's not a single piece of good food in all of America
I mean, it looks like a ham and cheese on an English muffin. Whatever illegal Mexican that was working in that sanctuary city couldn't be fucked to separate the individual slices so just tossed a whole chunk on there.
That may be true for the USA but certainly not America in its entirety.
Argentinian beef is GOAT.
Trolls trolling trolls the thread.
Europe and Asia need to stop sending their apprentice Chefs to the Culinary Institute of America. Clogging up my town with their bullshit. Can't they learn how to cook where they're from?
>mfw CIA bankrupted Le Cordon Bleu, and eurotrash scum have to live in America for 2-4yrs just to learn to cook
Where I live (in California), if you go to a farm to fork restaurant and order a breakfast sandwich, they'll not only list all the local sources for the cheese, meat, eggs, bread, and vegetables, but it will look something more akin to this.
>Culinary Institute of America.
Is that where they teach people to add wood pulp to "cheese"?
What city in America?
Saying "I went to America" doesn't tell us shit.
Or this.
Way to read the entire thread you fucking nitwit piece of shit get the fuck out of here
I thought that might be a bunch of slices of cheese then i was like no fucking way someone would do that.
This is why I'm certain OP is just baiting. That, and the paper wrapper his food is in. It came from some cheap ass fast food place, not a real farm to table place.
It's where all the Europeans and Asians go to learn cooking apparently.
No, it's where we teach Asians not to add melamine to baby formula.
Oregon has a lot of fantastic creamery's that make cheese in bum fuck nowhere. Educate yourself before you start throwing insults around
You teach them to put HFCS in it instead?
Go to the bay son. All the good farming is north of Bakersfield. Getting the best food in LA is like trying to get the best Spanish food in Madrid.
>eating shitty American bread
It's actually illegal to use HFCS in foods made for children up to 4 years old where I am from.
From the ghastly colour of your skin to the paper wrapper around your "$15" sandwich, I'm calling bullshit. Get some sun and stop eating fish from a can.
Who the fuck reads threads?
t. Juan Garcia
Drive 4 hours east or take a 45 minute plane to Las Vegas where there is some of the best places to eat in the country. California is a shithole and every other state makes fun of it.
Silly user. Do you speak fluent English? Do you know what FARMERS are? Don't worry, I will help you. In English, farmers are for GROWING food, not cooking it. The word for people that cook the food is chefs, and they are at restaurants. I'm glad I could help you learn today!
>retard goes to USA and eats in a shitty restaurant staffed by women and niggers
>retard can't read and orders random item
>retard who doesn't like real cheese without mold on it gets mad at others because he is a brainlet
No you didnt.
>t. angry, lying american
Literally nobody travels to US to study culinary arts.
It's like going to Somalia to study architecture.
thats a big cheese
>wanting gritty sand in your food
Desert states need to just not. Relocate for fuck sake. There is literally no reason for a massive hub to be located in no man's land.
>wood pulp
Cellulose, not wood pulp
holy fucking shit fuck LA hahaha
are you serious? LV has a few good restaurants but the vast majority are massively overpriced tourist traps, usually with some celebrity's name attached to get flyover visitors through the door. Food there is mediocre but nobody notices since they're drunk, high, hungover, or all three. San Diego, San Fran, and LA all have excellent dining and a lot of different options beside classical french-inspired cooking (which LV suffers from)
>Sand in food
wtf do you think we cook outside? And because we live in the modern day it doesn't even fucking matter that we're in a desert, did you forget that air conditioning exists or something?
it's called marketing, you faggot. you fell for the bait.
Yeah anything on the strip is cancer and overpriced, but casinos put the best food places they can into the casinos so people will stay there. You can get world class food of any cuisine in Las Vegas, and if you know where to go, you won't have to pay hundreds of dollars for it either.
Where the fuck did you travel for that?
>Desert states need to just not.
This "sentence" reads like you're fresh off the boat from tumblr. Please go back and stay there.
Thank you.
>second largest city in America
>doesn't have any great food
are you fucked in the head?
You tell em, fellow overly-sensitive Oregon bro
>PS portland is irredeemable
What the fuck are you even talking about
is that bread or a battered pile of... what is that?
the absolute state of american cuisine, right here.
A bagel.
it's a muffin
An English muffin, you hypocritical fool
>Not getting your thousands of dollars of food comped
Only place to become a certified Master Chef or Executive Chef on the planet amigo.
Why would you vacation in LA? Holy mother of fuck you deserve everything thats coming.
Really? Is it illegal to feed the corn too?
Oh i do, it's really easy to put 20 bucks in a slot machine and get some food comps, but i know plenty of places that are just as good/better than casino restaurants and it's just as easy to pay 20 dollars for quality food as it is to earn comps.
>Le Cordon Bleu
Fuck off to Reddit
>be europoors
>too generally incompetent to find a decent place to eat
>"why is this food shitty like me"
>tfw Le Cordon Bleu was so not respected that no graduate could find work and so everyone sued the school
But keep believing it was CIA's fault
This is called a scam user, they pull it on tourists that don't do their research first.
Top kek.
It's not a scam, the $15 includes a drought fee, a recycling fee, an obamacare surcharge, a meat and cheeses tax, a minimum wage increase surtax and a non voluntary donation for maglev trains
Plus tax and jizya
>I've never been to California
>didn't go on a vacation to mexico and have 10/10 food at any place you can order food
He's a rich faggot, why would he go to povertyland where even the water is poisoned
Northern california here, that's pretty accurate. Where do you think they get the water to irrigate that desert town of drugged out hollywood celebrities and over the fire department occupancy limit multigeneration spic dens? Fresas gotta eat, hombre.
I'd rather eat at a grandmothers kitchen then in a fucking LA restaurant. Maybe that's just me but I don't like nor do I think high end restaurants have the best food.
I live across the bridge from Portland and avoid it like the fucking plague.
I live in NorCal, and find it's the opposite, besides everything being twice as expensive as the rest of the country. Except produce. Produce is cheap as fuck, but that's because it's all grown here. I have relatives in other states and they're always amazed at the quality and low prices for fruits and vegetables here (and seafood), while also having sticker shock at the prices of everything else when they visit.
>creamy scrambled eggs in a sandwich with firm bread
Looks pretty on Instagram but it's all gonna squirt out when you try to take a bite.
That's from a restaurant. And no, it doesn't squirt out everywhere. If yours does, you're doing something wrong.
>west coast
>good food
Not our fault you’re retarded
Fellow NorCal fag. This is 100% true. Also, fuck LA