for me, it's green maeng da
/kg/ kratom general
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What's the point of this if you're not trying to kick an opiate addiciton?
Good pain reliever if you happen to be allergic to otc painkillers.
work for alcks?
it feels good. on an empty stomach it provides a pretty decent high. great for getting just the right amount of energy/contentment to do something like read, or with other strains, be more outgoing at parties
My brother died on this shit just over a year ago, I don't touch it.
fo combining with alcohol or for quitting alcohol?
quitting or combining to taper?
Idk. Just took one pill. Forgot I had drunkenly ordered them and they were in my desk. It's the higher energy strain - red or white vein. I forgot.
I honestly do want to stop drinking.
either youre lying or he was one of the fifteen deaths over the last four years, all of which occurred with (because of) the person taking a massive amount of some other drug
the stuff that comes capped up is normally not great quality so it may add to your hangover, though itll probably make the drunk better. i dont know much about it being used to get off alcohol, but if its something where youre just looking to replace one habit with another i dont know why it wouldnt work
Is it really that great? I've tried making the team many times but I've never experienced anything I'd consider pleasant from it. Made me kinda sick, in fact.
Thanks, man.
Just looking to taper the drinking and become a normal person that doesn't drink a 12 pack every night.
if you get the wrong stuff, itll do that. i hear that some head shops cut it with tramadol. often if i run out from stuff ive ordered ill try a place around town and every time it just makes me feel like shit. its like a completely different thing from a legit place that focuses on selling the stuff
It slowed my drinking way down. I wasn't alck level or even close, but it definitely quelled any sort of urge to drink. I used to be a few beers a night. Now it's maybe one
Nope, he died of carbon monoxide poisoning, toxicology revealed a shit load of kratom in his system. One of the main side effects of kratom is respiratory depression. Wasn't the entire reason, but investigation stated it was a major factor. He was 25.
It wasn't from a head shop. It was a standard botanical shop that had big bags of the powdered tea leaves. Got this gross brown stuff called Bali and it's not very strong I guess. Heaping teaspoon of the stuff didn't do much in the way of anti anxiety and also upset the stomach.
red something I forget. But its great. I can still get high now without killing my self.
A note to the abusers. If you consume this all day even with fed stomachs you could end up like me last months puking like I had food poisoning for a solid 3 hours. I puked bile and water untill the morning in waves just like food poisoning
some headshop brands used to cut with o-desomethyl-tramadol, but i guarantee you this practice is almost completely extinct. don't buy pre-capsuled overpriced brands and you should be fine. oh and it's also very illegal so if you suspect a brand is doing it please report it ( preferably to me first ;) )
sorry to hear, that sucks
yeah, bali in general is kind of rubbish imo, next time maybe try some maeng da from the place or order it online
you got food poisoning from kratom?
food poisoning like symptoms. Happened to me twice this year. I was fine the next day.
Respiratory depression isn't a major side effect of kratom. It only occurs when mixed with other shit
Same. Didn't puke, but had severe cramps and diarrhea for a day or two. I knew I was taking too much but hated my job and it was all I could do to tolerate it
1 gram a day tops is safe i think but because it doesn't dissolve i think it upsets the stomach lining. like it tells the body "yo deres some foreign shit in here"
I take a couple grams 2 or 3 times a week now.
is kratom tested in piss tests?
The vast majority of urine drug screens wouldn't test for it.
I took like 4 teaspoons and I just kinda feel warm and more open. Not much of a high if you ask me.
Can this help me with fasting?
My cousin explained his girlfriends homicidal and suicidal tendencies as "she was drugged with kratom"
what did he mean by this
what is this?
marijuana powder
apparently military does
Can you get it in the UK?
>It only occurs when mixed with other shit
>he died of carbon monoxide poisoning
>carbon monoxide
A plant from SE Asia with opioid and stimulant properties, usually taken in dried and powdered form. It’s a pretty decent high but is mildly more addictive than coffee.
It means your cousin is a rapist.
It helped me taper off alcohol. Then the kratom was easier to taper off of than alcohol, for me anyway.
I ended up taking it every day, which made my tolerance higher, so I was prone to running through it faster.
If you have to take larger amounts like that you are more likely to get sick or not get as high. Some strains I could tolerate more than others.
I only took sedative-like strains, according to reviews, but apparently no two strains are the same, even if they have the same name.
Just have to take it slow to make sure you like the effects.
It often felt like a mild vicodin buzz, nothing intense, and puts me in a good mood. Thats the main reason I kept doing it, mood elevation.
I'm a fucking retard and started drinking heavily again, 6-10 drinks per day. Probably should get some more and try quitting agian
I wouldnt recommend doing it if you have an addictive personality, but it does seem to help those with alcohol and opioid problems
I take it in measuring spoons, hold my breath, dump it on my tongue, and wash it back with water. Not bad that way
I used to be able to tolerate the taste but now it is just sickening.
How do you know if your kratom has gone bad? I ordered Maeng Da and Super Green Kali from happykratom and they work but it smells a little off?
One more question, I heard that grapefruit juice makes the kratom last longer and/or stringer effects. I was able to find some ruby red grapefruit juice but I was only able to find White grapefruit juice FROM CONCENTRATE. Will FROM CONCENTRATE white grapefruit be as effective as real squeezed white grapefruit juice?
Your cousin doesn’t know what kratom is or what it does.
I’ve found the taste is strongly improved with citrus and ginger, and the ginger does an excellent job of counteracting the nausea side effects as well. I’ve never experienced kratom going bad or heard about that grapefruit thing though.
I dont think the from concentrate shit works the same way, but not positive. Theres an enzyme in the grapefruit juice that inhibits the ability of your body to process things that bind to opioid receptors, like hydrocodone, oxy, smack, whatever. It's not a meme, I've had it work. You can also get over the counter tagamet (cimetidine) and it will do the same thing but way better than grapefruit juice. Shits kinda expensive, so steal it for maximum degenerate points. The shitty neighborhood I used to live in could never keep it stocked. Either way, whatever you use, take it one hour before. Be careful, take less than you usually do, cause it might hit you harder.
So what are the different types of kratom and what do they do? I've heard some use it for pain but other use it for concentration etc. Which types are good for what?
were there any side effects from the kratom? e.g constipation (which I hear happens with opiods a lot)
Constipation from opiods, yes. Constipation from kratom, no. For me anyway, again, everyone reacts differently. One thing I dont care for, is the first 20 minutes after taking it, theres this "come up" that sometimes makes me feel slightly uncomfortable, but then it leads into a really nice relaxed state. Id sometimes have a beer to keep it more mellow.
Other than that, I had this one particular strain, that if I did too much, it upset my stomach, made me break in a cold sweat, and made me feel moderately anxious. I still have it from the summer, stopped using it. Its important to find a strain that works for you, and pace yourself to lessen side effects. No withdraw symptoms, but I tapered. Think it might have suppressed my appetite a bit. Make sure you know how much youre taking, either get a digital scale, or not confuse measuring with a level teaspoon vs tablespoon
did you go out and do stuff normally or did it make you veg out at home?
Its just strong enough to make vegging out extra comfy, but also not so strong that youre nodding or incapable of functioning or whatever. You'd get sick before that point, I think. You're definitely not 100% sober either, though. I just went about my business as usual for the most part. The strain that potentially made me sick was actually the one that I preferred to do things out of the house on, as the mood enhancement qualities were stronger and the sedative qualities weaker, maybe even mildly stimulating, like coffee. Any of the strains Ive used were fun for pretty much whatever though.
just smoke weed
theyre pretty different
Lol nope. Doesn't do that.
Add turmeric with pipeine with it for a awesome combo.
Hear about cats claw and cannabis also.
so it's not addictive, then.
How am I supposed to mix the stuff with tumeric? I bought some turmeric from Whole Foods and I don't know when and how to take it with the kratom.
I'm still confused on how to consume this stuff. I've had chronic pain since July 2015 and I never plan on taking painkillers again.
>drink of water
>scoop of kratom on back of tongue
>drink more water
>hope I don't cough it up and gag
what do? I've heard of people mixing it with milk but that just sounds gross tasting.
I was a alck for two years, and now I've been sober 9 months. Kartom definitely helped me
Strange that kratom is talked about in this board considering that it is strongly recommended to not eat for several hours before consuming kratom. If you eat food, you will have you consume more kratom and the effects won't be as strong.
Why is Veeky Forums just "the drugs board" now?
At least it was tolerable with whiskey and coffee and maybe cigars, nobody is doing kratom because they legitimately enjoy the taste. It has no purpose in cuisine and 100% purpose in getting high. It should be on 420chan.
also want to know
use hot water and itll mix in
>be more outgoing at parties
what would i be looking to buy for this kind of purpose? weed is my preferred tool for this and i often have to resort to alcohol which i hate because it makes me fat and i get hangovers and i don't wanna become an alcoholic
i like green maeng da for this
You can get physical withdrawal
The carbon monoxide wouldn't be present if respiratory depression isn't a side effect. You are terrible at reading.
Mix it with some ginger, it cuts the nausea right out. Powdered works just fine, but fresh grated is better.
If you want to kill yourself it's a cheaper alternative to opiates.
Here's my default method.
>Get coffee mug or tea cup
>put desired dose of kratom in it
>add a teaspoon of sugar
>half a teaspoon of powdered ginger
>a few drops of lemon juice
>6 ounces hot water
>stir well
>2 ounces cold water
>stir some more, and stir often while drinking
I've also heard mixing it with orange juice works very well and nearly eliminates the taste, but takes a lot longer to mix up because the powdered kratom mixes with cold liquids incredibly poorly.
I've experienced this, it's not too bad. Like having the flu for half a day. Chills, headaches, bodyaches, lethargy. Not too bad, just pop an aspirin and get in bed for a few hours.
I had to take like 3 teaspoons of this shit to even feel anything.
Must be some low quality shit, I get pretty high off just two teaspoons of my stuff.
I got my shit from gaia ethnobotanical, and it was the green kapuas hulu
Huh, that’s the same place I get mine. Never tried that variety though, I usually get green maeng da or plantation white.
That stuff felt like aderall to me. I get Elephant from them. It makes me super talkative
>Countless evidence that the new Reddit drug is deadly
Thats weird because I felt talkative from the hulu, but I also mixed it with bali gold so who knows
Literally all that “evidence” has been disproven.
I will check them out.
What is with the weird kratom high when sleeping? When I dream while kratomed, I get like a drilling, high pitched noise buzzing from inside my brain. The body jolts are the worse. My legs randomly kick.
Post the evidence
I didn't get any drilling noises but for sure my legs were kicking for some odd reason which woke me up from my half asleep state. Turns out I just had to take a piss.
I've never mixed any. Bali makes me relaxed, maeng da makes me focused and aggressive so I use it on gym days where I'm by myself. Elephant just makes me feel optimistic and energized.
is this the new vaping?
Vaping is really in your face and done in public. Kratom is usually taken in provate before going out or even just staying at home. No one goes around saying “Dude I’m so high on kratom right now.”
That's honestly the quickest and easiest way, but if you're squeamish just mix it into yogurt or applesauce
Is there a strain that mellows you out?
Don't scoop it into the back of your tongue, that increases the risk of getting dry powder down your throat and having a bad time. Scoop it to the front of your mouth, not on your tongue ideally, then swallow some liquid (with a straw works even better, but not necessary), and use that to wash it down. I'll sometyimes move the water around the kratom really in my mouth quick to make sure I don,t swallow dry powder
Just mix it with hot water, it’s so much easier.
this. just do a teaspoon in hot water, stir, drink. very easy
I thought someone was trolling me when they said kratom makes you fuck like a champ. Jesus fuck that dude was right.
Yeah, I tried to whack it once and couldn't finish. But when I really wanted to please my (ex)gf I would down a big cup of Kratom before
Shit was a decent high, did too much once and struggled with 15 min of extreme nausea and cold sweats. Every time I had a hangover from it too in the worst way, not worth what I got. Try a little as a caffeine replacement but I didn't enjoy it recreationally
not all food has to taste good and kratom does have nutritional value being ground up leaves
it's far more of a food than cigars
How does this differ from phenibut?
it's a completely different thing
Never heard of it, but Google seems to say phenibut is some sort of chemical drug that’s synthesized. Kratom is a plant, taken in dried and powdered form.
The effects seem kinda similar from what I see here. Just wondering if anyone has experience with both.
I mixed it with orange juice, but like mentioned it doesn't mix in cold liquid. I ended up using an immersion blender and it mixed in just fine.
in order to get carbon monoxide poisoning, you need to inhale it. you dont get this from low or stopped breathing. carbon monoxide poisoning causes respiratory depression, not the other way around.
your brother committed suicide and your family or law enforcement worded it carefully to soften the blow
not sure, but i think you just take the turmeric capsules along with it, doubt you'd need to mix the kratom and turmeric powders up. also, turmeric with piperine (black pepper) is supposed to be more effective, you can get shit on Amazon.
this shit tastes like hay
I also hate being an alcoholic. Hope I can actually stop before something inside of me fails.