Internally debating for hours over whether to buy more booze Edition
Internally debating for hours over whether to buy more booze Edition
An actual alchie will do it anyways. I recommend not doing it. Try to go dry for at least a couple days. Even if you don't break the habit, your organs may thank you.
I'm 13 days without spirits though I've been drinking beer in relative moderation over the last few days.
It's nice and sunny; great beer weather.
we got all the coconuts bitch
I'm so fucking fat. I can't drop the pounds because I drink 1000+ calories of beer every single day. All I want out of life is to knock myself out with alcohol every night and NOT be horrifically unattractive to women. Is that too much to ask?
Just finished 2 weeks sober and got drunk on 17 beers last night; had 6 beers the night before. Feeling a bit rekt today. Took all my vitamins and ibuprofen and whatever. I gotta tell you guys that without naltrexone i could not go a week or two without drinking. This stuff makes a huge difference in cravings.
>finally get a new job offer last week
>wake up on first day of training
>horribly hungover, really still drunk
>try my best to drive there, keep taking wrong turns and eventually wonder where the hell I am
>realize where I went wrong
>also gas tank is at E, accidentally spent that money on whiskey
>go home and cry myself to sleep
>get an email from the company today asking if I still want the job
Start in two weeks. What should I drink tonight?
drink vodka with low sugar juice
i drink this purely because it doesnt make me a fat cunt
would much rather be drinking other things
>not horrifically unattractive
Awesome. My family just mailed me to say that I’m not welcome to go there this Christmas. Guess it’ll be another year of me drinking alone to the point of collapse. Santa doesn’t visit alchies ;_;
Iktf, user. I'd spend Christmas with you.
How did you fuck up so badly that they not only didn't invite you, but uninvited you completely?
haven't celebrated christmas in 7 years, alone every single one of them
wasn't even an alchie until 3 years ago
doesn't even bother me much honestly, there are much worse times of the year to be alone than christmas
fuck christmas
Geez, what did you do to get uninvited? I could gather them not contacting you but to specifically contact you and tell you not to come you must have done something bad.
I might switch it up. For some reason it's easy for me to justify 9 dollars for 6 beers but not 15 for 1 vodka, despite the difference in ABV (leaf prices).
This. I must know. The trips compel you
The amount of stupid, dangerous, illegal shit I do when blacked out is horrifying. Last time I stayed there overnight I was woken every few minutes by the obese, spoiled fucking brat witch neighbor’s cunt of a handbag dog, the pain of being woken hung over repeatedly made me absolutely fucking explode with rage. Kicked off so hard that I almost kicked a damn wall down in my house I was banging it so hard, and threw in a couple of threats to rape their daughter, crucify the dog and set fire to their house. Guess they found it threatening and I ended up back in a cell.
it's cause you know the vodka is worse for you, and it's a dive into the deeper end of alcoholism
so you pretend the beer is cheaper alcohol when you actually pay more per standard drink
Got banned from my favorite substance abuse chat room. Fucking now what? I spent 24/7 there. I got banned from using the word "skype" or something. Cause they don't want people chatting outside of it. Banned for "spam/advertising"
>Santa doesn’t visit alchies ;_;
That could be a country song.
>rape their daughter, crucify the dog and set fire to their house
>Guess they found it threatening
that's not threating
they're just soft cunts
Drinking Aristrocrats again.
I think drinking so much carbonated beer has affected my digestion in some horrifying ways as well.
5.20am, been up 20 mins, buzz is hitting. Feelsgoodman
interested in competitive pokemon? /join showderp>
I drink ~3 of these a day which costs less than $4 at my local Indian owned liquor store
Tastes bad and needs to be chased with salt but I am saving so much money and getting drunk and a good nights alcoholic coma so I can work the next day.
Anyone else drink so they sleep?
i'm not welcome at family anymore, the gayest part is i don't bother them when i'm drunk, they come over and bother the shit out of me and call ambulances and shit when i'm not dying, just pretty drunk and i would have been fine sleeping it off
now i'm like tens of thousands in debt, they think i owe them my life ten times over, and none of us even wants to talk to each other. except they call me once a week to make sure i'm not dead and i have to answer or they'll call the cops on me again.
Family sucks if they dont support you. Who needs people like that. Tell them to get fucked.
Mine are 8.1% alcohol, not 6%
sounds like you're the arsehole in this situation
Can anyone explain the appeal of scotch and soda to me? I've never had one. Does the carbonation bring up the flavor or something? Carbonated water tastes like nothing, so why not just drink it straight or mix a proper drink with it instead?
i remember when IRC was important to me. find a new hobby dude.
What’s your hobby now except drinking yourself to death?
i keep to myself, they intrude and cost me money and judge me
Scotch sometimes has caramel-y notes that taste good with dark sodas
i replaced live chat with Veeky Forums posting. It's better because its anonymous and you dont get involved in bullshit online relationships.
still sounds like you're the arsehole not them
It’s just a refreshing highball with nothing but scotch flavour. Some people like that.
What's a socially acceptable and healthy level of alcoholism?
depends who your social group is.
Two glasses of wine a day with dinner.
How about beer? 3-4 a day max or its bingeing?
Fuck you.
Fuck you, too, user.
It's weird, when I was a kid I could get fukken hammered and then pass out for twelve hours but as a grown man I can get fucked up and sleep 5 hours and keep my shit together for a 10 hour shift.
that will stop being the case in your early/mid thirties. youll start to develop withdrawals and its no longer fun.
Noted as a 22yr old user. I know I need to grab a hold of my drinking by the balls one day before I'm fucked
Yep. try to never forget that you need to maintain your guard against alcohol. Enjoy it if you can but never let yourself believe its harmless.
This. 28 and being a bitch getting the DT's isn't fun.
woooow what in the fuck user you have a serve alcohol problem get help or a tv show deal
damn man thats fucked up
eh move on and get a new hobbie chatrooms and shit get boring after a while
many more healthier ways to spend time.
nah user yer fucked in the head stop drinking or go to aa if its that bad wtf man
>tfw you're scared to run out of booze
the fear is real
>tfw scared to leave house to buy booze when sober
have to make sure I always got enough booze left to get drunk before going to buy more
kys fagtits
do you guys have any hobbies that are compatible with alcoholism? i ask because someone asked me what i do for fun the other day and i was somewhat dumbfounded
considering homebrew 2bh, two birds one stone
Aw yiss. Just upgraded my puke and piss apparatus. Two 3 litre jugs and some bleach spray to cover it with after emptying. I’m practically royalty.
>hobbies that are compatible with alcoholism?
What hobbies are compatible with alcoholism? All I do is shitpost and watch sitcoms or movies I've seen before. I don't like seeing something for the first time drunk.
>Anyone else drink so they sleep?
2 pint cans and 2 benadryls has been my nightly routine for a while
Another year of gracious living!
I lay on whichever piece of floor is least strewn with toxic waste and broken glass, watching YouTube and XVideos 24/7. Is that a hobby? Because it’s all I do.
Why does Disney Channel show Girl Meets World at 0300 Sunday when only drunk men are up?
playing the piano
though I may not be as good it's definitely more enjoyable
can someone post that webm with the fancy drink and cigar?
Doge loves you and I am sure it is for the best.
Myself I have had to many low points in my parents house.
Fuck me. £8.14 left in my bank account.
Anyone pay attention to cryptocurrencies? Monero is up like 30% to 2 million satoshi today.
I used to have 100,001 of them. Bought them for pennies. Now worth 120 dollars each. Plus 650 bitcoin. Which are worth 5 grand each, and 2k USD worth of altcoins, the combined value of which today would make me a billionaire.
£8.14. It’s enough for some frosty jacks. Which is what I’m gonna buy now.
you could of held onto it and lost all your money too
what use is looking into the past with retrospect
If I’d held I’d be insanely rich, the price has gone up and up. The amount of money invested in cryptos is only a few years off hitting trillions of dollars.
At least I’m not this dude. That’s about 45 million quid today. I at least spent mine on moonshine and crack instead of just binning it like this clown
Yeah I suppose.
Still got a grand’s worth of monero stashed, and I bet it’ll be worth 5-10k within 2 years, but still.
They say there aren't bad dogs, only bad dog owners.
That said, I would have found it threatening too.
It's a high-school tier cocktail and, with vodka+OJ, the most common way 16yo drink spirits.
Idk why it would be popular in the US and places underage can't buy spirits.
The book 'Feeling Good' by MD David Burns can help. It's about cognitive-behavioral therapy, a successful treatment for depression.
I know this feel. Haven't had a Christmas or a thanksgiving with my family in half a decade now since they disowned/disinherited me. I now understand why old people hate the holidays though, they're just as alone as I am
I've been drinking for 11 years. My body is starting to not take to alcohol anymore.
Sounds like it's time to start riding that white horse
Mine got like that. Drinking war arduous and I'd feel physically ill drinking until about halfway through the bottle yet I couldn't stop myself.
So what do?
I don't have a solution other than quitting. And I'm still drinking beer even though I struggle to get enough of it down to feel drunk.
Same here. I can stand a glass or two with dinner but any more and I feel my blood pressure and heartbeat going mad and I’ll be shaky and won’t sleep right.
I’m giving it up for the most part.
Either quitting or moderation.
Most alcoholics can't into moderation, they wouldn't be alkies otherwise. But you're free to try and see for yourself.
And see a doc, your body trying to quit drinking on its own means it's damaged and close to failure.
I'm a senior in chemical engineering and my mom and step dad have basically disowned me. Done lots of stupid shit but ive always held my shit together decently
2 weeks sober today boys. Feels pretty good. I dont have the urge to drink but worried if i hang with friends because they party alot.
And it doesnt help a buddy of mine owns a bar and invites me to it for cheap drinks every weekend. Gotta stay strong
Well done.
Whatever little social life I have left apart from my family is all heavily booze based. I don't think I've voluntarily interacted with someone who isn't a parent or sibling soberly for well over a decade.
I don't feel the need either, desu. The very urge to be social is liquor based in me, I don't have these normie desires when sober.
Watching "Passengers"
Guy has an unlimited supply of booze and food and is upset somehow. Lol
Did you not eat for a long time.
Best advice is see doctor, 2nd, bes advice is drnk melted icecream, build up to milk then toast, and start eating again.
You sound like you need vodka in the morning, but are trying to cut it with beer, honestly I would seek expert advice, propabily a stomach ulcer.
Bonus round, plug redwine up your butt with a funnel.
Do you spit up blood, vomit ??? any more details, can you eat a hamburger?
which episode of moral orel is that?
I've been to bars sober. Most bartenders are understanding of our problems.
There will always be some retard calling you a fag for not getting drunk. I consider them to be the fags who never experienced withdrawals.
At the weening stage.
Been a heavy whiskey drinker for years. Off to by a pack of beer to gradually ween myself off the hard stuff, and eventually stop completely. Thankfully I'm pretty tolerant to coming off stuff; only reason I ever started drinking in the first place was stress, which is now a factor I can mitigate without the booze.
If you go to bars sober and not to drink, you are the retard, bars are horrible places ppl go to forget their worries and feel good/normal for a while.
Bartenders do not get paid as much as you think, they simply do not fucking care.
Now 4.50pm.
Booze gone.
Everything is ‘twitchy’.
This is going to be an intense night.
think baby steps, shit isnt as easy as buy 24 beer drink it then be sober for a few weeks.
Do not give your self unrealistic expectations, and when you fail forgive yourself and start over.
Now watching "Pretty Woman"
Good lord prime Julia Roberts was insanely good looking
pretty sure i'm gonna have to put my dog down she is getting worse everyday. that's just what i needed along with these withdraws.
grow sum balls
>Trying to save up for a house
>Working 6pm-630am every day
>Get home and still am not tired
I have to drink at least 8 beers before I get tired. I can't afford this shit.
Heavy lifting and eat a big post workout meal
I should do this. Every time I start lifting I get really awful tennis elbow though. Need to find a way to stop that shit.