>There's nothing wrong with fast fo-
There's nothing wrong with fast fo-
>fat shaming is wro-
Correlation causation etc. Go back to middle-school. The least you can do is look at the rates of severe alcohol-addiction in various countries; there's a cute correlation there too.
Honestly don't see the correlation on that map.
Mexicans and Libyans are not eating a lot of fast food. S. Koreans are.
just looks like a gdp per capita map
Of course fast food isn't good for you but the issue is having it in excess. Have it once a month with a normal portion size? You're going to be okay. Once a week? Not great but you should be fine. Four days a week like lots of people do? You're going to have the beetus and a gut.
Europe has a huge amount of fast food restaurants. McDonald's is also big in Japan and parts of Southeast Asia. Your rebuttal?
Yo there is no dick on this person anymore.
Nothing wrong with having fast food every 4 days just dont be a fastass who gets extras twice/thrice all the time and only eats quesadilla's loaded with cheese and meat and other fatty foods
Mexicans are eating a lot of fast food, mainly due to american influence
rich africans eat a lot
>using maps from 10 years ago
Good stuff
>Nothing wrong with having fast food every 4 days
Where did I talk about eating it every four days?
Spaniards love their meat products but McDonalds is way more popular in France
america has shitloads more fast food
Absolutely retarded to correlate this with a map of obesity. The countries that eat a lot of meat eat a lot of everything. The countries that don't eat a lot of meat by and large don't eat a lot of anything. See fucking Africa. Japan also is all about portion control. And then you have Europe which eats meat on equal amounts with the U.S. but is apparently, according to the map above, not as obese.
Lol people from Toronto aren't people
>t. lives about two hours from that shit hole
Oh sorry i messed up i meant 4 times a week
Just dont eat tons of snacks and junkfood at home along with the fastfood eat normal healthy foods like spaghetti or beans and go for walks and maybe eat something healthy 3 times a week
Thats what i do
>eat normal healthy foods
>like spaghetti
I have no idea if you're trolling or just the most American of Americans.
>"its italian so it must be healthy"
When i make spaghetti it doesn't have that much meat or sauce
It also doesn't have meatballs
I also make the sauce myself but i use a altered version of someone else's sauce recipe
>people with money are fat
*women with money are fat
Can you post your recipe, please if you don't mind? I used to do the same as you but for some reason the last 2 times I've cooked it, it has been fairly shit. Thank you familyalam
The person who made that graph needs to learn to speak English
>women with money are fat
but the graph says the top quintile (richest) females are the least often obese, it directly contradicts your statement
oh i cant read
Ground turkey
Olive oil
Tomato puree
Grated carrots
Minced garlic
Diced tomatoes
This is what i use to make sauce
You must be fat
>Every country except Japan in the sub 10% category is an impoverished shithole
You could make the argument that China isn't technically impoverished, but the majority of the population is still rural and the rural Chinese live like third worlders.
nigga there is no place with more coke than mexico, they have their share of burgers too
I'm Libyan and fast food is popular as fuck here, like disturbingly popular.
Cafés, restaurants, fast food places and sweets shops are fucking everywhere.
t. My dinner last night Was a chicken wrap and two shawarma.
>Mexicans and Libyans are not eating a lot of fast food. S. Koreans are.
Fuck off. I'm Mexican and don't act like you know our food culture at all. We always eat out as families, tacos burgers everything. Nobody drinks water we drink flavored sodas. Jaritos and coke. Fuck juice and water. And if we're not eating out we're having a large meal with a soda.
why are arabs so disgusting?
meat better include fish and insects
Not my mommy!
good goy, losing table tradition is only the first step of cultural rewrite.
Nigger people Gregg borscht of eating traditional food everyday.
Get bored
>Nigger people Gregg borscht
what did he mean by this
Mexican here, Mexicans drink so much fucking coke it's unbelievable
I love my mum, fuck you
That's more of a "access to amylase and refined sugar" map.
Nigger(the person I replied to) people get bored*
As a mexican a lot of mexican food is fast food tier, because of all the fried food like fried tacos(the tortilla and the meat also and even the onions) fried beans, fried rice, so a lot of mexican food is fried and there is always a sugary drink in almost every meal, that's why mexicans are fat, we eat shit and sugar
My mom died last month tho...
I understand the US and to some extent Mexico and South Africa as well, but why are Arabs/North Africans so fat?
>Using a map from nearly ten years ago
Not that I'm saying it's better now but c'mon OP
It doesn't help that most of y'all are midgets
>t. Moved to beanerville and all the Mexicans stare like they never saw someone over six feet tall, or maybe they think I'm ICE
Skinny is poor.
Damn, Russia was unchanged until Putin got elected
High fat and carb based diet? Everything gets mixed and emulsified with olive oil, lard, or butter; then it's dipped in seasoned oil.
Fats have over twice the calories as carbohydrates or proteins, so blending your grains with oil and eating it with oil-rubbed bread isn't the best weight-loss program.
>The country's obesity rate soared under Clinton.
I am not remotely surprised. This is the same asshole that re-allocated money from social security to eliminate deficit, and is granted credit for economy that was mostly the net boom and had nothing to do with his administration.
Dude I'm not a yank but as one of their allies, sorry about ghaddafi. I knew from the start killing him would wreck Libya
Holy shit it’s all clear now. What a graph!
>>The country's obesity rate soared under Clinton.
>the obesity rate soars as high fructose corn syrup is injected into every piece of processed food and drink
>tfw the whole world is steadily becoming fatasses
Japan, Korea, and China have fast food. They just don't eat as large of portions, and as much, as Americans do.
Japan, Korea, and China have fat shaming in their culture, and usually work and study shitloads of hours.
Did anyone find pinker on this one?
This baby people fucking zoomed in on the vag
Personally, I like fast forward. It gets you past the commercials.
>I don't like thicc wom-
What the fuck
fake and ghey
thumbnail looked like 7/10
then i realized she was fully americanized
I don't know what you're trying to do.
I'll just use a different name if you want this one.
Then I'll use that one too.
who are you? and why are you both using my name?
I'm me. Who are you?
Why, though? Don't you know you can select forced anonymity on this site if you hate namefags?
Shitting up the board pretending to be me is still shitting up the board.
plz stop this
Because I hate namefags who think they're special. You want recognition for your posts, go to literally any other site on the web.
Make me, soyboy
damn canada is getting fat
im not gonna do my part to lower that percentage though, im too depressed for that
reminder that canada is joint custody of quebec and alberta btw, literally no other provinces matter
That and your economy isn't as shit as it used to be so people are eating out more.
T. Dual citizenship faggot
Please stop trying to ruin my reputation
who are you?